TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Phoenix AZ 8/22/17
>Pres Trump meet&greet w/Marines in Yuma AZ+departure 8/22/17
>Pres Trump deplaning in Yuma AZ 8/22/17
>AF1 Landing in Yuma AZ 8/22/17
>Pres Trump departing for AZ 8/22/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in Iraq 8/22/17
>Natl Infrastructure Adv Council Quart meet 8/22/17
>State Dept Press Brief (T-Rex) 8/22/17
>VP Pence on F&F 8/22/17
>Pres Trump Address to the Nation on Afghani issue 8/21/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>President Donald Trump Video - Tremendous/Incredible 8/21/17
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
>B-back up y-you creep
Its over guys
Trump is stumped
Im with her now
Nonwhites will never be the majority, Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration/birthright citizenship. Cutting third world migration, ending birthright citizenship along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.
>m-maybe if I responded this way that one time things would have turned out different
literally beta-tier
This is Trump's America
Is Maria not on this morning?
read and fap with me, boys
Reposting this bc it's hilarious
what's this about? is hilldawg still bitching about miss-ogg-ohh-knee?
when trump quickly mentioned the thing about afghanistan you could feel the cringe
>Oh no, that sucks
I used to know a pitch-black man that loved to climb the mountains. Although I do have to admit, I see far less negroes climbing anything except for over fences and on top of cars.
I was on call last night. Please tell me how the rally was, did Jeff Flake get BTFO? What about CNN?
I saw an article in the NYT about the dismal rates nonwhites visit our National Parks, and how it doesn't bode well for the parks because our future is a lot less white. Their conclusion was that the parks are racist and uninviting to minorities.
Does gook poster never go to sleep or work?
>I took a walk in the forest off campus
>No fat gender queers who identify as pedophiles
>There were also no outdoor social media accounts for mentally ill landwhales
mentally ill people don't exercise enough, yeah shocking.
and read
It was pretty fucking great
>ywn get to borrow Ainsley's dress
Yeah I guess
>we hit the KKK
>we hit the neo-nazis
fucking Trump, absolute madman
We need more Popeye's and Taco Bells in Yellowstone
To be fair you'd need to be pretty white to go to an american national park
They are full of bears, wolves, cougars, alligators and acid lakes
it woovment
>mountains are racist
checks out
So in the middle of all of this controversy, Little Donnie runs off to Arizona, buys a bunch of shills to cheer for him (especially that black guy on the camera's left - - you could tell he's thinking "They pay me $50, I'll cheer for anybody) and then throws himself a giant valentine to massage his giant ego.
Yay. Leadership at its best.
>acid lakes
Do you mean the sulfuric ones at Yellowstone? Those are far from common.
Could anyone give me a quick guide on how to get into being /out/? I'd love to get into hiking and fishing and stuff but I have literally no idea how to do it as an individual with minimal knowledge.
/out/ just replies too slow mates.
Haven't watched it yet.
How was it?
neet for 10 years brah
im the biggest failure there is
he did have 20,000 people INSIDE at the event and 1000's more who couldn't get in. why would he pay someone? i'm not following you.
>Barack Obama ended "wet foot, dry foot"
>40% of Cubans in the USA are non-citizens
>There are 2.1 million Cubans in the USA
>that's 840,000 non-citizens
>Cuban agreed to take ALL of their people back
Lmao that's another million foreigners gone guys. Do we love our president?
>tfw too retarded to attach image
Are they removing then next? Is this why the ZOG is shilling against yellowstone?
10/10, but I don't know how enjoyable rallies are to watch when they're not live and with /ptg/.
Just look up a hiking trail and follow the marks
If your dad taught you how, then just do what he did.
If he didn't, don't, it will be embarrassing, friends or not
>best sex ever
Trump may never acknowledge us specifically, but his shit-eating facial expressions are a direct line of comms with Sup Forums
The world is ending
he did go on a tirade but at least he was talking shit about the media. the media is garbage and can't survive being attacked like this. it doesn't matter how much the DNC/shadowgroups pay to prop up CNN etc, they can't survive for too long in this climate and they know it.
pic related fatboi
anyone who has ever used the term "good sex" needs to be executed immediately
just throwing that out there
It was a good rally reminiscent of back on the campaign trail. Leftists currently live in a hallucination, so they see Trump's performance as a public meltdown.
>how was it
>namedrop antifa
>571 replies
Nate (((Plastic)))BTFO
FUCK if this ain't meta 4u
you ever had one of those days where you just didn't want to go to work? where you knew it was going to be a complete fucking bloodbath and nothing was going to go right? isn't that EVERYDAY at this point for CNN? They can not possibly survive this kind of attack...
I wish this post was more accurate. There are currently 20,000 ICE employees. In May they were on track to deport half a million illegals. On top of this Trump is hiring another 10,000 ICE agents and wants funding for another 10,000 included in the 2018 budget. Assuming the "low" number of 12 million illegals and considering that major sanctuary cities like Miami have given up and are no longer sanctuary cities this means more than 2 million illegals may be deported in 2018 with just 40,000 ICE employees.
When considering most illegals still live in sanctuary cities and most sanctuary cities like Chicago and LA still stand, imagine how many millions will be deported once sanctuary cities are done away with?
And of course DACA is being challenged in court the same way DAPA was and may be gone by the end of the year.
