So apparently even Poland that suffered under Nazi occupation is now ripe for being compared to Nazis.
Top EU politician compares Hungary and Poland to Nazis in tweet
authoritarianism =/= totalitarianism
Fucken kikes. Fuck Democracy.
We, or at least Hungary, aren't even authoritarian. The opposition is weak because they have split into a bunch of groups that will never be able to agree on cooperation and are unpopular because of their corrupt legacies (communism, liberalism).
I think we are getting this shit storm because we aren't ready to take "refugees". Watch them escalate this in the next few weeks.
Fucking EU man, I hate them
What can realistically be done to end the EU? I hate having to constantly sit idly by.
the fuck
Tick tock.
>poland are nazis
Total war by the second Hitler
Literally same shit here. Opposition is currently greatest ally of goverment
You're literally the better Austria, it makes me sad
>freedom and liberty
Pick one.
"Democratic institutions" = corporate rule in newspeak.
In v4s case they are against mass immigration which corporations want in order to drive down wages, as well as the more longterm goal of destroying ethnic culture for it to be replaced by consumerism which benefits the corps.
Resisting corporate elitist rule = anti-democracy.
>taking anything Verhofstadt says seriously
The nigga is one of the most progressive liberals the EU Parliament has, of course he'll compare Poland and Hungary to a totalitarian state. Nonetheless, it really boggles the brain to see how these pathetic socialists can virtually say anything they like, with no consequence.
Take in mind, Guy Verhofstadt is the guy that leads the Brexit negotiations for the EU side - he's the guy that proposed that the UK should be milked for millions of pounds in fines because the people decided to leave in a democratic referendum. Take that alongside the previous EU referendums that were completely ignored by the EU commission and you have the clear picture right in front of you - the EU does not give a single damn about what the people want. This monstrous construction is resembling the USSR more and more and I'm baffled at the idea that millions of Europeans, especially the ones from Central and Eastern Europe, still think that the EU is a good idea in the long term.
>inb4 muh longest peace in the history of the continent
>inb4 economic development
Anyone who still believes in the EU should be shot on sight.
>drive down wages
Where, in the negatives?
>corporate rule
Corporations already pay off our government for favours, for a new car factory we paid like one million euros per each new job created
All the funds are embezzled or given to gypsies, instead of improving our military and making our country great again
Everyone says we are literally Hitler, wish it was true!
Just uncuck yourselves and tighten immigration rules. I hope Austria can show the way to Germany, it should really happen asap, another 4 years under Merkel, how can we even keep on resisting this monster.
He didn't compare them to Nazis. He said that the EU is key to preventing the rise of totalitarianism in these countries, especially since these countries have corrupt politicians that are eliminating independent branches of the government and coming closer to a dictatorship.
>show yourself concerned about two countries
>attach a Nazi article with your tweet
>deny comparison
How much further can you go?
Austria has Parliamentary elections coming this autumn - most likely, a right-winged coalition will win =, given that virtually all of the country votes right, except Vienna (which pretty much shows that the urban areas = progressive liberal trend is very real all across Europe).
Everybody lost their mind last year because Hopfer lost, but nobody actually paid attention that the President in Austria only has a ceremonial role. The left is in shambles and the continuous immigration wave definitely changed a lot of perspectives, especially in the minds of middle-class, white Austrians.
The EU is basically a mafia. You continue paying us and if you stop paying we will try and wipe you out.
the eu IS totalitarianism. holy fuck
Because totalitarianism always ends up with a similar situation as Nazi Germany. That image is more like
>this is what will happen if Poland continues to remove independent branches of government and crack down on independent media
Pretty funny to talk about how these countries have corrupt politicians, whilst the EU itself is an USSR-like construction, with the top leaders electing themselves over and over again, with virtually no civilian oversight. Pretty funny to talk about eliminating independent branches of the government when the EU itself is trying to eliminate national boarders, force immigration quotas over countries that want nothing to do with muzzies, force legislation that is both moronic and bad etc.
You can go fuck yourself with that flag of yours, we Eastern Europeans have already been part of a EU-like plague that decimated our countries - why the fuck would we want to take part in another USSR reenactment, only this time in blue?
