Instead of a bunch of antifa giving us a bunch of small memes, we had one brave soldier give us pure gold.
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Lets saturate the saltmines with this dank meme
lol that high pitched screaming is fucking amazing.
Play stupid games with Phoenix PD win stupid prizes. Phoenix PD will shoot you in the dick if you try to play kick the gas can.
Hahahahaha I had only seen it without audio. That squealing made my night.
So can anybody from /k/ tell me how hard and fast that thing was sailing at the baizuo's nuts?
Oh god damn. Fucking kek.
It's from this video lads
LOL what a little bitch, antifa scum totally btfo
Went right in there.
This is how we remove their cancer, remove their ability to breed.
Hahahahahahaha it's muffle screaming like the pyro from TF2
This. We need to find out who this fag is and what happened to his balls. Meme him.
Is it illegal to just start shooting them in the dick with paintball guns or something? I could sleep at night with a strategy like this
what is it that hit him? rubber bullet? anyone knows?
What video game is this?
>recording police while flipping them off
>guy takes beanbag to the groin
>middle finger goes down
The lore is deep
hope it was worth it for resisting danald strumpf
He looks hurt.
Pepperballs has given Sup Forums so much tonight
Good, cured him of his toxic masculinity.
This is the antivenin that all male feminist allies need.
This makes Antifa's existence all worth it.
Somebody buy the cop that shot that faggot a beer. That aim was pure perfection.
Peppered balls
> see the guy get hit in the ball by gas grenade
> put finger down and casually walks away
Hahaha, yea that made me giggle.
His nuts are busted.
He Deserved it.
Prancing around with a Molotov Cocktail.
Antifa Commies set police on fire.
I was supportive until I heard the policeman that made the shot was dressed as General Robert E Lee
Today Pepperballs joins the ranks of Big Red, Le Current Year Guy, Aids Skrillex, Banshee, Triggly Puff and alike.
Congratulations on you ascension to Meme power level. God/Kek bless Sup Forums
Erect a Statue to that man.
"His Aim was true, he made that commies balls blue"
Really? I heard he was dressed as an Italian chef.
>an for you, little paizano, we have-a saved the most a-spicy meat-a-ball
French police
Fuck Antifa with a medieval mace
>my sides = orbit
found my new screen saver
He sounds like Wilhelm.
>wearing gym shorts to the protest
smart guy very protective
hows your $25 an hour paid protest working out for you now dipshit
>tfw captcha was grapes
Oh the irony in color.
ooo, noice maymay
When they go high Phoenix PD goes low.
He's going to transition now
i wrote that cause i cant read
tfw i cant remove posts
>Finlands bolice shoots terrorist in the dick
>Few days later American bolice shoots terrorist in the dick
Black and Red Pepperballs.
The ultimate in antifa repellent.
Apparently it uses gunpowder to gain velocity instead of co2.
His Aim was True, he shot down a Commie PEW PEW PEW
This was also hilarious. This guy came on Fox 10 after the rally and he was just hysterical. Yelling, "Not my president" and "Is he going to pardon me?!". Over and over again.
scratch that. it was way worse.
/k/ confirms.
Pepperballs' meme just got better. The pepperball is loaded into this thing.
Incendiary nerf rounds? What is this?
>pyrotechnic round
>20-40 seconds
i-is this a rocket propelled grenade that he got hit on the balls with?
it appears to be quite possible
there needs to be a bunch of reviews on this thing praising its effectiveness against animals
>dirty animals
His Aim was True, he destroyed the commie Jew.
His pussy has to be sore
>pepper balls
It writes itself
New pokemon. That's your room in Pallet Town
Hmm, really peppers your balls.
Ow my balls! edit when
No you idiots it's a false flag to blame the police
His dick just flew off thanks to gluten
tomorrow ill make a high quality one
the internet is pure genius sometimes.
wouldn't that be grounds for use of live ammo in the US?
Just look at how fast it travels. It's like instantly at his nuts. Def nut damage.
Maybe, which is why they shot him in the nuts before he could do anything stupid.
>Pepe Balls
Hate to disapoint you all but the Antifa guide to peaceful protests state to wear a groin guard, a (gas) mask and a helmet. Hopefully he read the memo.
>no helmet
>fell to ground
>blue pants
he was off duty
fucking newfags all of you
Because they are trying to start a Communist Revolution.
They want blood in the streets.
About 300 feet per second.
The projectile on the 37mm ones can be replaced with a D Cell battery. When launched it's much more effective than the rubber.
Trump provokes them and comfy Sup Forums enjoys the lulz. I see win/win.
I hope not!
No silly, it isn't an rpg. No, it's more like a giant 40mm bullet, propelled towards it's target in the same way as say a 9mm round, or 5.56
Captcha: Spalding Jefferson
Have you ever been hit in the tip of the dick with something?
Hurts man. A lot!
if they actually managed to get a few cops on fire then yea they're probably about to be blown away
I can't math, how many fps?
probably just hitscan
huutista :DDDD
>Grounds for use of live ammo
Force of any kind may be used as long as no one is recording you while u use it and as long as its some what provoked so your police buddies can say that ooga booga had it comin.
Kill yourself antifa scum/ leaf retard
He took a solid shot to the nuts
It was definitely game over for sack lmao
Back... and to the left.
Wouldnt his chastity device protect against the projectile though?
The meme magic is off th3 charts. We're in a synchronicity storm. Shit is being memed into happennng with severely reduced delay.
god damn mein sides
>Pepper balls
His nuts are burst? Will he even have the option of fatherhood?
>a beer
Ok but also buy him more ammo and a lasertag so he can crush more balls
You shall address me by denegerate pinko scum red Marxist commie cucked fag leaf retard or DPSRMCCFLR. Use the right pronouns.
someone should meme chastity belts as groin protection for antifa. the memes just write themselves
fucking colin kaperNODICK still taking a knee
if he doesn't learn to stand up, he will soon be kneeling to pay for his pocket dogs