Well then.
Well then
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What? wtf is this kike.
Made me think
bigass lightning bolt hit one of the surviving WTC towers
this was tuesday evening
Maybe tomorrow justice will be served
Last time we saw a dope lightning strike was when trump announced his running.
Amazing isn't it? When you consider the size of that building...
Hell, the size of the area in that image.
And see nature just casually shoot a bolt out like another day at the office, that dwarfs said building.
I'm starting to think that the eclipse might be the herald for all signs to begin appearing from The Prophecy
Trump is the messiah
or that act will be repeated minus the casualites of the first but the same effect and all maybe more
>one of the surviving WTC towers
>Question is who Time Traveled?
Trump in Arizona my money is on Jr. but for what?
Communist Anarchists are not Americans !!!
Trump is Declare them Terrorists.
an airplane being a bolt, of sorts?
regardless I'll be posting any new challengers to the predictions that I stumble across in the coming 33 days before the meeting of the dragon-
wait, "the belly of the dragon will drip water" could it mean water from the birth of a child? as in the celestial child will be eaten but then cut out
ah, it says "One World Trade Center" I have no fucking clue what that is, the rebuilt WTC or what?
Woah dude, God is like totally sending a message.
Leaf, the irony of those digits is something I hope that isn't lost on you.
Wow, it made me think
>two penis towers become a male/female looking one
>pence gets angry and God shoots it with lightning
it did? that alone is amazing considering you're you
Reminder that a lightning bolt hit the vatican when Benedict stepped down.
Likewise a lightning bolt hit Trump tower when Trump won the election.
Something is going down soon.
>wait, "the belly of the dragon will drip water" could it mean water from the birth of a child? as in the celestial child will be eaten but then cut out
It's possible. As the old saying goes "As above so as below". Whatever happens in space happens here also albeit using metaphors such as humans,animals,political/natural events like earth quakes, wars etc..
Echoes in other words.
Of killing yourself hopefully???
Bank of america mural. Write nasa ask them why theyre sending plutonium filled cassini straight into a gas planet
>plutonium filled cassini
Our existence just mimics the macro-verse
The microverse inside us(from bacteria down to the atoms) mimics us.
We are all part of an intricate machine we call reality. Everyone and everything has a place and purpose no matter what.
It's flying pretty straight for like 25 years just using gold plated tinfoil and totally not electric "currents" from the sun. I dont even care because Revelation says things too. And far better. The only source in fact. Do I know for sure? No. But something is odd and some say the "no man knows" thing refers to the fact the feast during that season can occur on any one of two days during lunar activity so it can't be known beforehand
God is not a man that He would lie. Man is not God. There was a paradise on earth. We blew ourselves out of it. For you to be correct, this world would be God's Kingdom. That's retarded. Let's extend it. Is Heaven like Hell? Now we're really in stupid land arent we
That always happens lmao
you're having brain problems
i see now
Ok so you just plop it out of the atmosphere aimed generally at saturn and it just retards its way bang on centre
>retards its way bang on centre
literal brain problems bro
>Man is not God.
Everything is god but the truth here is that man can become akin to God and gather the stray flock. The less distance you have from God the more you understand it but you will need a guide, a shepherd.
Sunday or Saturnday. Hrm. You ad hom lots and say nothing. Gold plated tinfoil it is
>i said i dont care and because why
>he doesn't talk about that just says im a retard and never discusses anything about anything else
You're fucking brain damaged you clown. Dont spoonfeed the scientists. They are shit flingers
Nah he's right just googled it.
Tho I'm not sure where it says that its carrying plutonium or shit
you know nothing about rocketry and spaceflight, do you?
Raise the dead. Heal lepers. Water to wine. Save all mankind by gettinh killed and having this be known for thousands of years and proven many times over. Then come back from the grave three days after you said you would. You were already born of a physical body. And you have probably sinned many times who knows how. Something tells me you are not God
>Nah he's right
>Tho I'm not sure where it says that its carrying plutonium
It all lands in the ocean anyways. Whining lots. No theories. No explanations am I hearing here
someone else came back from the future.
Close enough
>It all lands in the ocean anyways
I ment that he's right in the fact that there's a probe like that not the Saturn part
the booster stages launch off canaveral might hit the ocean, but, ugh, what do you know about space? it'll be easier to explain what you don't know if I know where your exposure to the knowledge stops
>lightning hits the tallest building in the area
>building has giant metal rods on top
who ever said lightning doesn't strike the same place twice was certifiably retarded
>blows him out on the plutonium
>doesnt say nothing just a meme picture about landing in ocean
Why are you smashing it into saturn? You dont even need to. Censored ayy face in the skies. Virgo jupiter. And now some bullshit on top. You never cares. Just wanna shill. It's what got us here
no it isn't thermoelectric powerplants are leagues less powerful than a fissionable explosive, it's literally and battery that runs off the decay heat of a very small package of radioactive matter and could be literally almost anything radioactive
>muh pear earff
Nukes arent even real. But if you got a cassini up there. You probably dont. It's a reactor. Not smart. Not that cassini is probably gas but light instead. Photos from cassini look flat and shitty. Why? Because you theorised it. So it's all lies :)
It has plutonium onboard. Bow tie science man takes back seat to other stuff. Nite
Bet it happened the moment he said America was now an energy exporter
what planet are you living on you fucking retard
everyone is laughing at you
you've been wrong about EVERYTHING
what prophecy?
Sup Forums can be real tinfoil sometimes
>Nukes arent even real
>Flat earth pic
im out
the amount of nothing you know has been revealed to exist in levels painful for others to perceive, please enter the containment zone of your own free will or suffer emergency quarantine procedures
oh gee bill a lightning strike in the tallest building when does that happen ?
we should gas the americans after the jews
at this point we might have lost the symbolism, when does impact with saturn occur?
Allah's second attempt wasn't as successful
not trying to be a fedora toting atheist but religion is for retards who adhere to a ideology founded when people sisnr bathe regularly and thought mental illnesses were the result of demonic possession at worst or divine guidance at best.
any "prophecy" was either coded messages or the scattershot of a schizophrenic. notice how they're always vague, it's never like "in 2001, a flying metal bird will destroy a large building."
that is a gross misrepresentation of history and religion, but I'm inclined to agree with the second half of your statement
No. A lot of us speculated the belly of the dragon was the gorge(?) dam in China, their biggest. Speculations of it collapsing and flooding china
it was mostly hyperbole, i'd be an idiot to deny how religion has shaped history and culture, i just think it's stupid, and that people using faith instead of rational thought is rather asinine. it's one thing to have faith in patterns, i.e. you believe in someone because they have proven themselves, as opposed to believing everything will work out because you pray about it and have faith in it, as opposed to actually doing something or analyzing the likelihood that it will have a positive outcome.
wasn't it also possibly that spillway in california with the dragon's teeth emplaced at the bottom?
I'm somewhat enjoying the whole gammut of meme magic. The spooky shit is amusing, but I don't have the education to log all the negative correlations that fail, but at least I know and can account for that lack.
How is that lightning bolt so fat? I think if that hit a car or a truck or a passenger plane it would turn it into pudding?
About how shit anime is?
Sure is Sup Forums in here.
Isn't there some old nuclear plant in China that's been leaking shit into the water unchecked for a while? I remember seeing webms of it but it might not have been China.
go back to your weed
What the fuck's that got to do with anything?
Why am I even shitposting in this pointless thread?
Yeah, it was probably China, user, they are the cockroaches of people.