>not realizing that the NSDAP was democratically elected by the people
>not realizing that virtually all national-populist movements across Europe were democratically elected by the people
The only ones that are totalitarian are the fucking commies, you piece of shit. Hurr durr Poland is cracking on independent media - do you mean EU-funded media that has been shilling for the left for over 20 years already? Hurr durr Poland continues to remove independent branches of the government - do you mean they are removing the previously installed shills that were put there by the EU-backed government, a government that was democratically brought-down in democratic elections?
Yet again, put a pipe in your ass and sit the fuck down. Apparently the EU always decides what's democratic or not - funny, isn't it?
The most baffling thing (to me) regarding the issue.
Poland tries to push a law stopping the highest-positioned judges from electing their buddies.
Literally, they'll bring democracy to the judicial system
>Polacks thought of it, therefore it is bad
>Fucken kikes. Fuck Democracy.
Don't confuse our political systems with democracy, please.
>no one ever voted for guy
yeah poland and hungary are the totalitarians
>Pretty funny to talk about how these countries have corrupt politicians, whilst the EU itself is an USSR-like construction, with the top leaders electing themselves over and over again, with virtually no civilian oversight
The European Parliament is elected. The European Commission gets appointed by the government of each EU country, who were themselves elected. It is completely democratic.
>Pretty funny to talk about eliminating independent branches of the government when the EU itself is trying to eliminate national boarders, force immigration quotas over countries that want nothing to do with muzzies, force legislation that is both moronic and bad etc.
How are these things related? There's a difference between European countries voting for more liberal border policies vs a country eliminating the thing that keeps it from becoming a totalitarian dictatorship.
>why the fuck would we want to take part in another USSR reenactment, only this time in blue
>muh USSR
if you actually knew history, you wouldn't be comparing the EU with the USSR at all
t. former USSR citizen
This. Verhofstad is a clown.
>independent media
You mean "jew owned media".
Fuck off EU cunt. We should fucking crack down on (((independent media))) given that they all spout the same shit and actively support the ongoing demographic replacement of native europeans with worthless shitskins, and in general, are nothing more than the megaphones the international capitalists use to spout their propaganda at the masses.
Our biggest medias here in Finland, from publishing houses, radio channels and TV channels, are owned by the same fucking company, Bonnier, who surprise surprise, are fucking kikes.
I want their lying kike mouths shut right the fuck now.
Hitler was fucking right.
Am I right in saying that nigs etc are well behaved in Eastern Europe because if not they'd get their shit pushed in?
They are okay. But it's because there are not a lot of them.
thank fuck he is not German
>not realizing that the NSDAP was democratically elected by the people
Are you trying to tell me that the Nazis aren't totalitarian?
The reason the Nazi party got popular was because they campaigned on a more radical socialist agenda.
They overtook the socialist party and the communist party, but after the Nazis gained majority and cracked down on other parties, they purged all socialists from their party. And Hitler himself never was elected. He was appointed.
>Hurr durr Poland is cracking on independent media - do you mean EU-funded media that has been shilling for the left for over 20 years already?
>muh shillz reeeeeee
>Hurr durr Poland continues to remove independent branches of the government - do you mean they are removing the previously installed shills that were put there by the EU-backed government, a government that was democratically brought-down in democratic elections?
Do you even understand what I was saying? They're de-democratizing their constitution. They're centralizing their power by removing independent branches of the government.
>Apparently the EU always decides what's democratic or not - funny, isn't it?
No. Having a clear seperation of government branches has been considered democratic since the French Revolution and US independence.
>You mean "jew owned media".
>muh jooz
>I don't agree with them therefore shut it down!
make your own media company you inbred retard
Motherfucker what?
Soviet Union = governed by 15 unellected people who appointed each other and who were not accountable to virtually anyone.
EU - governed by two dozen people who appoint each other, who hold their meetings in secret and who are not accountable to anyone (civilian oversight) - moreover, most of the people in the EU high command cannot be sacked in case of wrongdoings.
