>this is a 14 year old bulgarian girl
This is a 14 year old bulgarian girl
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Good to know
The west has officially fallen.
Too old
post more for umm research of the degeneracy
Don't know what's worse
>sexualizing a little girl.
14 years old and she already looks like shit smdh
Post puberty. Prime time
Neither. The problem is sexualizing any girl to increase competition and marketing her towards niggers.
I don't care if a girl acts slutty as long as it's only towards me.
Here's a video m8
it's a shitty fucking song
Turkish occupation is a hell of a drug.
I'd cum deep inside her
Well shit, the age of consent is 14 in Bulgaria.
I'd put superglue on my nose and plant it straight to her armpit
Make this cut to Charlotsville
Good plan but surely her asshole is preferable??
looks like 30 though
too old
You're too late my man.
Based Bulgarians...
We should just allow teens to do porn desu
If you have a valid passport, then you're one lucky pedophile m8
god canadians are such pathetic faggots
fuck off muhammad
Armpits are premium sniffs, my friend. I found that out by trial and error.
she looks so damn trashy, without the make up she would look better.
but damn the beginning of this vid, this is extreme lolita crap, how are they getting away with it?
you know you want it
Fucking shit, she's in another video.
Sick to think that everyone seems ok with this . Background check on the music studio needed could be a farm
You fucking porn addicts. Do you really not find shit like this sad?
I get it where you guys are coming from, but would you let your 14 year old daughter do anything like this or even become this slut?
age of consent is 14 in germany but there are still restrictions, the restrictions are gone with 16.
but even if someone gets caught fucking under 16 the laws are way too weak.
heh i guess those pedos were right all along
What do you mean? They're already old enough - girls are deep into puberty, and the boys can have sex with them. I don't have a problem if two 14 year olds (or a 14 year old girl and a 18 year old boy) go at it, but... you just know she got passed around through many 30+ year olds to have such a carreer at this age.
Her movements are also incredibly stiff, it's almost as she is being forced to do it.
Hail Gremory!
Shoot their parents and force her to become a nun.
Despite being lower in quality, it has 10x the views.
just the right size for a BBC
if the age of consent is 14, what's the problem?
be happy you are poor or the darkies would already be in the video.
What about a 14 year old girl and a 28 year old boy?
burger not knowing the difference between consent for sex in same age group or doing pornlike videos.
>the west
Pick one
dude, her parents are probably illiterate
she's clearly a gipsy rape baby
Her "musical" evolution. Who the fuck is this girl?
burger education strikes again
I don't have any problems with even thirty and forty year olds having sex with as low as twelve but imagine the living hell of what to do with the little skank when you aren't cumming in her mouth...
fuck off this is a gypsy turk girl and you know it
Oh, and also I don't approve of eroticised videos of 14 year olds; this is just wrong.
T-thanks, Democracy.
This is brain-fucking-numbing, what the fuck.
well hopefully shes your wife faggot
so.... husband and wife shit
Oh shush there is nothing wrong with eroticism in 14 year old girls you stupid white knight
Fuck you Muhammad.
I would rather see my 14yo daughter with a 28yo man who's got his life sorted out, than with some clueless other 14yo.
Bulgaria is fucking weird, man
So I found this... Kinda unrelated but still... What the fuck?
>intellectual huezillian
>tfw shutin neet and weeb
>don't know any local fads
gypsies btfo
incredible dumb or some autistic troll.
>i know my mother but you know life
>i say yes to lucifer and budha
what did she mean by this?
>whores exist
>more at 11
I never knew friend.
I'm as white as the driven snow my faggot cunt of an user...
her forehead is bigger than mine. congrats.
So you can fuck it but she can't make you want to fuck her?
what type of nose does this guy have?
She must have a big brain.
No wonder why Bugars listen to our Turbo-Folk kek.
I loled man
Underrated post!!
What's your problem. leaf? The average 14 year old boy doesn't even know how to clean his ass properly.As long as the older guy is a productive proud white man who's willing to marry the daughter, there's no problem at all.
Ahahaah that's nothing, watch this
please upvote and give Sup Forums gold
Even the metal heads play that chalga channels as a background during parties, on mute that is.
