Why do people who claim to like diversity cheer for a future where humans all become one race?
Why do people who claim to like diversity cheer for a future where humans all become one race?
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They don't know diversity
Useful idiots are only temporary
This "hurr durr we'll all become the average of white, black, asian, etc" thing is dumb even for leftists.
Currently the west is getting blacked by migrants. But they're still breeding new pure nigs in Africa at exponential rates. So then in 50 years the mulatto europeans will be forced to take in more pure nigs, and will become 3/4 nog.
The end result of the status quo is inevitably the planet of the apes. Only by stopping the infestation in Africa can we save the world.
what are you talking about? The will still be every race other than whites around.
no they claim we all become OP
what about the chinks?
1.3 billion and counting
I never once heard people explain WHY diversity is an advantage for societies.
because they dont actually like diversity, they just hate white people.
* eats curry *
"diversity" is "anti-white" not actual diversity
There is never going to be a single race.
Because their double-think level is higher than yours?
Fucking scrub
It's newspeak
diversity is an advantage for societies because it allows new ideas, and practices, like rock and roll, to create happiness in a society. A future where humans all become one race is advantageous because skin cancer rates would go down, and because nigs with money, especially those who have had it their whole life, commit fewer crimes
* eats kebab *
>all nation is mulatto
>less crimes
see you in 30 years
Just Google it.
If we all end up looking like that I hope aliens enslave us.
Diversity is code word for anti white
I just got news on the Syrian Civil War.
One disease could easily wipe out that one mongrel race. This is why making more white children in America and Europe is a good thing and we should raise our birth rates and avoid race mixing. Mongrels are the reason Brazil and the rest of Latin America is so shitty. Closing immigration and allowing mostly Anglos and Europeans would benefit America the most.
Are you retarded? What would stop a single race from dying of a disease if they were all white?
You do realise that a race will become more generically diverse and therefore more resistant to disease through interbreeding
Inbred people have accomplished more then mixed people. Some of your kings were inbred and they were very successful and had high IQs at that time. Mixed mongrels have the average IQ of 80. Brazil is a shithole because of mixing and their people being inferior savages. That's why White countries are the most powerful while mixed ones are third world. Europeans have loads of Diverse while Africans and Asians only have dark hair and dark eyes.
>>One disease could easily wipe out that one mongrel race.
one man can dream
when (((they))) say diversity it's only meant to be understood in a financial way
niggers are disgusting looking. they should be genocided for that reason alone.
diverse is code for less white
Because they know homogenous societies are better.
They think the elimination of racial differences would also eliminate socioeconomic disparity, and they're not entirely wrong to think so.
The issue, to me, is that we'd be bringing everyone down to the genetic lowest common denominator instead of harnessing that which makes each race unique and useful in its own way.
No hate here, just an ethnic home for every race, please.
I think huge amounts of poverty did more damage than their race necessarily. It's funny how you haven't yet connected the Spanish Kingdom that dominated a fair chunk of the world with the Spanish descendants that live in south america.
Come on son.
>They think the elimination of racial differences would also eliminate socioeconomic disparity, and they're not entirely wrong to think so.
so why isn't everyone driving a ferrari in japan?
Is this what White people will look like by 2050? It's beautiful!
Good fuckin point
Spreads all across the globe for centuries displacing native peoples. Calls other races the infestation. WEW LAD!!!
>where humans all become one race
not gonna happen, impossible to happen
have we started the fire?
diversity is our strength. divided countries are stronger. what don't you get?
The color of your skin doesn't matter, it's what's inside you that matters.
Wow you should put that on a Hallmark card you dumb idiot
*slurps whiskey*
"Please, Just leave me be with my potato, my beautiful, sprouting potato"
I call BS.
Maybe 1/20 mixes work out well, but the other 19 go on a punnett square, and then the shit hits the fan.
This is how we ended up with Racehorses, by using careful selected breeding pairs, but a free for all generally ends in population boom, then die off, like an algae bloom, but people.
Loads of shitskins will die of natural causes, probably at an earlier age too.
non whites are inferior inside and out
>Why do people who claim to like diversity cheer for a future where humans all become one race?
