Supreme Island Project (SIP) | General


This thread is for the discussion and advertising of the Supreme Island Project, an ethnostate utopia.

We are a group of Sup Forumsacks wanting to create a better life for ourselves and our children.

On September 2nd @ 12pm noon UTC we will be hosting our first "Congress" to discuss initial ideas about the project on Discord.

We would love to hear from you on the day to contribute to our proof of concept.

>inb4 larping

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there someone who provided proof of having enough funds to actually buy an island? If not this is indeed just another larp.

How primitive? Could start at the stone age and build our way up

Move to the West Country and join the inevitable independence movement that will begin when England properly starts falling apart.

Buy ? it will be an invasion

Yes - we have had 2 major interests so far.

Yeah, no. THerre's no way the (((international community))) would let something like that slide.
That's interesting. What kind of proof did they provide?

did someone say /SIP/???

No proof except for sincerity and necessity.

Lol at actually thinking this is possible.

>theyll never get to the moon thats impossible

I studied sea land extensively, we can do this

Getting to moon was thought to be impossible from scientific/engineering pov. This is impossible from political pov. It's easier to "beat" science than politics.

Think of Vietnam and Afghanistan. A guerrilla army can demoralise any western force

>Studied sea land extensively

We're good guys

what's your stance on polygamy?

A supreme island
For supreme gentlemen

Is the flag set? I can whip up something if you lads are still in need.

I'll need suggestions for
>crosses if any
>patterns etc.

yes go west. Do not come to East Anglia. We're full.

I know you're just trying to pull a Brievek

Nice flag

Discord dosn't work need to make it a non timed invite.


There is a buyer that wants to start an ethnostate. He is currently with his lawyer handling the paperwork for Isla Verdugo.
It is very important to understand that we will have to live under Chilean law. It's likely we will not be able to be an independent island.
Since this is a private island we can decide who can enter who cannot. HOWEVER, immigration will have to be in accord with Chilean law, that means giving jobs to all who live there or want to immigrate.

As for housing, there are readymade units but we will have to do the plumbing and electrical work ourselves.

There are many villages and porta nearby that give us a possible stable commerce.

There are many things that need to be thought through, the most important part is security (both external and internal). The least of our issues is flag color and internet service.

ayeee cheers hueman. Suffolk is fucking comfy territory.

"Religious freedom" Does this include Death Cult, that is, islam? I really think it should not include it. It would attract thousands of donkey fuckers.

Islandfag is the worst OP in all boards, this fucker should be shot on sight.

I agree, either we're all christians or all religions are prohibited.
Homosexuality should also be prohibited and punished with expulsion.

Lol, why?

Is that cos Colombian won't be able to sneak in and steal our island jobs?

Back to calama with u!

If we're going to have forced religion I'd rather go with the paganism meme than Christianity. At least that's not a Jewish invention that might compel people to accept "immigrants" from the surrounding areas later down the line.


dont forget germans for perfection and order

chaos wont help we need structure

>mfw this shit turns serious

With how much we're hated currently (((they))) will probably pay for us to stay on an island

Something like norn iron but with more orange. Their hand is cool.

False. They will not rest until there is no more pure ethnic European on this planet and the only persons with white skin left are they themselves.

I'll be willing to donate £100,000 if i'm made the Fuhrer.


You mean "we're" as in genocidal Serbs or?

I've seen so many such projects over the years here on Sup Forums.
Oil platform, Pacific island, Africa, etc.
Every single of these ideas died out and failed.

That green is awful

>"waah life is so hard and unfair! I want my safe space away from big mean jews!"

this is you. you little cuck

this, we should NOT be idiots and declare ourselves independent
it is better to stay as a private island under Chilean law and apply our ideals on our private land. act like a nation but don't attract unwanted attention like idiots

Christian values, morals and ideals are the basis of western excellence and civilization
either we stick to it or we reject all religion
...or unironically worship Kek
as for the sexual part, a nation gains nothing from homosexuals they don't reproduce naturally and only corrupt society making it more degenerate

neck yourself

money isnt an indication for good leadership skills

Waaahh kurds are so mean and unfair, I need my safespace, papa Recipe Tayyip, pls genocide them :''(

Does no one remember the threads about a pol community last year?

