This infographic really activated my almonds.
Sup Forums btfo?
This infographic really activated my almonds.
Sup Forums btfo?
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The info graph was awful at tying the stats into capitalism, like it didn't mention waste, supply chains, or income distribution at all.
So yeah, capitalism sucks but if that infograph convinced you that's messed up.
>Implying communism isnt as shit as evering else
There is no "perfect system"
>capitalism failed
>info graphic probably made with Adobe (TM) Illustrator and compiled in Adobe (TM) Photoshop
Yeah, I hear Venezuela has a food surplus and no one is starving or lacking health care
that wasn't real communism, dummy
>a unknown black person in some god forsaken corner of the world dies because of lack of water, as a result of capitalism!
>literally not arguments
>actual arguements
found this shit on facebok earlier and redit today on the second page. commies are pushing this so hard it's getting out of hand
Can you pic one ?
Im confused
capitalism hasn't failed.
in fact, it still soldiers on IN SPITE OF the immense burden placed upon it by socialist policies like the New Deal, the Great Society, and welfare in general.
this shit is going to roast your almonds
The world is already severely overpopulated and NOW communists doesn't want people to starve?
What the hell
Oy vey remember the 7,650,000
post your best ANCAP™ memes™
What did he mean by this?
ommunism is homosexual and gay. it is also very likely that commies are faggot cum gurglers
Communist are so good at pointing out the flaws in Capitalism but then everytime some commie faggot tries to run a country at best there are bread lines after 10 yearsand the economy is total trash.
>Capitalism kills
Good, it should. We're overpopulated as it is, no need to make the 15 african children survive when today only 10 do. It's already 10 too much.
We need to go back to 500 million people in the whole world. 13 out of 14 people should instantly die, right now, in order to save what's left.
>Capitalism breeds war
Again, good. Hopefully nukes are launched soon to save the world from ultimate degeneracy. People of value, those who prepare and have the resources to survive, will survive.
>Capitalism starves
Blah blah blah muh famine muh thirst. Good riddance, if you can't eat enough just fucking die already. Too many people on Earth.
>Capitalism creates inequality
Life isn't fair buddy, it never was never will be. I say this as a minimum wage worker who couldn't care less that he's making only just enough to be happy.
Africa wouldn't be so bad if niggers kept their cocks in their pants.
Commies don't deserve a helicopter ride, they deserve something worse: a time machine ride. I'd haul your communists into a time machine and dump them off to late 1940's Eastern Europe. Enjoy communism, cocksuckers. Now get to work, that factory isn't going to build itself.
>If everyone was nice and honest and care about others we would solve all of the world's problems!
No shit, the real problem is that most people aren't nice or honest or caring. Commies always gloss over it, claiming that some unspecified 'workers' own and govern everything with perfect honesty.
lol (((corporatism))) and (((bankers))) are the ones killing this world and lowering down the global IQ
and now for the finale...
>What is USSR-China militairy conflict
>What is the sino-soviet divide
>muh communism ends war
I think if you are a commie the state should force you to take logic and philosophy lessons.
Like even if all of that disproves capitalism (which it doesn't, since most of it doesn't really have anything to do it), it doesn't do jack for communism.
How is communism better in any of the aspect shown on this shitty infographic.
>Communism kills and imprisons massive portions of its population for political dissent and wrongthink
>Communism can't protect its own people in a war because they nationalize everything and it turns to shit starving its people. (Russia 1918-1921)
>Mao starved an entire nation with one policy. Soviet Russia wasn't know for its healthy citizens either.
>I'd rather be unequal with a chance to earn more than for everyone to be equally poor while the centralized government lines their pockets and fucks off.
Communism cannot be implemented and maintained without a strong centralized government to reallocate wealth and enforce policy on the people, and it will be the same government that will never relinquish that power.
>capitalism kills
it attributes all deaths of the world to the governing system. this is so stupid, who can fall for this? What about the factors such as:
low iq pop, which make dumb af decisions, which leads to deaths?
too big of a population, and environment, which cannot sustain such a big population
>because capitalism breeds war
talks only about US, litterally look at any other country that is capitalistic, you will see that they haven't went to war since ww2
>because capitalism starves
basically the same argument as because capitalism kills
again, stupid decisions by low IQ pops, which leads them in popping out a lot of children and not being able to support all of them pic related
>because capitalism creates inequality
you know what else the richest people did? Created jobs, many jobs so people would be able to live and sustain their families, send kids to school, what you are saying with this argument is so fucking infuriating, remove their wealth, remove ability for them to make jobs, you will remove the ability for other people to have jobs, and then what? then ppl starve!
thats what happened thanks to USSR revolution, and especially big famine in Ukraine!
people always leave out Czechoslovakia as well
>shit hole
>communism imposed upon them by an outside power
>finally peacefully and willingly replace communist system with capitalism as soon as possible after the USSR in 1992.
Boy does my grandfather have some shit stories from that time
Since we aren't allowed to LARP and the real world exists, communism cannot exist because we are human.
It's closest sibling, Socialism can be put as a form of state but socialism IS morally wrong and evil from any standpoint.
Just because you are a lazy fuck, cuck and a leftist who attends to imaginary womens marches and gender studies doesn't mean you don't HAVE TO GO TO WORK fucking R A T S
get out you stupid gommunist,
capitalism master race
If we were under communism then all those people in Africa would still die, and communists wouldn't count it then.
Hell, why can't we blame every death in Africa on the USSR while it was a thing?
communism would be great for lardass burger women to finally lose some weight. fucking whales.
czechs are based. never gave up their guns, even under filthy communism.
Virtually every type of government does any of those.
Pre-communism Czechoslovakia was one of the most industrialized economies in Europe.
This info graphic denounces our foreign policy and at the same time demands we provide for the entire world so their shitty ass warlords, dictators and brown skinned "presidents" don't have to. Fuck the left. I don't understand if they purposely lie to seem right or if they are actually retarded.
Its been tried before.
Can we move forward already? That's so 20th century.
What's wrong with that guys face and her torso? Is that shopped or are commies actually sub humans?
Every single assertion it makes is empirically false. A lie. Communists and communist sympathizers are liars.
They have a food shortage but not a famine like in Africa because people actually have money to buy food
They are a special kind of special people
So how many of those deaths are in Africa or other 3rd world country filled with niggers that know there is not enough food and/or have aids and have 8+ kids anyway?
>This infographic really activated my almonds
Fake outrage
Also historically the 1st thing communism does is close the borders and stop caring if the world burns while killing some millions of it's own pop
was debunked 2611896 times
> lists all the things that are bad about capitalism
> completely glosses over any comparable statistics for communism and the suffering it caused, which it managed to do far more of in the periods it was attempted
Wow it's almost like the person who made this graphic is a fucking retard or something.