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Breaking news:An Italian man holding a gun barricaded 3 hours in Nagoya,Japan
sorry but there are no english articles
Why are bad foreigners always Italian? As I recall, sex offender who hugged stranger women was also Italian.
>sex offender who hugged stranger women
i wish Italiens were our biggest problem.
>babby's first wog cultural enrichment
Absolutely this.
how'd he get a hold of a gun in japan?
>Jap subhumans cowering in fear as an Italian supervir waves a toy gun around
Learn your place, mongoloids
foreigners are brutal. I start to feel murdering all foreigners in Japan.
But they are
Based Italian man. Fuck Japs.
but i haven't had sex with japanese girl yet
wait until i finish cumming insider your women before evicting me from your country
It was a toy
Polenta con caca.
Go ahead naruto become the best hokage of them all!
Its probably a toy.
But if its real then probably Yakuza
How was their a 3 hour stand off? Was he passing it off as real?
I wouldn't expect Japanese police to be too competent in hostage situations
You won't do shit jap boi
then what's the standoff for? christ japs are retarded
All my support for that Italian and European citizen.
b,but it is not good to kill people ;_: Why would you do that Japan-san
Paella con caca :DDDDDDDDD
>i wish Italiens were our biggest problem
They are the sole reason our cops carry guns.
I though the reason was the 44% of your country
japan should pay reparations to italy for the racist portrayal of italians that they perpetuate with mario
Yeah, and look what it got Hitler.
Revenge, Japan. Do the same thing to them.
How long have id's been missing?
What? They only made Italians look better with Mario. Italians are cheap and cowardly assholes
the thread was moved from Sup Forums
I bet he tried to pass the hugs as "common way to greet people in Italy", which is not wrong but neither it gets close to being considered sexual.
That is what you get for letting other than northern europeans and dutch in. All others are obvious subhumans.
ok yeah
pasta la vista baby
im sending mafia to ur ip little gook nigger
Don't let the Italian catholics in, the Pope will tell them to convince you, that you need open borders.
Do iT!
White people bringing their "cultural enrichment" to East Asia. Soon they will start forcing mayo on sushi and advocating for radical feminist law. Subhumans!
Let's start with kebab
Italians are half african.
They also behave like subhumans here in germany too.
based wogs
>animal jap spills the beans
Maybe Italy is top for caucasians, but not top for all crimes.
Italy look mixed with islam though and not pure white, so it isnt suprising.
Japan imports one italian and it already makes more ruckus than muslims
Two people ain't much of a gang.
You're just mad because your food and women are shit.
Do it, kill the terroni.
>posessions of firearms (guns and swords)
The koreans are using gunblades now?
2 out of 3 people enjoy gang rape
davidkun you fucking faggot stop intentionally typing in broken english
or austrian
Fake news, there are no guns in Japan
>14% of all refugees in Japan rape this ONE woman at the SAME TIME.
It's all perspective.
This. The only reason the Romans didn't subdue Japan back in the day is the lack of modern technology.
walp i guess it was just a matter of time before japan had to cut international traffic with the west.
whites act like niggers in east asia
That's the spirit
"These noodles are made of rice!"
I wish you weren't a pussy bitch
Too bad South Korea doesn't seem to want their people back. Maybe try deporting them to North Korea instead?
Don't be dumb weeb there are plenty of guns in Japan illegal ones, ww2 left overs , cops, military,
If you want a reply from a german you have to write in turkish.
Mario, no!
Based Giovanni destroying anime
Not the hero we deserve but the one we need
I wish finland user.
They cause many problems.Even go full juden and create fake right-wing violence to blame japanese.
27 ain't a bad sample
You will never get his secret meatcall recipe!
I bet some insensitive Nip told the guy
>This time without Italy!
and the Italian just got mad at him.
Kek, because Japan definetly was a formidable foe and wasn't just effortlessly crushed by anyone that isn't chinese.
Even the soviets utterly annihilated the japs at Khalkin Gol. Gooks are maybe a fifth better than Italians if we're talking about military prowess during WW2.
We really shouldn't have allied with either.
They shot a tourist? Who? Why? For what? Someone redpill me pls
maybe, i dont have the statistics.
i think japanese were good fighters though.
anyway, like adolf said. he envisioned a german body with a japanese spirit.
looking at both of our countries he might have been correct one again.
Impossible! Just a few hours ago there was a thread about there being no gun crime in Japan!
>What madness is this? What pitiful form is this that have come to inhabit? Death would be a release next to this travesty!!
italian girls are the smelliest (´・ω・`)
What about that Brit who just went around asking for kisses? He actually got them half the time , no joke.
Italian girls are the cutest
Yes, but also smelly. She stinks of rotten pizza and stale wine.
>"barricaded, autistic Italian throws spaghetti at random citizens for 3 hours"
Seems like you didn't learn the lesson with two nukes.
Wtf I love Italy now!
italy what are you doing? Japan is an ally you stupid piece of shit!
What was the man's name? I bet he was a terrone.
Ha, been there! Well the dude better commit sudoku because he aint going to like Japanese prison. They are autistic ocd freaks to the extreme.
Right in the feels.