so.. soo thiis.... this is the power.. the power of the united states of america......
so.. soo thiis.... this is the power.. the power of the united states of america......
>old story
>U.S. Military community lol'd at the cunts in white socks
You got us canadia. Reminder california could go to war with canadia and have 2 million more people. Your country is a joke and mearly held land until the U.S. needs to expand and devide ethnostates.
>gets beaten by fucking brown skins
>tries to sound threatening
Osama has a BBC, one that (((they))) don't control which is why (((they))) hate him.
>the power of paid antifa
>Murican education
>often abbreviated as Sup Forums
Normie levels off the fucking charts
top kek
Is this some kind of Iranian D&C thread?
I bet the jews hate it that we love Syria and Iran.
Can't wait until we tear up NAFTA and both of your economies collapse. Especially you, Paco.
This happened under Obongo
if you capture your enemy, you become their prisoner
Obama wasn't the one who surrendered.
Who guessed Madagascar as North Korea? What is it North of? Logic, not even once
But seriously wtf is going on with your ships ending up with holes in them and sailors "going missing"?
Something is really fucking off and sinister there. Sort it out.
even if they somehow stumble to his place , it will take them years to figure out how to post here.
They're all Mexican or Brown from the looks of it.
I bet every Iranian on Sup Forums has printed this picture out and hung it on their wall, before they get a visit from the local Sharia patrol and beaten for going on a kuffar website
But then again most Iranians on here live and parasitize from Western countries
very good
If you fail to feed the ship gods they will repay you with failure.
So, they're average american
Wow. You are fucking stupid. Madagascar is not even on that map…. The island I think you are talking about is off the coast of India….
shut up you dirty french cunt
>some guys just doing PT photographed, later it turns into a meme and false flag of global proportions
ZOG america
>Pretends to be smart, is actually just as retarded as most Americans
Probably the most American reaction I will read today. Thanks!
i wish i was with the iranian captors
i'd make intense love to their snow nigger assholes
i'd make them cook me dinner wearing hijab
i'd make them love me
and it won't be gay because i'll do it for the power trip
What's the yellow stuff by the hose?
1 Patrol boat VS a Navy.
Fuck you guys are real hard when you out number your enemies more than 100:1.
>American Alleutians
>Fucking Midway
Good job nuking your own country