The EU has an elected Parliament - well, the USSR had an elected Parliament as well (the Supreme Soviet) - speaking time in the chamber was limited in the each group for 1-2 minute/speaker, meaning that any decent dialog would be shut down immediately by the timer. Moreover, the EU and the USSR have some other similarities in between them - both organisms are best characterized by moronic bureaucracy - the members can hire their own staff, they have total diplomatic and judiciary immunity, they have huge salaries paid at the expense of the European citizen taxes etc, their travel expenses and living expenses are sponsored by the EU citizens (hurr durr Junker can pay 100.000$ for a private plane, because he needs to work in it) etc.
The Soviet Union was created out of coercion and military occupation. The European Union was created out of coercion and economic bullying. In order to continue to exist, the USSR spread itself more and more - the moment it stopped spreading, it started collapsing. Does it feel familiar to you in regards to the EU? Does it feel familiar to you that the EU promotes the same values that the USSR did - the fact that we are no longer British, French, German etc, but we are Europeans first and foremost - thing that can be translated as forcing countries that are apart of the EU to integrate, at the expense of their culture, history, national boarders etc.
You lived in the USSR but you are the same useful idiot as most of the people that thought they were free as long as they didn't say anything against the state. Shoot yourself, now.
I saw multiple blacks in Budapest, even a few working there without any repercussion.
It must be hard to swallow for leftists when they see Budapest: safe and without having to worry about the beauties of (((multiculturalism))).
>How dare you not want to make whites a minority in your country goy! You guys are literally Nazis, import third world trash now
I hope Poland and Hungary ban nonwhites from gaining citizenship and raise their birth rates to high levels just for an extra dose of triggering the EU.
At this point in history,being called a nazi is a compliment.
follow the money anons
Warsaw is probably the whitest city in the world.
>Poland is accused of being Nazi
what a fucking timeline to be alive
I've been there recently, only saw 1 nigger the rest was either Slavs and Gypsies.
>you can compare Poland and Hunary to Nazis
>you can not compare Islam to Nazis because you get 6 months in jail for that
I love living in such a free society.
Every country in the EU is already totalitarist, the only thing that change it's they are marxist and the old ones were fascist
Saying "muh joos" doesn't discredit the fact that the kikes overwhelmingly own the media, you treasonous globalist piece of shit.
The destruction of the EU cannot come soon enough. I have decided to dedicate my life to ripping my nation out of this cancerous union and ridding ourselves of all the traitors who pushed us into your deadly embrace in the first place.
Finland belongs to Finns, and only Finns should have any say on what happens in here and how we live. All non-Finnish influence has to be removed by force if necessary. That includes kike influence.
when you compare anything to Hitler you have lost the narrative and made a fool of yourself
EU is unironically becoming EUSSR and Brussells bureaucrats are exactly as detached from reality and totalitarian as soviet nomenklatura was.
V4 doesnt exist anymore, slovak pm Fico backstabbed v4 allies and anytime he is on tv now, he speaks that Slovakia belongs to eu core with Germany. And few days ago his foreign minister Lajcak (biggest globalist shill in Slovakia) basically signed "schutzvertrag" with Germany.
There are barely any nigers in eastern Europe, we have gypsies though and some countries have mudslimes. They all behave like trash.
Fuck off shill.
i'm sorry hungarybro, i went to school with his kid
should have hurt him when i got the chance
REEE Stop doing what you want to do instead of what we want you to do.
Austria despite electing a Green party faggot are trying to close their borders as well. Finland also didn't respond with cuckery once their terrorist attack happened. I think they can save themselves from the refugee bullshit.
Pic related will be the New Europe if countries don't act now.
>governed by two dozen people who appoint each other, who hold their meetings in secret and who are not accountable to anyone (civilian oversight) - moreover, most of the people in the EU high command cannot be sacked in case of wrongdoings
why would you lie on the internet?
The European Council is made up of the President/Prime ministers of each European country. Those are elected. The European Parliament is directly elected by the people. The European Council is elected by the governments of EU countries, which are elected by the people.
