Matthew 10:33 (KJV) - But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33 (KJV) - But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven
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Christ had many sayings harder than this as well.
Who would win?
God set me upon this earth to suffer; fuck GOD.
If your Father in Heaven is the Demiurge I want nothing to do with him.
The True Father of All comes from the Pleroma.
Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, he died for my sins and the sins of the world. He rose from the dead on the 3rd day and he is coming back soon! I love my God.
Jesus loves you too user
Amen, Brother.
(Don't know about "soon", but eh, I'll hold out hope regardless.)
The very definition of love!
He also told you to be a man, not a woman
If God love without law then people would act exactly how they do today which is detrimental for people as a whole. He thought from a level of a father.
Entertain God and your ass will follow. The purpose of life is to entertain the fuck out of Mr. God. Nothing else matters. God loves drama, especially when it involves mass bloodshed. Go forth and entertain your creator.
Daily reminder that Christianity is a Jewish sect which is now the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.
Pro-White Pagan family values
Multi racial Christian v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ faggy morals
god only wants the strong. jesus is a psyop to see who the sheep are. he is self styled shepard
Begone heathen! God loves brown children!
>unironicaly posting varg
>Muh Fedora
Well, who could've predicted it?! Not an argument christfag.
Jesus is a fag
Bad goy. Repent.
Alright, sorry.
Jesus was a Jew, and so were the prophets.
If anything this verse shows #NotallJews
you strike the iron to make it hard, stop being a little bitch and grow a pair
Yeah so what.
God I want to smack that motherfucker..
God don't give a fuck! We are literally gods puppets.
You, as a father, are ready to 'deny' your children because they were not obedient? To send your children to eternal hell? Bravo! Lets hope youll never have children.
Trust me goy!
Meanwhile jewropean cucks prefer nigger dicks and worshipping an assblasted molester such as Zeus(sounds very close to "jews"), Thor , Odin and whatever else faggotry they can find.
Also amen.