Why is George Stephanopoulos so damned small...

Why is George Stephanopoulos so damned small? It's no wonder he has that haircut and always hiding behind desks and things.

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holy FUCK what a midget lmfao

Trump made fun of his height during the rally today but I didn't think he would be that tiny

holy shit how tall is he? 4'11"?

lmao really?

wasnt following any of those events.

he's comically short

>holy shit how tall is he? 4'11"?
More things held in common by the alt-left.

is that left picture photoshopped? trump is only 6'2


taller than me...

He's 1.65m (5'4)

He definitely not a big guy.

shit man, im 5'8"

feels bad bro

for anyone


bro hes not 5'11"

hes clearly waaay shorter

Holy shit, he's a horse Jockey.

trump set up the interview to walk down the hall to show off how small this jew boi is...

Nah. Thats what 5'11" to 6' looks like. Didn't you know?

no way, theres atleast, at the very least 6 inch different.

tfw 5'9.5" masterrace


‘GMA’ initially thought using an anchor desk with elevated chairs would help the problem. Still awkward, George’s little-boyish mini-legs were seen dangling.”

So a month ago, a silver panel was added across from the anchor desk at midlevel, covering up where Stephanopoulos’ feet rested on his chair, which up to then had been “visible and awkward.”

I'm only 5' 10" but most people think I'm 6'+. I must project myself well.

That's me.
It wou8ld be fun to bully George S. I haven't really shook around a manlet before, I bet it would be easy to push him into the lockers.



its a meme you dip. you must be a 5'11" manlet

midgets BTFO across the globe


Found the manlet!

Anybody talking about a person's height as if that made them better or worse it's no fucking better than the stupid normies who read gossip magazines and watch the Kardashians

I expected Sup Forums to be able to see beyond cultures and sizes and be able to judge based on behavior and moral grounds...guess i was wrong

You guys on this thread are the scum of Sup Forums and would probably fit better in salon.com talking about nails and shoes

please see

>t. angry manlet

manlet detected


I dont think so. That looks more like 4'10


I thought he was short but DAMN they've done a good job of covering up HOW short he is.

He's at that height where he only has 15-20% of that high-pitched jockey voice, which makes it acceptable to be heard by human ears.

Just HOW TINY is your dick?

I'm asking for a friend


