Look who is not on the train..hm?
"Diversity" train in canada
Other urls found in this thread:
Black women
White men
meanwhile in japan
dis white boi be mad
i fucking hate niggers chinks faggots and jews every single one of them should be executed. the day of the rope isnt coming soon enough
Remember Leaf, the Jew is the greatest cancer of them all.
Where are the White fucking males?
(could totaly happen in my country as well).
>tfw we'll either have to anschluss Canada to preserve order, or create a green card-equivalent for redpilled Canucks and build another wall
A-at least you have oil/minerals/natural gas
Top kek
Is this shit even real
Too busy oppressing the other Goyim, er um the POC which need money.
i like how female poc are basicly invisible to them. they are only are allowed to speak if it's further the (((agenda)))
All diversity means is less white people
Canada is a sick joke
Meanwhile in Hungary
Based Istvan.
Show us your ways.
Do you accept white immigrants?
>not a single white man
>but 3 (three) white women
Every fucking time. Those "diversity" ads are just a big fuck you to every white guy out there.
Almonds engaged.
Best protest against that shit is just simple silly defacement. Splash paint on it draw dicks, whatever.
The real change is gonna come when the REAL citizens of these countries finally find their balls and take to the streets. You only have to outnumber the police.
Yes, we already know diversity means anti-white, don't let anyone else ever say otherwise
Guarantee you most of them are either made up by jews, or non-whites who are jealous of white people, just like most jews are jealous of Christians
Everyday is a celebration of the white man in the current power structure.
Diversity is about giving others a shot to be celebrated as well as trying to reverse the toxic culture of white male worship.
The world would be a eutopia if the only white babies were female, thereby fostering more integration with men of other races.
>dis is whuat divercity looks laik
>PR management
I want to go to there
Jews are just jealous of other people because Jews are a hook nosed rat faced race of sick headed parasitic cunts that's deserved every mass slaughter handed against them.
Fuck the kikes.
you don't really, now imagine this place with a bunch of gypsies and chinese sitting on the stairs
Meanwhile on Sup Forums
I can't find the man train image
If you don't make trouble, you can even buy a complete village. Fun aside, more and more Germans, Dutchmen and Austrians settle here.
>meanwhile in Quebec
Meanwhile in North Korea
>meme flag
Didn't read.
>they have designs on their trains
>their trains aren't covered in shit and graffiti
lamo @ ur liefs
Cuck shit aside, i would kill if i were a black women. Literally nobody want them and they aren't even included in diversity. Damn. I get now why are they so angry.
Yet you took the time to reply, speck.
Your time is over.
When you travel 'nostalgia train' everyday
Na ne bassza már
egy megállóra mész budapesttől és már is ótvar putri az egész, nem mintha budapest 70%-a nem ótvar putri lenne
Dutch train
That's cute
are you all retarded or do you not see the white guy beside the asian girl
haehwha what boi
I see your diversity train and hit Anti-diversity train on table.
He is cleary a hapa (mixed asian person) and got his girls stolen from non-white men.
White men drive trucks leave the trains to the nigs
Meh. Az állomásépületek nagyrésze elvesztette azt a maradék funkcióját is ami volt a BKK automaták bevezetésével.
Már vagy 15 éve rohadnak funkció nélkül.
The Captcha can suck my dick.
Pls tell me this is not photoshopped. Top fucking kek
>nem használ legacy kacsát
Igen vannak szar részei az országnak, de melyiknek nincs. Rossz PR tesi
Állsd be a legacy Captcha-t, akkor nem kell 4 oldalniyt klikkelgetni.
>vannak szar részei az országnak
ja magyarországnak hívják
This coming from a non-white country is quite amusing
Én is román túrista vagyok
Szar az infrastruktúra úgy általában. Apám pár éve olyan megyeszékhelyi kórházi "ágyon" töltött el egy hetet, hogy egy deszkaajtó rajta matraccal. Közben 27%-os áfát fizetünk, szóval kéne lennie zsetonnak.
ne viccelj már, románia ugyanolyan szar, az egész balkén régió ls övezete szar
I am never buying a roots product ever again for the rest of my life.
Groping is a pretty serious issue in Japan?