They got everyone's ideas and info and fuck all happened

Don't trust this

No fucking kikes you ruin everything

>Posted this in another thread
If the whole, Chilean island part doesn't quite work out, how tough would it be to somehow get permits to have a group living on one of the islands off of Alaska? Somewhere small like Hall Island, that's not very close to the continental U.S.

That island looks extremely rocky, I doubt it can sustain agriculture.
Being subject to Chile sounds horrendous, if you actually do manage success it will be diversified by force.


If Sealand is your model, you're saying you want an uninhabited rock the only value of which is a meme claim to independence?

This is a retarded idea. If anything of the kind is to come to fruition, it cannot come of a Cambodian sand art forum. There are no women here. Do you want an ethnostate (actually a racially monolithic commune) or a bunch of neets sitting around talking about how they've saved the white race before asking 'where da white wimminz at?'

If you guys are actually being serious and not LARPing, then I have to stress how important it is that you don't act like a bunch of screaming autists and proclaim your lebensraum to be a 'white ethnostate' with a 'fascist government'. You seriously need to act like centrist libertarians who just want to fuck around on an island, otherwise the international community will try and depose you, want nothing to do with you, and, if you try and gain independence, the UN will never recognise you and might even send 'peacekeepers' to help Chile or whoever owns the island.

>the red/green looks terrible together.
>Sup Forums logo
>green white flag doesn't look aggressive enough
Maybe change the color and use another version of the black sun logo.
>neck yourself
I don't know how it's over in Spain, but the pagan roots are still very present in northern/eastern Europe.

Christianity teaches to turn the other cheek and love your enemies as friends.
This kind of thinking is what got Europe in this mess in the first place.
I don't like the Chinese, but their resistance to foreign intervention is something we should definitely admire.

Think about it. Let's say any and all cultural achievements of ethnic Europeans were simple caused by the influence of Christianity (which it is not), but even then it would have been better to reject Christianity in favor of paganism (which wasn't an option since, like Islam now, it was spread by the sword), if it meant the replacement of ethnic Europeans couldn't happen as it does now thanks to this virus of the mind instilled into our people.

Chile has Prussian villages and even Prussian army tradition. It is not that bad honestly.

It's not.
The idea is to have indoor farms for lobster, shrimp, lobster, etc. for export and trade with the local villages for anything else. You can realistically also raise sheep, goats, cows, pigs and chickens.
THIS. I've been saying this from day one. Don't attract attention by automatically screaming independence and flying swastikas or calling yourself the fourth Reich.
It's a PRIVATE island under Chilean law that means you can keep to yourself. Nobody will force immigration.

That's a nice flag.

Also, I forgot to mention, that flag is no good. It looks the same as the fucking Nazi flag you autists.

Maybe leaving your parents basement and taking some responsibility should be the first step.

>This kind of thinking is what got Europe in this mess in the first place
no. cultural marxism got us in the mess we are now

I understand you admiring your pagan roots but these religions are so far removed that we have basically no connection to it.

>Communists are stupid they want a utopia, it's unrealistic and delusional.

>Hey guys let's build a realistic utopia, yeah a realistic utopia is build on discord.

You buy a small island and settle it exclusively by Sup Forums losers. I actually really want this to happen, it will be hilarious.

show your flag libcuck
go back to plebbit lefty nigger

>these religions are so far removed that we have basically no connection to it
Again, this is false. Most "Christian" holidays existed before as pagan ones and are still celebrated here in mostly the same way they were then. (Easter fires etc.)
>no. cultural marxism got us in the mess we are now
It's not just a single thing. Christianity made people weak and sowed the seeds of xenophilia.

You yourself stated that "unironically" worshipping KEK could be an option, so upholding Paganism, the religion of our ancestors, would be far less of a stretch.

Keep up the doublethink spic.

Can I be in the FBI thread/discord too?

The utopia is merely an island with a sustainable economy, we are not talking about unrestricted FREEDOM, JUSTICE and PROSPERITY for ALL PEOPLE, like you.

You can literally just use discord with your browser.