Also one thing to note- usually it is predicted that Baby Boomers dying off will hurt whites. But there are 21 million non-white Baby Boomers- and this number is increasing because of immigration. In 2027 when baby boomers start dying off this means that it will hit non-whites as hard as whites. If RAISE passes then it will hit non-whites even harder than whites.
you left out the funniest part of the joke when the NEET goes down to the piano lounge and has become something of a local celebrity
Fucking amazing.
If you want to see a real meltdown, watch CNN's reaction to the rally.
nah, i'm slaving away at my job too much to lurk moar
We will get more whites coming here because of the RAISE act. I think restrictions will be placed on Asians unlike Australia or Canada.
O fug... it is over
Im going to watch the Trump speeh now. How good is it?
hilarious how CNN aired the CNN SUCKS chant, shout outs to Fox and Friends, Hannity
first 20 minutes are meh, then comes good stuff, should have woken at 3-4 am and watch it with /ptg/ like I did
The restriction is called no family reunification and English-only
In Canada they do not require you to speak English to get in- when Bernier proposed that immigrants be required to speak either English or French to come to Canada he was called a racist.
I think it is the same in Australia and New Zealand. Basically chinks can't speak English for shit.
But what are the chances of the RAISE Act actually passing?
>No guys we're different!
>We don't use EVERY mainstream media talking point lol
>Trump will resign in shame!
>We didn't get that from the MSM
>We are totally not funded by the same groups and countries that fund CNN and Washington Post
also i'm pretty sure like half of their youtube subscribers are bots or youtube just doubled the actual number.
>doing unethical things
>get called on it
>"clearly my opponents are racists"
I like how much Wu has in common with Hillary right down to the "I might be corrupt- but my opponents are bigots!" excuse for being a huge piece of shit
Whenever I see qt grills talking on the news I don't pay attention to a single word they say, I just wonder what kind panties they're wearing
Most Europeans including Slavs already speak English as a second language. Aussies, Afrikaners/Boers, Canadians and New Zealanders speak it as their main language,
In 2017 and 2018 0%
After the 2018 Midterms and McCain resigns/dies?
Basically 2019 is our year when we assume full control.
Took a quick nap. Did I miss any decent chimpouts?
>I might be terrible at my job
>But your racist and the media will back me 1000%
and this is why you lost.
9/10. He pardoned joe arpio essentially.
"Sherrif Joe is safe, he has nothing to worry about. I'm not going to do it tonight (pardon him) because it would inflame the protesters."
Hillary called Trump a creep, right next on Morning Joe
I guess it's over...
Yes I realize this, hence why Democrats said "RAISE is racist- only whites speak English fluently!" as their main criticism. Because why have immigrants who can actually speak our language right?
Another thing I hope Trump does- make English the official language of the US.
im like that when i try to watch a lauren southern video except i end up just turning it off immediately and not imagine anything because shes gross
>I think restrictions will be placed on Asians
What makes you think that?
The english requirement? Actually, that might work
Eh. They could do it now if they got rid of the fillibuster, after McCain has died.
And in 2019 they'll have to do the exact same regardless, it is highly unlikely R's will get 61+ seats (they need whichever number of RINOs will vote against the bills over 60 votes to avoid the fillibuster)
arizona wasn't going to allow antifa to come in and fuck everything up. the governor is republican and the mayor is a dem. however, the mayor can't allow phoenix to look like a lawless shithole. he would lose re election for sure if he let riots happen.
now california and NYC are different. it's nearly impossible for a dem to lose re election.
in short, the police were allowed to do their jobs, so zero chimp out.
In europe. english is taugh from first grade, so if the person isn't fluent in english by the end lf high school, they will be by the end of college, because it's one of the requirmements for most fields
Making learning english lne lf the requirments is definitely excluding nonwhites and welcomig more white europeans, like trump promised on campaign trail
Not necessarily. That energy drink wore off quickly, didn't it?
heh, will do
fucking cockroach
>Money shot on FnF
doesn't matter, joe is owned by the CIA. he's being blackmailed for the murder of his intern, he will do whatever hillary tells him to.
I know, say the cops having fun with them. Antifa was also name dropped at the rally, they are so fucked
I forced myself to get some sleep, even 1 or 2 hours of rest are better for the mind than staying up all day, trust me
the riot control police made it look more like a lawless shithole
bunch of power hungry police state mo fukas
"The obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me, if we have to close down our government, we're building that wall,"
If Republicans have 54 senators in 2019 and Democrats try to filibuster them then it will make sense to remove the 60 senators requirement.
But before then the nuclear option shouldn't be used.
I'm a little sad about missing the rally. Did anything crazy happen? Besides the left getting BTFO of course. Is Phoenix a warzone yet?
>throwing un capped bottles of piss at the police
if you throw piss on me i'm going to fucking gas you or crack your skull. if you don't run when the gas comes flying you're too stupid to live.
Can someone meme into this sounds from Quake Arena?
I think these reporters are unironically starting to become one of the most hated people in america. They know this, so they are doubling down. Imagine being so repulsed by the public that you just continue acting like a piece of shit, because you have literally nothing to lose at tthis point
i went to bed early last night... bad move?
You'll never get them into nature. Never. Blacks are absolutely terrified of the outdoors in any form.
naah cops shut that shit down beautifully with a shock and awe spectacular
"I don't want to do it tonight because I don't want to cause controversy," Trump said during the rally. "But Sheriff Joe can feel good"
W-w-hat did he mean by this?
Joe has endorsed Hillary's new book, brb heading to amazon, I must pre-order it now!!!
This is their front page right now. They make Trump sound like Godzilla.