Because all of marxism-leftism is all about hate. Hate towards the successful, towards the beautiful and handsome, sexy and fit, wealthy and intelligent.
They hate competition, if they're shit they want everybody to be shitty too.
this is the best definition I read of the left:
the right wants anyone to be able to be rich
the left wants everyone to be equal poor
>Niggers with money commit fewer crimes
its an evolutionary advantage of reproduction. Diversity is part of why our species rose to the top.
A disease starts wiping us out, but because of genetic differences, some humans end up resisting the disease. Those go on to repopulate. If there were no genetic differences, the entire population would be wiped out.
Both diverging, and mixing genes, increases human genetic diversity, and strengthens the human race.
The thing is it won't stop there... next it'll be one level of disability, then all the same level of obesity and then all the same sexuality or even sex. The truth about diversity is that it actually hates diversity. It is a contradiction in terms.
They have no idea what diversity is.
Most of them don't even know what culture is. They think every place on Earth is identical, just that you eat different food and have different festivals.
Exactly the kind of statement why the left is losing support from normalfags.
If any normalfag asks them something like that, not even because they question the validity of their statement but just out of interest, they get some "fuck off and educate yourself" reply.
If the normalfag had asked some Nazi LARPer the guy would have been all too happy to drown him in infographs and statistics.
At that point it doesn't even matter who is right, just the fact that one side is happy to inform while the other is hostile already shifts the balance.
no more hate, when we are all equal
What are you, a nazi?
Every left/liberal leader in the western world has said diversity is strength.
*shits in street*
No more diversity either. All worker-drones for the elitist hive.
And yet look at Syria. So Diverse, So Multicultural. Truly it is strong.
Reported to the authorities.
>diversity is advantage
>one race is advantageous
just because people are one race doesn't mean there's less diversity
you'll have all kinds of different people be born if you mix all kinds of different populations - it's simple genetics really
nobody here can name even name the races
It's doublethink.
>diversity = monotony
>multiculturalism = foreign (Islamic) monoculture
>free speech = only my speech
>tolerance of minorities = active oppression of the majority
What they say and what they do are in complete opposition to each other. That's why the leftist elite is so obsessed with bringing education to every child in the world. The education has an extremely socialist bias for this very purpose: to breed useful idiots who will wage war against their own interests without realising it.
It's advantageous in that society needs a cobbler, a farmer, an optician, a factory full of workers, civil engineers, policemen, etc.
What these people clamour for, however much they chant diversity, is truly the abolition of diversity. Nobody needs a specialism when everybody can work in the factory.
It's communism with yet another lie slapped on its mug.
>claim to love diversity
>demand civilization become less diverse
kek. They are pathetic, and sadly they cannot see their own stupidity, and hypocrisy.
Ideological subversion is a hell of a drug. It can hypnotize entire generations into attacking and destroying the very foundation beneath their feet.
>society needs a cobbler, a farmer, an optician, a factory full of workers, civil engineers, policemen, etc.
This is all shit you can get in Europe and maybe the decent parts of Asia
Alike is Diversity.
This post is satire..... innit?
And it's shit the left wants to strip away from our markets. That's what the chanting is for.
Diversity they say, destruction they pray.
diversity just means exterminating whites, asians and africans will still exist
Diversity of personal opinions or skin color is not important.
Actual diversity of trade skills and different ways of thinking allows us to work together to achieve greater goals.
Forced "diversity" of race is harmful and counterproductive, because you are disrupting the balance of an organization. Instead of recruiting the best person for the job, you have too many white people and must recruit the best black person for the job. Sometimes forcing you to discriminate against the more qualified better fit due to race and race alone.
Diversity is a scam to use identity as a weapon against success. They inflate their test scores and qualifications and then attach them like a ball and chain shackle to your leg. A burden and tax on you and your team. That is not individual equality, that is actually discrimination, but it's usually discriminating against white people so it's okay.
