* collapses *
* collapses *
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Internal damage caused by a fire.
Now kys.
Weren't 4 planes hijacked?
>Falls perfectly straight
Gif conviently does not show the top structure buckeling before the building comes down.
The building was pushing up daisies, internally fucked.
It was pulled by men with ropes.
>Netherlands has all the answers
you seem like an expert, why don't you tell us more.
What about CNN announcing the collapse before it happened?
falls into tight footprint..wiggy!
Evangelion was warning us about 911?
I thought you Italians would have known what BBC was
>No explosions
I can spend all day nit-picking why this video is not the smoking gun you think it is. with all due respect.
Are you fucking serious? Even they said they couldn't explain its collapse, and in their study they left out a very crucial fact in the building's construction: the girders could not have walked off their seat even if they were damaged. None of their simulations matched the collapse in any way.
Fuck off dude.
Good for you. Fire didn't bring the building down.
>because multilevel buildings with fire abatement systems will burn out and fall evenly into their own perimeter
I bet this (((guy))) is a jew from Amsterdam who supports Ajax.
You can't even find info on this on Google anymore without your results being entirely flooded with conspiracy sites.
There used to be some really detailed page on WTC7 and how the fire started and raged out of control.
Some of the people who believe this stuff weren't even old enough to remember it happening.
Remember goys: it's PURE COINCIDENCE that WTC 7 neatly collapsed into its footprint from the bottom up after a fire, when its replacement building was designed in April 2000.
I should start a demolition company. No need for explosives, just start a fucking fire and watch it crumble.
all buildings collapse like that. have you ever built a skyscraper before? they are designed to pancake and crumpled.
Kek. I thought it collapsed because WTC owner Larry Silverstein told (((them))) to 'pull it'. Vid related.
16 (SIXTEEN) years, and you're still stuck on this bullshit? Top fucking kek.
Everyone but the retards moved away from this at least ten years ago and mostly more.
kys you're self retard
Ok. Tell people working on the origins of the Universe the good news
I'm not a conspiracy guy, I'm not an engineer nor someone with knowledge on controlled demolition.
different building
>doesn't understand basic static forces
>italian education
Retards should be sterilized
The top structure buckling first makes no sense. Its not load bearing and there were no fires at the top..
>fake news
>fake reports
>fake leaks
>fake events
Hilary has pennis, my captcha cofirms
No, you are an appeal to authority kinda guy. Building was a spook nest. Any fires set intentionally to disguise lack of structural integrity caused by demolition charges of whatever exotic stripe. Advanced knowledge of destruction proves this to all but the most spastic of normies
Fuck yeah I build skyscrapers for shits and giggles all the time only none of mine have ever collapsed because I don't associate with jews.
How do you explain the insides of the building collapsing several seconds before the rest if it was a controlled demolition ?
I believe there was another structure which already buckled at the start of your gif.
And I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it would cave in if the internal structure underneath is crippeld.
Skip to 1:32
>lucky Larry has a toothpaste flag
Am I really the first person whose going to bring up the whole aspect of free fall? Even if WTC7 was structurally damaged beyond repair, the only way a complete free fall of concrete and steel without any kind of visible pancaking or unequal collapsing is with carefully placed explosives.
>no explosions here, goy, stop thinking so much, that's obviously the sound of the building collapsing at free fall speed due to an office fire
Hiroshima and Nagasaki got firebombed yet building still stood. Twin towers fall cause of "planes" and WTC7 says fuck it I'll join you guys even though it was never hit
Youre a fucking cuck and so is your country
I bet youd be fine having your wife get fucked and never knowing for sure
We got fucked by our own government and we want to hear the truth.
It caved because it was lined with explosives. There's no other explanation. The fires were minimal but even extensive fires wouldn't weaken the steel enough to cause collapse.
Anyone who thinks that these buildings were designed to collapse like that is clearly not an architect or structural engineer.
I bet Obama did all of this. Wouldn't be the only suspicious "terrorist attack" that happened during his regime. Fucking niggers, why can't they do anything right?
kys pedo
>no plane hit this building
magnets dont touch either
>fucken magnets, how do they work?
multiple explosives, or the wrath of kek. whatever. not just fires retard
okay, so lets say larry said pull it
You know it takes DAYS to rig a building for demo right?
Now imagine the panic happening aroudn there. Streets being blocked by police.
Hi officer. Im just bringing my vehicle here, packed with explosives to that building over there. never mind me.
Fucking give me a break. NO ONE ever asks the obvious questions.
and not to mention, the building came down the same time the other buildings did.
GEE. way to rig a buidling with explosives that falls perfectly in it's foot print, within less than 4 hours. Because obviously someone knew ahead of time that the building was fucked and the boss would say pull it.
Yes, but conveniently the one aiming for the WH crashed
I am a Civil Engineer though and I do have some experience with controlled demolition. It usually takes week or months of planning plus lots of experience and heavy equipment to install the explosives at the right points to bring down a building at freefall speed.
A building collapsing from fire is extremely rare and will only come down in localised areas where the fire has destroyed the local supports. This takes time so the building should collapse bit by bit and not all at once
So who exactly was behind it, in on it, knew about it, etc.?