The man should be [girl's age+6] tops. Any more than that and people will look weird at you.
A more experienced adult would also be manipulate the fuck out of her - but with boys around her age it would be alright, since it's a mutual discovery.
But most girls aren't really that interested in boys, they're interested in older men that they can mooch off from. A young boy would not be able to spend tons of money on you, and he'll not be able to drive you around on his luxury car. Yes, girls are golddigers.
Same here my man. I don't even browse any Bulgarian sites anymore; I found this shit on the archive while I was looking for happenings in Bulgaria.
the "gipsy rape baby" type
Everyone knows your countries are the #1 source for prostitutes, which does not exclude children. I feel sorry for when our government gives full adoption/human trafficing rights to homosexuals for muh equality, the pillaging will be on then.
When I listen to this Rasta becomes an angel to me
Eroticism in general should never be publicized. A girl can be as freaky as she wants behind closed doors, but when a girl is slutty publicly, that causes a problem. It makes a girl want more attention from guys, thus her becoming a needy slut.
With slut shaming and all that shit, being a slut in public would be seen as very uncool, but at the same time, kinky shit would become more taboo, if not even vanilla little kinks. Imagine finding a young girl acting all proper, and tiny little vanilla things turn her on with her going "But sir! That's taboo!" and she'll ask for some private time for you to be a "filthy dirty nasty man." Shit, even little sneaky ass pinches would make a girl cum buckets if the world was less sexual in public.
Also, teen girls are prime. I'd give a man a high five and a beer if he scored teen emo girl poon.
what if the child consent tho
You're too hard on yourself, user
Not gonna be my proudest fap... but it is what it is.
damn what year is it
i know shit comes later to us but still...
IDJ treba ukinuti
perhaps Muhamed was onto something and it is time we lower age of consent to 9
You do make many excellent points I must concede...
"manipulate" wtf does that even mean?
presumably they are married; wtf is there to manipulate?
>he doesn't know the autotune angel
She looks like 10 years older in the music video. Here's an interview where she really looks 14
Eastern Europe has always been trashy Europe has always been trashy it's nothing new for god sake the Greeks used to paint pictures of people ass fucking on their way Potter
You can't kill the degenerate within European culture we can't kill the degeneracy in man it must be suppressed with a boot stamping on your face forever
>when you have passed 10 minutes without squatting
>The man should be [girl's age+6] tops. Any more than that and people will look weird at you.
>A more experienced adult would also be manipulate the fuck out of her - but with boys around her age it would be alright, since it's a mutual discovery.
>But most girls aren't really that interested in boys, they're interested in older men that they can mooch off from. A young boy would not be able to spend tons of money on you, and he'll not be able to drive you around on his luxury car. Yes, girls are golddigers.
A young teen lad is like a little imp and would just try to size up and go skater frat boy mode and eventually leave her to be used goods. It's not so innocent now in high schools and hasn't been for a while now.
Right now, the daddy-dom kink is popular. you find young girls wanting a "daddy" and I don't mean a sugar daddy. Even teen girls are wanting older guys. The reason? Biology. They want a man to be their "senpai" so to speak. The "daddy" who lets them ride on their shoulders, pounds their holes hard, and acts like a confident leader, while they act like a little bratty girl both cute and a little shit at the same time, because they want to be put in their places.
Welcome to the animal kingdom.
Is this before or after the town rapist?
It's in almost every "modern" Bulgarian song that plays on the radio.
I don't actively listen to Bulgarian radios because I prefer playing music off my flash drive while I'm in my car, but I can't help but hear these shitty songs when I'm shopping.
Some are good and some are cringe material
But Mimi Mercedez needs to be shot
She's fucking disgusting in every way possible.
nah the formula for not being weird is
(half your age) + 7 = minimum age for a gf
under that you can fugg but it's degenerate for a gf
She still looks older than that. Look at those lines from her nose to her mouth. The only think kinda youthful is her forehead and arms.
why is this getting posts i dont give a fuck about your 14 year old bulgarian cunt
Literally as eastern as europe gets
>the west has fallen