Should the EU ban all precision firearms that could shoot people from far away? After all, hunters don't need anything which is deadly beyond a range of 50 yards or so, no?
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On the off chance that you are not larping, It actually takes a good bit of skill to shoot at far targets. There is a reason that most shooting attacks that you see in the US are not sniper attacks or the ones that are labeled as sniper attacks really aren't very far range. Simply put, long range weapons are significantly less threat to public order than even picket knives.
Also, hunters really do need all the range that they can get. Surely you aren't saying that people should hunt bears from 50 yards, or that anywhere near an average hunter can get within 50 yards of a deer without alerting or spooking it. I'll admit that I have never hunted deer but I lived around a ton of them and they always saw me first.
>someone takes out a heavily guarded target speaking in an open air venue by climbing into a tree
>mike pence becomes pres
>"good thing we let hunters have it easy"
>he does this despite all the secret service and other counter snipers that have been in the area the whole day
The police, etc. really do take watching rooftops and sniper positions very seriously, my dude.
Are you saying Trump is not at threat from an alt-left killer who is training right now with a precision rifle on a gun range in a liberal US state? There are lots of situations where Trump is out in the open, be it in Washington or during his rallies across the country. A sniper could camp 800 yards away and land a shot right on Trump, no?
And as the alt-left is particularly strong in Europe, Trump is at risk during visits to Europe.
See the above post. There is absolutely no threat of that. You may as well be worried that someone will walk up on stage and stab him.
>You may as well be worried that someone will walk up on stage and stab him.
But that is impossible, as there are secret service staffers preventing this. There is no magic shield around Trump guarding from bullets.
Are you suggesting that you cannot land a winning shot from 800 yards away with training?
I am not suggesting it, I am stating it.
One shot on Trump is enough. How would CAT change that?
By already having occupied the suitable sniper positions, blocking off the unsuitable ones, and having armed men with long range rifles in high places watching every direction exactly as they have since the day after JFK died. Bullets are not some kind of magic, user. They have to be sent from somewhere and a special forces sniper in the secret service is going to know a lot more about where to look than some limp-wristed communist.
>By already having occupied the suitable sniper positions, blocking off the unsuitable ones
Impossible in Europe. Look at pic related, there are 10,000 possible sniper positions.
Which is precisely why the US secret service blocks off such buildings and guards the entrances, with patrols around and inside.
>Should the EU ban all precision firearms that could shoot people from far away?
What could possible go wrong...
Ruger Precision...mhmmhmmhmmm
you can brain someone from 100 years away with a shotgun using slugs. without too much difficulty. just be honest and admit you want a complete ban on all firearms. even modern crossbows are effective beyond your arbitrary 50 yard range. go ahead and ban those too. im sure that will keep all the law abiding criminals from using them to kill people.
>mfw it weighs 10 pounds
I sort of miss that faggot's shenanigans on twitter.
I miss that faggots lats mhmmhmmhm
>you can brain someone from 100 years away with a shotgun using slugs
>mfw some faggot with a shotgun in 2014 was the real cause of WW1
>mfw when a knife weighs more than 1 oz
Creedmoor is a sweet round but compared to a tac 50 which is accurate to like 2400+ yards it cant compare.
Banning sniper rifles is retarded. For hunting you want as much range as you can get.
Also, op is a faggot