Lol, Christ cucks
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He wants fame, ignore him.
Luther was right, pope a cuck.
Not this again
He is not a Christian.
Do not know what you are getting at.
Yes he is. Jesus says if someone asks for your shirt, give him your coat too.So why aren't you giving everything you have to the needy refugees user?
>Join religion to escape regressive shit.
>Church functions as extension of the leftist agenda.
Can't take that cuck religion serious anymore.
>Hire some slummer from South America to be your closest voice to god
>Not expecting him to sell out to globalists
i may add another 20 bucks to my bet on pope for winning the next nobel peace prize. keep it up padre
>Being Christian with this stupid cuck as the Pope
>implying Catholics and Pope are Christians
kys pagan cuck
notice the vatican isnt taking in 10 billion refugees
Pagans are no better
He's the fucking pope, he's already famous.
Catholic Church used to be based af. After WW2 the church has lost its spine.
Of course Pagan demons will use this opportunity to push their faggot religion as if it will somehow save the west. In reality Odin was a semen demon and Loki was into horsefucking.
fugg :D:D
he's a jesuit, exactly the opposite of "christian"
Pagans try so hard to make Nazism theirs but it never will be.
Hitler loved Jesus and there's nothing you can do about it, pagan demons. Back to hell with you.
The Church of old is dead. But regardless, it was always full of corrupt clergy and engaged in petty political squabbles. The religious aspect went down the drain during the enlightenment.
The pope does not represent my religion, thank you very much. I need no intermediary between me and my God apart from Jesus, His Son and my Saviour.
Get this pagan idolater out of my church REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
actually (((pagans)))) are worst
Because the refugees will just rape my wife and children
The vast majority of protestants sects are progressive degenerate echo chambers but myyyyyyy protestant sect is totally not cucked, I promise! Tell me you're Anglican and you deserve to be mocked even further. The Catholic church is in a terrible state but when protestant claim that somehow they're better it makes me laugh.
So? Turn the other cheek brah.
It is foolish to always turn the other cheek 100% of the time; there is a time and place for everything
Pope Pius was the last good Pope.
You're church literally was made so a guy could divorce his wife lol. Protties btfo
>turn the other cheek
Better than banning white people which is what many pagans want to do. Fuck off back to hell demon.
This. All christcucks become orthodox, now. Ask for the jew hating upgrade at baptism.
Nah I'm happy with my rad trad catholicism. Return to the original faith, eastern schismatic. You can't divorce your wife 3 times and still go to Heaven.
Hellfire unless you return.
I love burgers urging people to convert to Orthodoxy without knowing anything about European history.
The Greek Orthodox are thoroughly mixed up in ecumenism, inter-religious dialog, and have embraced a new calendar without an Ecumenical Council. My local Greek Orthodox Church here in the Midwest is just as pozzed as the several (very, very Catholic city) Novus Ordo Catholic Churches. Also, your teachings on divorce don't make sense to me.
fugged :DDDD
That's right, Paganism is fugged.
What about the gutting of the ancient Holy Week services? But in general I agree, he was the last real Pope.
This true mutt-american doesn't represent anything but a jewish, hedonist consumer culture.
its official, he forfited every right to be a pope
the issue isn't a lack of generosity.
the issue is if your floodgates are open and unregulated, there's no reason the people creating those situations won't come with them, it's not like they're leaving infertile land. they're fleeing themselves and for gibs.
we pump plenty of gib into whatever country you have.
>criticising christians for all the evil
>not mentioning muslims
>not mentioning (((them)))
t. Varg
because they are not needy, yes you are supposed to give the shirt off your back, but not to someone who is going to kill you and rape your wife and children
His South American is showing.
"Oh, magical sandnigger in space, the god that does not belong to me"
Kill yourself, faggot
He's Pope, when we don't have to listen to anything he says, without first consulting our books? The Catholic Church was never about that, always explicitly forbade that. The Pope, in union with the overwhelming majority of bishops, is infallible on matters of faiths, morals, and matters intimately connected to these. NO ONE can resist these under Catholicism, hierarchy, authority, obedience have always been absolutely central.
He's a small guy
Be Christians all you want but that faggot Francis has got to go. I genuinely think he's a poofter with jungle fever.
Vicar of my wife's son on earth.
when you already are pope but still need to grandstand lol
ugh why is every side so shit why cant we have something in the middle?!
Can you even name (((echobergs))) in an EU country without facing jail time?
>Yes he is. Jesus says if someone asks for your shirt, give him your coat too.So why aren't you giving everything you have to the needy refugees user?
Mainly because I don't have my Bible knowledge from cherry-picked out of context quotes from Jewish websites.
>no true scotsman
Stop grasping at straws retard
> those who don't believe will have a fate worse than sodom and Gomorrah
>"I came here to serve those who believe in me, why would I take the bread from my son and gibe it to a dog"
The bible ask you to be kind with other believers, the pope is a fucking cuck
Is there anything more disgusting than coalburners of the soul?
