>pol larping as nazis
>hate muslims who invented the gold star and kike genocide and were the inspiration of the hitler
explain this
Pol larping as nazis
fuck off kike
I'm sorry about your foreskin
nod rly :DDD
"I hate mudshits as much as you, FRIEND. Lets be allies and I totally wont stab you in the back like my people have done every chance they get for over a thousand years"
But shlomo
You gave birth to the Muslims
They were harmless desert traders before they found you
You treated Jews like outcasts throughout history, now the Muslims treat you like outcasts in your own cunt trees
how the tables have turned
get me off this train
You can't be a nazi and hate Muslims at the same time
still got mine kike bitch \o/
I got a silver knives set form Nazi era
Not all of us are NatSoc, but ALL OF US are hip to your tricks, Shlomo.
We don't like muzzies because they're just Jews with a tan. They are the militant branch of the ZOG.
And answer me this, though I know you won't...
If Jews were "treated like outcasts throughout history", how is it that Jews came to be spread all over the fucking planet like incurable, planetary herpes?
Why were Jews always welcomed into their host nations? I mean, if they were so hated they never would've got past the front door, right??
You heebs remind me of several crazy bitches I used to fuck. They would always lament about how all the men they've dated were assholes, cheaters, liars incapable of love. They so totally lacked self-awareness that they were not able to see that THEIR bullshit was the only common denominator in them being treated like a disposable fucktoy.
That's what Jews & Israelis are. Whinging, disposable, crazy bitches with zero situational awareness & less-than-zero self-awareness. Everything they think, do & say is to the detriment of their host nations. An entire tribe of liars, pilferers, rapists, pedophiles, backstabbers, thieves & all around hate-filled cunts.
Mel Gibson was always right...
>If Jews were "treated like outcasts throughout history", how is it that Jews came to be spread all over the fucking planet like incurable, planetary herpes?
>Why were Jews always welcomed into their host nations? I mean, if they were so hated they never would've got past the front door, right??
they weren't, they were kept in their own neighborhoods
Well the Romans haven't existed for several thousand years, chump.
And they weren't ket in their own neighborhoods. They chose to isolate themselves. Then, after their cirminality became so audacious that it couldn't be ignored, they were consigned to the Jewish Quarters...just like every other group of people through history!!
Any other historical revisionism you care to engage in? Since I know that's the Jews number one pastime.
romans exiled the kikes into all corners of the globe
kikes were treated as unwelcome guests in any country they been to even when they saw themselves as 'more german than germans'
kikes must return to israel
Yes you can.
>hate muslims who invented the gold star and kike genocide and were the inspiration of the hitler
>were the inspiration of the hitler
You're a fucking idiot.
What a load of bollox. If Jews have been treated so badly how come they are so massively over represented in positions of power and influence Shlomo?
hes talking about the medieval times,they were just merchants in ghettos back then
Because they are superior to you peasants
kikes prefer intellectual professions while you savages prefer to work on wood
Hitler was a secret Muslim
>the Jew cries out in pain as he is about to swipe your credit card.
I swiped your mum left on tinder ye ugly cunt
Didn't answer the actual question though did you?
This is the wrong place to shill for Jews and no we're not all Nazis, we're just wised up goyim.
So you're a racist then, a Jewish supremacist?
You're superior and everyone else is a peasant.
The house of Saudi wants the west to turn on the most educated and intelligent people who know about Muslim bullshit. We are the only protection that the west has against going back into the dark ages. If we lose the extinction of humans is the only outcome. Oh yeah and 90% of them are going to hate us for saving them. Dude we are the antihero to the max.
I'm a realist
nice pic related man, not many things makes me chuckle these days