What do Sup Forums think of Stalin?
He was great. He killed so many communists.
Gay manlet.
This is true.
One of the few governments in history to get close to true Gommunism
he is everything that antifa is fighting for
we should just start replying "literally stalin" to antifa statements
Old Joe was just a man of his times, much like us. If he didn't rise to power I'm sure someone just like him would have.
It is ironical and a bit offensive tbqh that the best Russian leader was Georgian.
I went here to post it, well played.
Our best leader was Corsican.
America's best leader was Kenyan
Very good politician, horrible person, died to early before he could put (((them))) into gulags.
When people speak of Leaders that were solely self-serving. Without any higher aspirations, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Maybe Mao.
I might recognize that while Meglomania might have been their primary motivation to gain power, I still believe that a large motivation was wanting to actually make their nations powerful and improove the quality of life.
With Stalin none of this applies, he was a ruthless, uncharismatic and calculating goblin who got high off of his initial authority within the Bolshevick spheres. A man who spent his adult life removing anyone in the way of him becoming a new Tsar.
A man who'se deluded paranoias and cruelty lead to the deaths of over 20.000.000 in direct Genocide.
A man who with these same Paranoias crippled his nation to the point of it nearly being destroyed by Germany.
There is nothing admireble about Stalin.
There is no misled Idealism like Lenin.
No grand visions for his country like Hitler.
He was a truly demonic soul, and if I could tell his father anything it's that he shouldn't have beaten him only half to death.
I'm like that too
Honestly picking through the "best" Russian leaders is like looking for the shinyest turd.
I think that the greatest modern leader for Russia was Leonid Brezhnev while the GOAT was maybe Peter the Great.
The best Russian leader was Ivan the Formidable, you pathetic cuck
>Peter the Great
Literally Georgian
> Leonid Brezhnev
He did nothing wrong, sorry he couldn't control the weather!
> peter the great
> maybe brezhnev
nice, always knew shitalians were uneducated pieces of shit
Stalin: took over a wretched, illiterate, agrarian shithole and left a nuclear-armed industrial powerhouse stretching control between Elbe and Bering strait. Carefully planned his resources, listened to his generals and managed to develop working relations even with people he hated. Won the greatest war in human history, cleansed the jews and deported the chechens.
Hitler: a pagan lapring bavarian corporal that destroyed Europe, ruined his nation and discredited his ideology to the point only edgy virgin froglets on Cambodian cave painting forums follow 75 years later. Tried to micromanage everything and control battalions fighting 2000 km away. Was so high on meth he actually believed a 1000 ton tank was a realistic project.
I can tolerate the National Bolshevists of the German Conservative Revolution persuasion, but the rest are materialist egalitarian degenerates to be shot and tossed into mass graves.
Weak evil man who got humiliated on a global stage by us
You worked on this one for a while, didn't you. This is a pile of twisted nonsense great enough to impress a Jew. Your country is still today overflowing with human chaff, in need of sifting from the wheat. Hitler's forces would have accomplished this, and put white civilization on an immeasurably better footing.
> please look at the results of commie slave labor
> muh stalin!
enough with your propaganda cuckboy
Binland still sore about the past.
Let's look at Post Tsar Russia.
Lenin: Started this mess
Stalin: With his policies of terror against the ethnic minorities of the USSR sowed the seeds for all future seperatist movements. Also fucked in the head.
Malenkov: Cucked by Khrushcev
Khrushcev: Was forced to resign after a string of mistakes and bad Policies
Brezhnev: Ruled from 1964 to 1982, Relatively stagnated the economy but still doubled the GDP. Died in power. Kept the right balance of opression vs liberalisation. Overall not a shit leader.
Andropov: Literally who.
Chernenko: See Andropov
Gorbachev: His policies while good for the Ethnic minorities in the USSR gave them enough autonomy to break up the Soviet union, He killed the USSR.
Yeltsin: Fucked Russia up to the point where Putin showed up.
Putin: Meh, could see how people see him as a good leader. Not a big personal fan. But don't want to derail this thread with a Putin flamewar.