Pack lots of rubber stamps and ink pads and do what u guys do best (besides the obvious)

the problem being that every country in europe has at lees 2/3/4 different pagan religions
do we force a feenchman to worship Odin or a russian to worship Jupiter? Which version do we choose... We are not 1 people like we have been convinced, not all whites have the same history.

Christianity is familiar and Kek is widespread knowledge.

go suck lenins cock you faggot commie

>germans for perfection and order
the branch in your country of the company I work for (which is also based in germany) is the most unorganized shitfest I've ever seen.

Shit, I never thought they'd let the French in

I'm all with a mass migration, but get your proto-State bullshit the fuck out. If this is anything other than a LARP then you must look very carefully to the past and present and seriously consider the philosophies of Liberty that have evolved over centuries of State rule. There doesn't need to be top-down enforcement of order, a Natural Aristocracy combined with modern ideas of Liberty (the NAP and PRP for self-enforcement) is the only way to avoid the very same pitfalls the founding fathers of the United States suffered. Their dream, just like yours, will be crushed by the always marching growth of power of the State.

>not just moving to Orania, SA

To that degree, anyone seriously considering the formation of a new State must at least read The Anatomy of The State by Murray N. Rothbard. Understand the apparatus you are planning on hoisting upon this world, and think:

Truly the Jew, the ultimate human parasite, is master of the State, the codified parasitism of Man.

If the island does not work out. Here is a damn good property in Chile:

Comes with its own hydro electric plant and a few condos. It is surrounded by rivers and has a lake too.

Patagonia as a whole is going to become a white flight region anyway.

So... are we still invading Tuvalu or what?




ISP ????

internet service provider. He is LARPing tho

Internet Space Police

>Patagonia as a whole is going to become a white flight region anyway.

source? that property looks stunning btw

5000 acers is better than the 2000 of the island, but having ocean connections is probably more important.

Just move to iceland...

I'm a plumber. If this is not a LARP I'll happily come

>On September 2nd @ 12pm noon UTC we will be hosting our first "Congress" to discuss initial ideas about the project on Discord.

Discord link is expired

You can worship whatever Gods your ancestors worshipped.
Pagan religions do not state that their gods are the only gods.

Daily reminder that the last Sup Forumsnation threads have been elaborate money-grabs. Reminder that "Kekistan" was first created in a Sup Forumsnation thread

> he didn't move to /Namibia/

no sauce but it just seems obvious if shit goes down in the west. i know it is very easy to get permanent residence in uruguay as a westerner and chile is also very lenient.

hook nose tribe bad
they lie and want interest on beads
they paint degenerate things on cave walls

But Iceland can't sustain any more people and they are importing niggers.

Why would you use a flag that is clearly based on the Nazi German war flag? It's like you want to fail.

Its unlimited

Why not all move to Alaska and claim independence?

>clearly based on the nazi German war flag
>Australian intellectuals

for this to prosper we need homogenous ethnicity, religion and political views
anything else will end up fucking it

>claim independence
this is how you gather unwanted attention, private island is PRIVATE. you buy it you own it and if you respect the law of the country it is a part of you have no problems

>guerrilla army
>Sup Forums
You do realise that fighting a war does in no way involve shitposting from yer ma's garage, eh, cunt?
Also, good luck getting a bunch of unfit basement dwellers and roid-raging manlets to form any sort of military force, let alone a coherent, self organized, self sufficient and highly mobile army that asymmetric warfare demands...
Lastly, the most important thing to guerilleros is the support and loyalty of the people in the areas they operate, which to you would be denied from the start, as everyone hates fucking nazis - regular, neo or corporatist varieties.

>tl;dr: LAR/pol/ strikes again.

its a lot more difficult, your contending with the worlds biggest police state and contrary to popular belief the US is one of the most communist countrys on earth with no respect to private property. dont get me wrong the US is more free than most but a western democracy defacto is never going to allow separatism without a fight

>for this to prosper we need homogenous ethnicity, religion and political views
I guess you're right on that part. I simply assumed we'd be taking Germano-Slavic Paganism. If there's a big amount of (white) Mediterraneans wanting to join, I guess going with KEK (or any other """""made up""""" religion) would be best.

Remember the whole Kekistan island thing? We know this is never going to work.