Because anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
They have completely made up and non-scientific reasons that actually contradict their point if you think about it for more than half a second
>implying all humans are eager to racemix
most humans like to fuck and breed with people of their same race. There will never be one only race.
>asking why brainwashed masses believe ____
You're asking the wrong question user.
But user, very few human populations are so inbred that deliberate dilution of their genes with other population groups is beneficial. In fact, mixed race people have a lot of health and other problems (pastebin.com
Article 7 of a 1994 draft of theUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoplesuses both the word "ethnocide" and the phrase "cultural genocide" but does not define what they mean.The complete article reads as follows:
Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide andcultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form ofpopulation transferwhich has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form ofassimilation or integrationby other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.
Because they argue based on emotion and emotions are fickle and change all the time. It allows them to hold positions that are contradictory because it's not the argument or opinion that matters, it's the emotional feedback that makes them feel good that they care about.
>just because people are one race
>race doesn't exist though
Because "muh diversity" is just a buzzword. SJWs are generally just uncultured, identityless pricks who have nothing to live for. They think they are though because they like some westernized bastardization of some ethnic food and have that one muslim friend.
>this leads to diversity of thought
It's not like whites invented 90% of the grand sum of inventions.
two answers, ONE they do not even realize that eventually interracial couples will wash together all the genes into one indiscernible grey. OR they specifically want to remove the concept of race from the equation for "muh equality". they're probably communists.
It pisses me off that they dont realize this, if you spent an afternoon thinking about it you'd figure it out
We've entered full 1984 mode
"Diversity is homogenity"
they're practically niggers already
Because my life isn't so shitty that I need whiteness to be what makes me proud of myself
right? and in my college they had us do a diversity day.
>black lady comes in
>puts up poster that simply says diversity,
>takes a good hard look at all THREE white kids in my brown class.
>asks us "how many races are there in the world?"
>raise my hand, "I would say around 45-50 races"
>"Um no there is actually only one race, the HUMAN race"
and she passed out this fucking flier that we had to sign, that said something like we now realize the importance of hanging out with different ethnicity on campus etc.
the whole USA is blacked. NOT TO MENTION like every fucking non academic staff member was black, and they were just a bunch of overweight unhelpful nigresses
dont go to college in USA
Because race doesn't matter unless you're a dumb racist who wants to use our superficial differences to create friction. If we looked more alike, these people would have to look at people's character and find that we are mostly the same.
I'm not going to stand here and listen to you badmouth the greatest democracy the world has ever known.
listen man I lo0ve the USA but these liberals gotta go
If they hadn't you wouldn't be able to when about on /pol you worthless nigger
Now I know why the people from the future in that episode were culture less mongrels who spoke only one messed up language.
Whites are the least inbred these days, Diverse countries like Brazil are third world shitholes because of tons of nonwhites. America is declining because of it as well. Our GDP has been shrinking since we allow so many nonwhite immigrants who don't integrate into our nation. If we need any type of immigrant it should be those from European and Anglo nations since they're culturally similar to us. We honestly don't need more people who fail to do anything special here. Having too much Genetic Diversity isn't always a good thing. You may be better at one thing but you'll suck at other stuff.
weak b8
We aren't the same at all, The migrant crisis is proof of that. Europeans and Arabs are completely different groups of people entirely. The same is with Africans and East Asians or Americans and Mexicans. We are two different types of people genetically. A lot nonwhites who came here after 1965 haven't integrated whatsoever.
someone needs to have her check her privilege. obvious signs of ableism and incredibly sexist viewpoints concerning female vs male brains. not to mention she goes to college which is classist.
>what is brazil
Different people because of different cultures not because of "race". The skin colours are incidental.
There are genetic differences other than skin colour.
Because diversity is just a path to superiority, none of these movements ever want equality, its just so 'allys' from the other groups with too much empathy who want actual equality get behind them and then get lost in the propaganda, the end goal of these groups is always an attempted shift in power.
See feminism.
Diversity is a fucking great thing.
Intellectual diversity mostly.
Racial diversity is marginally useful at best.
The only good thing about it is giving men more different body types and features of women to stick your dick in.