>The Pope, in union with the overwhelming majority of bishops, is infallible on matters of faiths, morals, and matters intimately connected to these
Only the Pope is infallible and only when speaking ex-Cathedra. The last (and only) time it has happened since the Papal infallibility became a dogma was in 1950. Francis is just spouting feel-good liberal nonsense either by sheer naivity or because he was put into power by liberal cardinals who want to destroy the traditional forces in the Church, or maybe both.
All Christcucks on Sup Forums are larpers.
I doubt he is gay, however the circle of cardinals which has allegedly put him in power is full of pro-gay liberals. Look up the St. Gallen group.
Afaik Pope Benedict has written about a gay lobby in the Vatican which he has managed to shut down, but judging by his resignation and his successor I have doubts about how successful he was.
shut up and leave pol you marxist shit
It is thou will
and so it is mine
Open the Vatican to the 'Slims. Then you can have an opinion as a world leader.
Sorry brother, you have some more studying to do. The Pope speaking ex-cathedra, and Church councils approved by the Pope, are infallible under the extraordinary universal magisterium. The Pope, in union with the bishops, teaching on a matter of faith, morals, or matters intimately connected to these, "with one voice" (in agreement) are infallible under the universal ordinary magisterium. Vatican 1 and 2 spelled this out I believe.
>juice box cuck
Bible says more along the lines of how he talks. And Bibi put around place in the world you claim you don't like it happening. You suck
He's doing gods work.
Let more migrates blow up the good people and send them to heaven before the end times.
do catholics even like the prog rock pope?
ayyyy christcucks
What did he mean by this?
pic related
But when the person with the coat tries to kill you and your race and ideology?
All are god's children, etc.
You are partially right, ecumenical councils and universally accepted teachings of the faith are also considered infallible. However the Pope is definitely not saying all this crap in union with the bishops "with one voice", neither ex Cathedra, so it does not fall under infallibility.
Jesus himself ought to be your only concern at this point. Trust men if you dare, but in my opinion the safest bet is to read the Bible and simply do as Jesus does.
What did your beloved rabbi do when people tried to kill him?
>1 post by this ID
Reposting the same thread again with not even an attempt at discussion. Must be a fulfilling life.
Pope Francis seems young in spirit, a bit on the radical side. Very different from Pope Benedict who was somewhat 'unpopular' I'd say.
I've noticed priests emulating his style. I'd prefer to see more introspective spiritual philosophy instead of political commentaries
He is the Pope and he's been chosen for a reason
The Vatican II abandonment of traditional Catholicism, and founding of a new religion (all new sacraments, new catechism, ecumenism and inter-religious dialog, new "right" to religious liberty) are certainly protected. But, they pretty clearly are in contradiction with previous binding teachings of the Church. Hence logical contradiction, defection, the gates of Hell HAVE prevailed against it, etc. I've turned to Evola and Neoplatonism to fill the gap. Anyway, my point is that an obedient Catholic (and Catholics have to be obedient to the Church) is forced to brace the aggoriamento, the embracing of modernity and its essential pozz.
christianity is idolatry
Christians be like: turn the other cheek, blahblahbla, give free gibs to someone else blablabla, wez need mo money fo dem programs...
>anything but embodiment of cuckoldry
Only thing catholicucks deserve is to be burned at stake.
Forn Sidr means our tradition. Anyone treating it like a religion you can just convert to is wrong. European paganism is a European thing, these people don't represent it.
that man is not holy, or good. his interpretations are garbage. he will get his due.
>I came here to serve those who believe in me, why would I take the bread from my son and gibe it to a dog
He does in fact give her the bread. Try actually reading the bible sometimes.
An Orthodox, not a protestant, right? Protestantism is the most manifestly self contradictory retarded non-sense in the Christian world.
Spiritual catholkike
Or is the Deus Vult not serious?
This is why I'm not Catholic. I believe in Jesus, not a senile politician.
He is a traitor of the fate, not able too see reality trough the walls of the Vatican. He will pay for what he has done.
The Orthodox Church is the true Church of Jesus Christ. Catholicism is as heretical as Protestantism.
Catholicism is not pacifist. Just wars are okay.
Nobody is forced to embrace modernity, there are very powerful voices of traditionalism in the Church, which of course the current Pope and his liberal lackeys dislike. I went to a Latin Mass a few times, I've rarely seen so many young people in a church before. If anyone tries to make these poz into dogma, it'll lead to a schism.
Remember when devout Catholics murdered your comrades in Spain? :^)
>posts under le DEUS VULT memeflag
the fucking irony
Fuck the Pope, and fuck the cucktholic church.
Roman catholicism is as cucked as liberal protestants.
The true christianity is the Orthodox Church and the traditional Protestants.
Never believe otherwise.