>It's still easy to access The DaiIy Stormer in a normal web browser without needing Tor. You just use any of the public tor2web proxies.
>How? By adding ".to" or ".link" or ".cab" to the end of the Stormer's .onion address. For example, this:
>can be visited in any normal browser with any of these:
>BE WARNED that these tor2web proxies do NOT give you (the visitor) any anonymity like using real Tor does. So they are ONLY useful for visiting .onion sites that are already legal like the Stormer. Which in this case makes them ideal because only the Stormer's host needs to be anonymous while its readers do not.
>Spread this information around guys. And if anyone knows Anglin closely enough to get his attention, tell him about this so he can put the info at gab.ai
Easy way to access DailyStormer
Whoa, for real?
Why can't that inbred asshat just purchase a new domain?
>tell Anglin
I think he already knows, at least about the .link version. Will mention the others on gab.
thank you based fellow aussie
By the way, how do you access the bbs over tor? Is it even possible?
From whom? The problem is registrars. Just randomly trying new ones over and over isn't the best idea. It would waste time and money. The situation is being worked on, but there's no quick fix.
Nope. The BBS is gone for now.
bbs over tor IS possible you morons.
You forgot to take off your epic meme flag, friend.
Setting up the bbs to run through tor takes 2 seconds. You can even make clearnet access points so that people don't have to use onion urls. You would still have the advantage of letting users be anonymous/hiding the actual server's IP address
Why wouldn't the BBS be accessible over TOR? I don't understand, TOR is just slightly slower but other than that it has all the functionality the normal Internet does right?
Sure he can do that. He probably won't be able to use bbs.[url].onion but yeah, just setting up another .onion for the bbs should work just fine. I suppose though that keeping shit moderated would be much more of a challenge, since you can't ban people on tor (because of the ip's all being other tor nodes).
did he ever try to buy a domian through sweden? they are supposed to be all about internet freedom with their pirate party.
No I mean he can set up a tor hidden service. So he has a .onion, THEN forward traffic to a clearnet server (the gateway). That he can then assign a domain (example.com).
Or bbs.example.com
That way, no matter what, people can't report you to your hosting company. The most they can do is crash your gateway servers/get your domains suspended.
I call it the poor man's cloudflare
You realize you're just telling libcucks how and where to get it taken down again. Fucking newfags never learn the most important lesson about keeping shit a secret
>taking down a .onion site
Only if you're FBI.
>reporting domains
Can't do anything about it.
I don't see why you're so upset.
>The BBS is gone for now.
Hey, you may be right. Go ahead and post a screenshot of the BBS this morning, please.
That's not how any of this currently works, friendo.
>take down a darkweb site
20 minutes ago someone sent an email with 500 recipients, which I guess covers just about all the accredited registrars.
Hopefully at least one of them will take the risk to take a stand for free speech. Unfortunately the one I work for will not (small company that tries to stay out of trouble) and there is no chance I will be able to convince my boss.
Can't wait until that shit show of a site is hacked to bits now that it is on the deepwebz
Can't wait until your shitshow of a life gets extinguished in the race war, kike