Why are we getting ready to fight these guys again?
Why are we getting ready to fight these guys again?
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We never stopped.
Because you need us to immigrate to your countries to increase your fertility rate, we Afghans have one of the highest fertility rate in the world.
You're not fighting Afghanistan, you're fighting IS-K and the Taliban.
You do know we never left Afghanistan, right?
No we are continuing the fighting but we are using bullets this time and not building townhomes.
Or we could just incentivize whites to procreate by providing marriage loans and the like instead of forcing us to subsidize non-whites to have children at our expense.
Trump received intel that the taliban are trying to push into Pakistan, and have already infiltrated the Pakistani military all with the hopes of gaining access to their nukes
Obama pulled troops out in favour of drone strikes.
All drone strikes did was radicalized the people against the US. No troops on the ground also makes it easier for the terrorists to move within communities.
Troops on ground is what was needed to actually win the conflict. Worst thing Obama did in my opinion was the removal of troops before stability was achieved.
Or you know, Trump could maybe use the $45 billion per year to, you know, build the wall, or you know, actually fulfill his campaign promises.
Because it is on Irans border
In all seriousness Iranian occupation of Afghan would probably be the best thing to stop Islamic extremism in the country.
>build the wall
>actually fulfill his campaign promises
You can blame establishment Republicans who are dragging their feet just as much as the Democrats. None of this people are going to play ball because if they do the dirt on them comes out. You expect pedophiles to have loyalty to their country? Please.
What the fuck pedophilia has to do with nationalism?
Yeah, what does it? Because I didn't correlate the two in the least. Would you think for once before you post and show how fucking stupid you actually are, Paco? Please? Yet you wonder why I and others don't want your type here.
>Iran border
Burger, you win the prize.
US inserting itself to thwart Russia-China new Silk Road initiative.
Which Iran is a major player.
Geo politics. Trade and empire.
The Great Game v4.0
>You expect pedophiles to have loyalty to their country?
>I didn't correlate the two
Now, you're dumb.
it's nothing goym. log off Sup Forums and go to sleep. it's late.
This might interest you, as you are burger who "gets it"
7 reasons why by comparison with the USSR the US is losing in Afghanistan
At this point a brief discussion of comparisons between the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s and the US war in Afghanistan, which has been going on continuously since 2001, is useful.
The differences are in fact profound and many, and here they are
(1) the USSR intervened in 1979 to stabilise the existing government of Afghanistan; the US intervened in Afghanistan in 2001 to overthrow its government;
(2) the Soviet presence in Afghanistan lasted a total of 9 years; the US presence in Afghanistan has now lasted for 16 years and is still continuing;
(3) the Jihadi rebels who fought the USSR and the Afghan government in the 1980s (the so-called “Mujahedeen”) were strongly backed by the US and by a coalition of US allies including Pakistan, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. They were provided with secure base areas in Pakistan and were also abundantly supplied with often sophisticated weapons including famously Stinger anti aircraft missiles.
By contrast the Taliban has received no overt support from any foreign government and has fought the US and the US led coalition largely on its own;
(4) The total number of Soviet troops who passed through Afghanistan in the 1980s is put at 620,000, though the actual number present in Afghanistan at any one time was never more than 80-104,000 (the latter is the absolute peak figure).
The total number of US troops who have passed through Afghanistan is surprisingly difficult to come by; however the peak number of US troops in Afghanistan at any one time seems to have been around 30,000.
To these of course should be added the various troop contributions made by various US allies, though these have varied widely both in number and effectiveness.
I pointed out why they wouldn't pursue an American First policies (nationalistic), because these people are involved in nefarious shit and have a gun pointed at their head because of it. You're dumb, not me. I guess they don't teach much in your country, let alone reading comprehension.
7 reasons why by comparison with the USSR the US is losing in Afghanistan
(5) Total irrecoverable losses of Soviet personnel in Afghanistan are put at 14,453. US military deaths in Afghanistan as of 18th October 2016 are put at 2,386 military deaths and 1,173 US civilian contractor deaths.
Note however that these figures may not be exactly comparable.
The US figure apparently reports combat related deaths in the area of conflict (Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan).
Apparently the Soviet figure includes deaths of wounded personnel outside ‘the area of conflict’ (ie. in hospitals in the interior of Russia) and also the significant number of non-combat caused deaths caused by accidents and above all by sickness of which there were apparently many because of the partial failure of the Soviet logistic system in Afghanistan, especially in the early years of the Soviet intervention there.
To arrive at figures that would be fully comparable losses suffered by US allies in Afghanistan should also be added to the US totals.
Britain has for example reported 454 deaths as of 24th July 2015.
The total number of deaths suffered by the US coalition in Afghanistan was put at 3,407 in October 2015 inclusive of the US combat deaths the method of calculation of which is discussed above.
7 reasons why by comparison with the USSR the US is losing in Afghanistan
(6) A February 1987 a US intelligence assessment calculated the total financial cost of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan to the USSR as 15 billion roubles, which would have been about the same amount in 1980s US dollars. Note that this includes both military and civilian spending including economic assistance. This is now known to have been an overestimate based on an over-high calculation of Soviet casualties (assumed to be 30,000).
The total financial cost of the US intervention in Afghanistan has been officially estimated at $1 trillion as of October 2015 (unofficial estimates put the cost much higher, though other estimates pitch it lower at $780 billion).
According to official US government estimates the US is spending $4 million an hour on the military side of its war in Afghanistan.
An independent British study has estimated the total financial cost of the British intervention in Afghanistan to Britain as £37 billion.
(7) The USSR withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 after the Soviet backed government there had been stabilised and when it was in secure control of all of Afghanistan’s main towns and cities.
Contrary to widespread predictions the Afghan government survived the Soviet withdrawal and only finally collapsed in the spring of 1992, several months after the USSR had itself collapsed, and only after Soviet aid to Afghanistan was stopped.
Even then the final collapse of the Soviet backed government was not caused by a Mujahedeen military victory but by factional infighting within the government which led to an internal coup.
7 reasons why by comparison with the USSR the US is losing in Afghanistan
The US decision to intervene in Afghanistan in 2001 was also a disastrous error, though it has never in the US been officially recognised as such.
However the stated objective of the intervention – to achieve the capture of Osama bin Laden – was fully achievable diplomatically, with Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elements of the Taliban all committed to helping the US achieve it. It was the US decision to intervene in Afghanistan militarily that made that impossible, facilitating Osama bin Laden’s escape, and ensuring his survival for a further ten years.
Since then the US has failed to hit on a coherent or achievable objective for the war it is continuing to fight in Afghanistan. However it has continued to fight the war in its usual way, by trying to minimise casualties by fighting the war at astronomic financial cost.
The result is that no discernible objective is being achieved because the US has never come up with one. Instead, in the absence of an achievable objective the US can realistically focus on and work towards, the US position in Afghanistan is all too predictably sliding towards defeat and crisis.
3) our allies the saudis support the taliban. pakistan too.
Four words: Taliban want Pakisan's nukes
Opium.Black budget for cianiggers and alike.
Because you have to make up a reason as to why thousands of soldiers are still defending poppy fields. You never left and afghanistan is like 95% of the opium produciton world wide.
The quality of Heroin dropped off and we have to do something about that.
Like anybody in America would give a shit about Mullies killing Mullies.