>The EU has an elected Parliament - well, the USSR had an elected Parliament as well (the Supreme Soviet) -
>EU is run by organization
>USSR is run by organization
>EU = USSR confirmed
10/10 logic
>speaking time in the chamber was limited in the each group for 1-2 minute/speaker, meaning that any decent dialog would be shut down immediately by the timer.
And that's not true for the EU at all.
>Moreover, the EU and the USSR have some other similarities in between them - both organisms are best characterized by moronic bureaucracy - the members can hire their own staff, they have total diplomatic and judiciary immunity, they have huge salaries paid at the expense of the European citizen taxes etc, their travel expenses and living expenses are sponsored by the EU citizens (hurr durr Junker can pay 100.000$ for a private plane, because he needs to work in it) etc.
wow this irrelevant fact totally proves EU = USSR
>Does it feel familiar to you in regards to the EU?
let's continue, for the EU cronies that like to suck Junker's dick so much:
>1. The European Union's six constitutional treaties build a three tier politburo dictatorship.
>2. The EU has the laws of a police state - which are being increasingly enforced.
>3. The EU's 120,000 regulations will bring us a soviet style command economy and
abject poverty.
>4. The EU's illegal six treaties will compel us to hand over all our armed forces
to the EU.
>5. The EU's 120,000 regulations will rigidly control our personal lives - more
than any nation in history.
>6. EU regulations now cost us £100 billion a year. (Better Regulation Commission
annual report 2005).
>7. When enforced, those illegal regulations will destroy most of our 4.5 million
small businesses.
>8. Up to 13.5 million will be unemployed after EU regulations close small
>9. The 120,000 regulations will make us subject to continual arrest (SOCPA 2005).
>10. There are now 3,095 "Crimes against the EU state" on the British
statute book.
>11. Huge taxes/fines by the EU's Road Pricing, Congestion Charging and global
warming policies.
>12. EU conceived in Germany from 22nd June 1940 as the EEC - speech by Hermann
>13. First EEC conference Berlin University 1942, 13 nation summit Berlin 1943 run
by von Ribbentrop.
Just a small taste of what the EU truly is. I can go on if you promise you'll have a stroke by the end of it.
It's not. They just move there, completely oblivious to why it's nice and try to ruin it as they have everywhere else they've set up shop. This is the reason they don't move to Beirut or Cape Town.
Guy Verhofstadt, more like Gay Verhofstadt lmao
Austrian election was openly rigged two times. What makes you believe it`ll not happen third time?
good point. Fuck the world has gone batshit crazy. Something has gotta give.
Who's this guy? I forgot his name
This. To make it funnier, it was the same shit during previous government reign. But the fuckers felt too safe and managed to piss off too many voters.
The sad part is, our current government isn't really even right-winged. It's mostly just our version of RINOs, led by an old faggot virgin manlet whose knowledge of economics is just as bad as our left-winged parties.
Pat Buchanan
>It's almost as if Jews are on average smarter than non-Jews and are high-achievers.
>The destruction of the EU cannot come soon enough. I have decided to dedicate my life to ripping my nation out of this cancerous union and ridding ourselves of all the traitors who pushed us into your deadly embrace in the first place.
Except you're inbred white trash. Good luck achieving anything in your life.
Verhofstadt is a beta male cuck if I ever saw one. He should get a real job.
Patrick J. Buchanan
aka you posted a gish-gallop of bullshit without even explaining why you think any of the points are true
When are you guys going to take the initiative and blow something up?
The Reichstag didn't light itself on fire.
>we cant take freedom & liberty for granted
Typical globalist projection.
I am studying in an university, and I will get into politics just to fucking spite you fucking scum. You are my enemies and I will see my people freed of your grasp.
And no, Jews are just nepotistic faggots who put other kikes to high positions because they favor members of their own ingroup over others. They form a competing tribe within their host nations, which is the prime reason why those fucking hook nosed rats have been expelled countless times.
Can you look any more like a pedophile than Verhofstadt?
>And no, Whites are just nepotistic faggots who put other crackers to high positions because they favor members of their own ingroup over others. They form a competing tribe within their host nations, which is the prime reason why those fucking big nosed rats have been expelled from Africa countless times.
t. BLM
His kids can't be held accountable for this, they have been probably victims of his system from Day 0.
