>Danish submarine inventor claims he buried Swedish journalist at see
Is this mad Danish scientist guilty of the murder of a Swedish journal?
What did she say to make him so angry?
>Danish submarine inventor claims he buried Swedish journalist at see
Is this mad Danish scientist guilty of the murder of a Swedish journal?
What did she say to make him so angry?
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They found only the torso. Mad fuck.
>A headless torso found in waters off Denmark has been identified as missing Swedish journalist Kim Wall, Danish police say.
thank you. I am sorry I didn't achieve it.
>What did she say to make him so angry?
Her extremities could have been eaten by crabs, fishes, and whatever else, but it still seems a bit unusual.
maybe if they call Trump he will loan them some US Navy dredging ships to help them put together the Wall
>What did she say to make him so angry?
The truth.
What? I don't get it. Did he take her down there because of the implication?
Some say he is still getting head to this day
her body was heavied with metal to make it sink so i dont think that would be from crabs
>her body was heavied with metal
I don't know what that means but it sounds fucking awesome
Based Danes
Typical eurocuck.
His suppressed masculinity that has been pressurized his whole life by liberal feminist government blew up when he found himself alone with a woman in enclosed space and the explosion dismembered her and sank the ship. Simple.
This is the oddest thing.. they were dead sure he was a murderer from day one. How? What aren't they reporting?
Obviously his story was bullshit then and is likely bullshit now. But why would he murder her? AFAIK they never new each other before and he's not a suspected serial killer or something. What the fuck happened?
He probably meant strapped with weights so it wouldn't be found
So swedes couldn't find our nuclear submarine, but they did find a torso laying on the bottom?
Rly inspires pondering
Tack Danmark
They're STEALTH submarines.
She probably asked him to smuggle some refugees for media brownie points and he revealed his true powerlevel.
Surprised was reported at the times since I haven't heard about this anywhere else in the news seems like it's being kept quiet.also how does someone catch a criminal who commits a crime underwater in a sub What lead them to him?
probely secrets n stuff
>A journalists boards comes to another cunt to make an interview about a guy
>Takes pictures boarding his sub and publishes them
>Is never heard from again
>how does someone catch a criminal who commits a crime underwater in a sub What lead them to him?
>What did she say
She was investigating someone...
Didn't think Peter Madsen would be capable of this shit
Then again he did build a u-boat
That might be harder than killing someone, cutting them up and dumping them in the ocean with metal around the body
Dropped her off on his way to return some DVDs there's no crime in that
holy shit i read about this story last week
he changed his story to prosecutors ? he is so fucked unless: maritime law
he probably will be free soon desu... be this a great insight... law of the sea is very very different.. its what (((they))) use all the time
>What did she say to make him so angry?
You're a Poundshop Elon Musk
"You may think that a curse is lying on Nautilus. That curse is me," he had messaged members of the board, according to the statement. "There will not be peace on Nautilus for as long as I exist."
He was insane.
Was he? It sounds to me that his only crime was being ambitious.
>What did she say to make him so angry?
She told him she wanted open borders and he should use his submarine to ferry blacks around for free.
This. Sick fuck.
>Swedish journalist
And nothing of value was lost
>Danish submarine inventor
no part of that sounds right. the south had made one back in the civil war. no fucking danish tart would be allowed to walk the streets in the south. they would have tarred and feathered that faggot for being a sodomite
and what have the fucking danish ever invented? hardmode : no food
At least she got raped and murdered by a white man thats more than most Swedish women can hope for