Unless it was designed to have that function to prevent significantly higher amount of casualties in the unlikely event of catastrophic failure which could have resulted in the death of tens of thousands.
WTC 7 same thing except with the additional benefit of destroying sensitive information.
>So who exactly was behind it, in on it, knew about it, etc.?
Just go fuck yourself you dumb goy burger faggot.
Who was behind it? Your overlords, your masters, people who enslaved your pathetic "muh freedom" country and rule over you and make complete fool out of you pathetic inbred naive idiots.
My theory
3 planes, 3 buildings
Except ONE plan got taken back over by the passengers but ended up crashing in the ground. Ya ya, they analyse the flight path of that one plane and say it wasnt' heading for wtc7. But it was being retaken over by the passengers. Who knows what the terrorist was thinking when he was flying it!
When the 3rd plane didn't hit.
Fire was set. And larry heard saying "pull it" was to bring it down. For the insurance money
Which he just happened to insure the buidling for hundreds of millions shortly before the happening. Oh, and I might add, he was a work aholic who ALWAYS showed up on time and in that buidling but for some reason, didnt' show up to work that day. Hmmmmm.
There is just too many hmmmm's to think this wasn't done by a branch of government. They wanted to pass the patriot act, bush ratings were at an all time low.
They wanted to remove saddam.
And make bush a war president.
7 saudi's highjack the planes, but iraq gets blamed because you cant' attack saudi, your oil partner.
The reason we have NSA and all the other spying americans, and breaking of the constitution by government can be directly led back to 911.
800degree rubbish fires cant melt steel beams
Hmm i wonder.
There is only a handful of relevant "hmmmmms" and they are the ones exposing the fact that it was a controlled demolition. The overlord garbage is irrelevant until the "muh trashbin on fire" narrative is thwarted to a significant enough degree.
Famous nazi......sorta rings true huh? About how your privacies and liberties have almost all been stripped away since 911. The government used 911 to do that.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
I said exactly Boris. What kind of overlords are we talking about here, Reptilian, Jew, AI, etc.?
>Except ONE plan got taken back over by the passengers but ended up crashing in the ground. Ya ya, they analyse the flight path of that one plane and say it wasnt' heading for wtc7. But it was being retaken over by the passengers. Who knows what the terrorist was thinking when he was flying it!
An interesting take. I've never heard anyone make a Flight 93-WTC 7 connection before I think.
>There is just too many hmmmm's to think this wasn't done by a branch of government
Also convenient is that the man (supposedly) responsible was a (supposedly) former CIA asset who had a well-established, decade-long fetish for blowing for blowing up the WTC.
Zim? Invader Zim?
>profit from 9/11
you should google your pic. the 3.5 billion insurance policy is dwarfed by the amount of money he lost by the towers going down.
>you should (((goollag))) your pic goy
>fails to miss the point
Heh, that pic always brings out the nitpicky kikes.
Pure coincidence.jpg
This. It's all you need to know. WTC7 reached freefall speed for a short time during the collapse. There's your smoking gun. Yes, it was a demolition.
But what about the cost of getting rid of the asbestos?
911 attacked. Much patriotism during that time leading up to afghan and iraq. And the danger was WMD.
game, set and match.
uhm, delete this maybe???
>the data used in the simulation is classified to "protect public safety"
WTF I trust the government 100% now.
Wow. Its almost like the fire instantly destroyed the base of the strengthened core/lift shaft of WTC7 - which then made the rest of the building fall. Maybe Larry's boys pulled out some supports with ropes or something :^)
thats how buildings colapses
that gif shows what was SUPPOSED to happen
instead it was freefall in straight line
NY is overjewed, even building are builded by jews that means bad and from cheap materials.
>Buildings fall like trees, dramatically off to the side
>Especially from internal damage, which as its name implies creates a structural fault very close to the building's center of gravity
Gotta love me some Italian education
>internal damage
>from outdoor debris
>Outdoor debris fall on the roof and shatter through the upper floors, not causing any specific damage thus far besides property damage
>Uncontrolled fire from flaming debris spreads through the center of the office space, weakening the structure
>The building collapses on itself due to structural failure
That's internal damage
BRB, telling the british only 20min of fire is enough to destroy a building structure
For those that wanna know the truth.
This building wasn't 400 meters tall, and it wasn't weakened by falling debris shattering both the roof and probably the central load-bearing pillars
It's obvious from the footage the building collapsed inwards first, and then downwards naturally as its entire structure failed
ACTUAL footage of the (((damage)))
Just tried to verify it, this is untrue.
>a little fire, (((they))) said
Another (((coincidence))) to remember is the Israeli who was decapitated on video in Iraq shortly after 9/11 and was documented by the FBI to have let one of the 9/11 hijackers use his laptop in New York about a week before 9/11
FBI ruled it a (((coincidence)))
Lmao where do you schizophrenics get your "facts"? Every time we go over this shit there's a new "coincidence". Next week it'll be that George Bush flew on all four planes just a week prior to the attack. Oh and he went to Saudi Arabia and ate latkes and matzo balls while there.