I am not saying Breznev was a good leader, but compare him to the rest.
Also Peter the great was not Georgian.
Now you just spew bile instead of addressing the point. Throwing what if's and would have's instead of compelling arguments. Fuckboi, your post-colonial dumpster of obese imbeciles and feral niggers is last in the line to taunt me on chaff and wheat. And I couldn't care less about "white civilization" as long as anglos and jews play any part in it. Russia is the only thing that matters, all else can perish.
stop posting you lowIQ nigger
> let's look at post-tsar russia
commies. what you're basically saying is let's look at what commies did
how in the FUCK is that relevant and WHY are you looking at "post-tsar" russia in the first place when it's 1 fucking century out of how many? (you're obv "looking" at p-tRussia because you're trying to damage control around the fact that you're uneducated on the topic)
This is the ultimate redpill
Good friend of Yuri
Stalin did have fiscal successes in industrialising Russia, hoever for every sucess he had there were 10 mistakes.
Listened to his Generals? Defineitly more than Hitler, but he still had his fair share of mistakes, his "Not one step back" law senslessly caused Many Soviet units to be totally encircled and murdered. Zhukovs entire army was almost encircled in Kiev because of it and once he withdrew despite Stalin forbidding it Stalin had him resign for a period of time.
His Purges crippled the soviet army for years to come, the Soviets lost many competent Generals and officers like Tukachevsky because of it.
Stalins focus on heavy industry had many negative consequences as well, he neglected agriculture and caused widespread famine before and after the war.
His repression of the ethic minorities were the basis for the seperatist movements that apeared 40 years later.
Also why even bring up the comparison to Hitler? I only mentioned him as an example of someone who had ambitions beyond consolidating power, not that they were any sensical.
very capable leader but still a commie
What are you even on about?
I mentioned post Tsar Russia for examples of modern Russian leaders, because that seems like a good point at which we could look at "recent" Russian leaders.
thats basically whats needed though. russia is powderkeg, any kind of stability is going to come from calculating ruthlessness. he played everyone like a fiddle in ww2 too
he tried his best to purge the world of lefties RIP
evil genius desu
Could be, maybe Russians just want to be ruled by a "Tsar" like Stalin.
But, do you think that Stalin slowed down or accelerated the decline of the USSR?
I personally think his terror lost any possible sympathy from groups such as the Ukranians, Belorussians, Balts.
I've lived under Soviets you cuckboy, my parents lived right through the Brezhnev's rule, so stop teaching me what it was like back then.
You were horribly wrong about nearly all main figures. Brezhnev's long rule was the main reason for political and economic downfall of all soviet union, nearly all soviet provinces lost respect to Central Committee, people started dissenting and increasingly showing disbelief in soviet propaganda and the only thing that was keeping whole thing afloat was KGB.
Please educate yourself until making such horrifyingly idiotic claims about foreign county's history.
My parent's also lived under Breznev. They describe his time as an era of stagnation, but stability. Maybe your people had different experiences, but our self administration was given far more autonomy under Breznev.
>stagnation, but stability
>self administration was given more autonomy
That's what you don't understand, only way for communism to work is having a strong centralized power and giving no autonomy whatsoever, this is why there haven't been any successful cases of this regime working for long periods of time, you need decentralized, autonomous groups working separately to successfully maintain the large entity.
I'm not saying he was an evil person, or ruthless dictator (which Stalin most certainly was). I even like the guy, he was one of the most soft-hearted and kind rulers Soviet Union had, however that was exactly the reason why USSR became much weaker and less feared on political stage. Only way soviets had a chance of surpassing US was by having much larger influence in Europe and Asia, and that influence could only come through fear of cold-blooded Authoritarian system.
Second only to Mao
Have I just been redpilled?
there is a theory, that Peter the Great was kidnapped by (((them))) and replaced by fake Peter after his travel to Europe.
He sent his wife to monastery right after his return from Europe (to make her silent). He also imposed alcohol drinking and abusive language using in russia.