Let's have a political compass thread!
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Let's have a political compass thread!
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I'll bite.
Typical monarchist result
>not authoritarian hard right
how can you call yourself a monarchist
read hoppe
we will win
Not really surprised.
Fucking OkCupid level shit.
>not using filteries.com
Lots of centrists here. Debate thread?
polish simulator
Good goyim
Feudalism and with peasants and shit, or neo-reactionary style libertarian freedom loving king?
Here you go user
This website is biased into making you think you have liberal values for reasonable answers.
Don't trust the liberal compass.
What about Spekr.org though? I have linked it on to the OP
>Inb4 cuck
I made another ting
Spekr has me as a fascist.
I meant 8values
National Capitalist on this one.
what test is that
(3/3) Political Compass puts me at Authoritarian Centre.
Thoughts? What would I be politically?
litterally hitler.
In order of appearance
> 8 values
> spekr
> political compass
algorithm bullshit
Finally a good soul
Filteries is pretty good for gauging position.
These tests are bullshit and shift your position based on the phrasing of the questions. 8Values pegged me as a neocon, politicalcompass as an authoritarian, and spekr as a libertarian capitalist.
I think spekr has the least amount of questions that you need to rationalize and are obviously pushing for a position, but it also lacked a number of questions that could be important.
My boyfriend in red, me in white.
He's a good boy. I'm doing to make him read Sowell to get him in the purple :)
What in the absolute fuck is "neo-liberalism*
Left neocon, so basically just a neocon.
(((we))) will win*
Diplomatic Axis: Peaceful
Civil Axis: Libertarian
Societal Axis: Progressive
Neoconservatism + social degeneracy, or absolutely the worst political alignment in existence.
Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal.
Gr8 website lad, hard to use on phone tho
>Capitalist fascism
The fuck is that?
I looked into it and it seems to be an entirely economic alignment. Couldn't find anything on social policies related to it. Said notable people were Ayn Rand, John Adams, and Milton Friedman.
The questions on the test were also kind of shit. The results page said the ideological matching was inaccurate in its current state and I'd have to agree.
pretty accurate
Take Bush, remove the military focus and add more kikery by corporations in the mix
Completely free market (including favors and lobby of course)
>So want a job? Better spread your ass wide or I'm gonna get Paco or pajeet to do it for 5 cents!
Apparently I'm a centrist cuck
I got neocon on 8 values. Whats the best way to kill myself?
>authoritarian capitalist
Well, rate me Sup Forums
checks out
Here you go
Same as you pal
I'd say you hang around a little bit, for the demographics
Let's not let pic related happen...
I guess I could stick around for a little bit. I just need to work on my freedoms and I'll no longer be a dirty neocon.
You're forgetting Monarchy's are crowned by the pope chosen by god.
Yes but with lords and peasants or neo-reactionary style?
tfw you are a literal nazi
I don't know what's up with spekr, but all the other ones place me more accurately. I would consider myself more of a nationalistic and nativistic classical liberal. I personally place liberty and the individual above most else. A free and sensibly open society is what I would like to live in. I am a race realist though and would greatly prefer that society consist of white people that have culturally assimilated to the native culture. You could consider me a nazi sympathizer and I would gladly fight for nazis against communists in the American Civil War.
R8 me. Maybe Db8 me?
Wrong pic. That one was from long time ago.