It's really a shame that even the nipponji are cucking themselves.
As soon as you cater to the female pleas, it will NEVER end.
"No white male models need apply"
Best Nippon
A szarnak is vannak fokozatai
Meanwhile in Russia
Looks like a typical advert for college and university in England. "Come study with us ... unless you're a healthy white man."
I'd love visiting Hungary and maybe living there. Love the landscapes. But the language looks horribly discouraging. At least it's not as crazy as finnish.
It is not photoshopped. Actually saw it 2 years ago at a different station.
The 'gropers' are known as 'chikan'. Watch the Muslim girl explain it.
hogy lehet erre visszaállni?
Ha ugyan olyan szar akkor menj oda
>szar az infrastruktúra
Autópályáink vannak. A világon az egyik legforgalmasabb a légterünk. A síneink (vasúti) rendben vannak. Teljesen renben van az infrastruktúra
I've learned Finnish, it's much more logically built than Hungarian, but the words tend to be longer, eg. my favorite word is: naftateollisuudenharjoittaja (oil industry entrepreneur) and is not even the longest.
Do men get their own metro too?
Just look at how insanely crowded japanese metro stations can be.
This will make the clogging problem even worse.
Sup Forums x beállításokban
mégegy ilyen hülye fotelnáci beszólást, nem beszélek románul, meg itt van lakásom, család, ismerősök, minek mennék oda? ennyi erővel kérdezhetnéd hogy miért nem megyek szegedre, mert mi a fasznak mennék
I think you are asking about the Chinese word “白左”, could be translated into “white leftists” or “white liberals”. But please be aware, it does not refer to white or liberal, it is called “white leftists” just because their opinions are mostly left wing, and they are mostly Europeans or Americans.
From my perspective, Chinese think that “white leftists” are those idealist people who likes to take the moral high ground, but actually history blinded, reality blinded, naive, and always uses double standards. They are usually those people who takes those good deeds too far, and turning it fanatic. Their typical opinions includes: supporting accepting refugee even if it could danger their national security, a European woman got raped by refugee but refused to call the police, because she worries that it may affect other refugee; overlooking the fact and claims “terrorism has no religion”, when one specific religion committed 85% of the terrorist attacks; LGBT right is more important than those homeless people, etc.
Example. 跳转中... This guy protests against Trump, and self-righteously claims that Trump’s family are all immigrants, and now Trump wants to get rid of immigrants, so Trump is deporting his family if he wants to deport immigrants. But when he was ask “When Trump’s family immigrated, it was legal”, he does not know what to say, “OK... You're saying... just because......”, and then starts to talk about something else. He opposes Trump, because he thinks that immigrants should be kept in USA, that is the moral high ground, but he was so naive that he doesn’t even know the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.
Some Chinese people thinks that “white leftists” are “AIDS of civilization”. AIDS does not kill you, but it makes you undefended to other diseases.
>it's much more logically built than Hungarian
Oh please :D :D :D
No idea, but I think there are no men only carriages.
brownies are all subhuman savages and should be treated as such.
Canada's subliminal messaging is showing.
>when she laughs and raises her eyebrows
Kill yourself.
The picture of that Parjeet makes me want to vomit, they are the sleaziest and most dishonest people on this planet.
Believe me, Finnish morphology follows easier rules than Hungarian.
Hungarian morphology has a lot of baggage that disrupts vowel harmony and trips of language learners, eg. híd ~ hídAk (back vowel, bridge ~ bridges), but ív ~ ívEk (front vowel, arch ~ arches). Both should be front vowel, but the first one is a legacy thing that goes back to back vowel í that was lost centuries ago.
Canada should be nuked for the sake of humanity.
It's like you don't even know what diversity is goy.
>Asian female
>Black male
Lol how fucking delusional can one be to even try push this agenda? Asians hate blacks 1000x more than whites do
Stop being a bitch about stuff like this, grow up and become an adult, only weak betas cares about campaigns like this anyway
As a Canadian, there can't be as many chinks to whites as there are here.
Also Id rather have chinks & gypsys than niggers & mud slimes
(((they))) need to make the truth unsayable, otherwise they cannot win.