The basedest cunt in the world
They are correct. Whites are a competing tribe to blacks in USA, and the only way blacks can compete on equal footing is if the state backs them up because negroids are not fit to life in European civilizations.
Hence, an actual resolution to the racial conflicts in USA would be segregation and allowing each race to live in their own domains with clear borders between them. Intermingling the two races will only breed conflict.
Such a catchy tune!
>In v4s case they are against mass immigration which corporations want in order to drive down wages
It's simpler then that.
MNEs want short term gains so they can get rich quick so bringing in a shit ton of people who will take debts and buy shit pushes up the GDP
GDP goes up, their wealth increases with it as they bet on the economy doing "well" until the point where shit hits the fan and they either short to make more money or die off
They are scum who play games with people's livelihoods, fuck them all
John Podesta beats him probably, aber nur haarscharf.
Karma is a bitch. We`ve been demonized by western media for so long - most there actually believe the shit said: honestly thinking Russia is a oligarchic dictatorship ruled by tzar putin personally murdering opposition. Poland is no exception, in opposite -it adds own spin with the "Russian bullying" narrative and painting it threat to Europe.
I have to see it feels my heart with joy, seeing the things make full circle and turn around your - seeing Poland being shat on in German media and such, so majority actually believes its catholic nationalistic dictatorship getting ready to imprison jews and deport Deutsche.
The other interesting example being Turkey - where European media bends from suckign its dick to shitting on it depending on the current political agenda.
democracy sucks ass. it is a horrible system.
Unelected bureaucrats:
>The Commission plays a vital role in the EU. It is the body which proposes new legislation, draws up the EU's annual budget and manages and supervises EU funding. The Commission consists of 28 members, one from each member state.
>Its president is nominated by the national leaders and then elected by the European Parliament by majority vote. Based on member states' suggestions, the Commission's president selects 27 other members of the Commission for a five-year period, each with a specific policy portfolio.
The European Parliament, you dense motherfucker, is directly elected by the people, indeed. People that have no idea what the EU Parliament really does - the same uneducated people that are getting shamed every god damn elections by these career politicians. Do you actually think that these guys really represent the will of the people? Do you actually think that they are not prone to corruption and whatnot?
>Future referendums will be ignored whether they are held in Ireland or elsewhere, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the architect of the European Union Constitution said.
>The former President of France drafted the old Constitution that was rejected by French and Dutch voters three years ago before being resurrected as the Lisbon EU Treaty, itself shunned by the Irish two weeks ago.
Poland and Russia should team up and destroy the EU. Working together could scare the EU into submission.
Like this?
whites can favor whites in a white country kike
Why don't mudslimes attack EU politicians?
How EU is still alive after threading the U.K. For leaving, the Merkel Millions, shitting on the East?
Portugal is pretty free of muslims.
American Globalists will still keep funding them, Especially Soros.
>>inb4 muh longest peace in the history of the continent
It will be followed by the longest period of strife in history.
Russians constant efforts to exterminate and wipe out the polish nation from the face of earth throughout past 200 years makes it impossible for us to work together. I would rather see ruskies die than the EU.
>The European Commission gets appointed by the government of each EU country, who were themselves elected. It is completely democratic.
>"government" who got 20% under shitty proportional voting system gets to decide which kikes determine EU policy and how they can fuck euros in the ass
You should've stuck with a plurality system dumb europoors
Because it's an evil empire just like USSR that strangles any brave nation even daring to break away and establish their own sovereignity by sending NKVD to imprison and murder any opposition and their families.
Or because single market is actually a good fucking thing.
Dude, if you left the EU the sheer amount of rage would be unimaginable.
Every Enemy had to team up at some point throughout history. The Russians and Polish will have to work together on this.
True, our next war is gonna be the worse in human history.
This won't happen until they will condemn commies war atrocities instead celebreting soviet army as heroes
I remember the time when I was seeing a shitskin in Warsaw 1 or 2 times a year
Now I see them 1 or 2 times a week
our greatest enemy right now is legal immigration + women (and kikes, of course)