Which path have you taken Sup Forums?
How many other paths have you completed yet?
Which path have you taken Sup Forums?
the one where you enjoy Sup Forums and laugh at memes
Path four I suppose. I need to get off my lazy ass and lift, but honestly books are just so much better than women and gains.
4..but you cant really tell i lift much because im a skinny cunt.
Idk, maybe something like Varg
where's the one where they sit in their mom's basement photoshopping satanic symbols onto Leon Panetta's hands?
Where's the one where you keep coming back for the black/brown/mixed girl threads?
Third path. It's easier to be a strong retard and just be angry about things than actually work for solutions. At least I'll be purged later.
got engaged not two moons ago
I want to be a number two but i'm closer to a number three.
fourth one
I am going with 4 because no gf and old, not sure if I make it to have kids.
Third from the top.
Anyone who claims hate is not as relevant as love or any other feel on the spectrum is a effeminate cuck.
same lel
Want #2, will probably get #4, but #3 is a distinct possibility.
probably 2nd or fourth. Have not been married yet but pretty buff and have cute gf. Also go to school now so maybe 4
2, 3 and 4 combo
4 currently, working towards a 2--if this does not come--then maybe I will shift into a 5, enshallah.
A mixture of three and four on this one.
working up to path one, wish me luck
Thanks for extracting my thoughts and mapping them into words @ Sup Forums
Love or hate would not exist without the other part.
South Park comically stated this in their movie:
>With no evil there could be no good, so it must be good to be evil somehow
Here lads, have a redpill on hate
the one where i become an antisemitic nationalist anti-communist but not a retarded naziboo