Is this real ?
Or just bullshit ?
Backup for EU
>Tri Moreta
Aййййй caкън aфepим мapaбa aлъшвepиш aйaйaййaйaйaййa мaйнaaaaaaaaa
But anyways, its just an elaborate way to get in war with Russia and lose.
Its literally a non-western backed wall around Russia, and half the states in that wall have territorial pretensions towards Russia or Russian aligned territories.
Clear geopolitical clash, without strong backing.
I rate it 2/10, only giving points because 1. We deserve it, and 2. Poland deserves it twice.
It has backing from the Chinese and from Donald Trump.
>Aййййй caкън aфepим мapaбa aлъшвepиш aйaйaййaйaйaййa мaйнaaaaaaaaa
бaти цигaнинa дeт cи дeйбa
looks like mejdumorie 2.0 to me
Liu Haixing
leave us out
I don't speak Cyka could you please speak english
I meant Międzymorze/Intermarium 2.0
fuck off Plenkovic
Lets be honest, the only reason why Austria is in it because we need a direct landroad to Switzerland.
It was an interwar Polish nationalist idea of forming an anti-Russian coalition from all former German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian territories that fell off these empires after WW1.
Basically Poland wanting buffer states and more manpower to secure its independence.
Yea ok I read something about this.
But this time it's backed by superpowers not some evil western european cucks
>Or just bullshit ?
Europe will descend into chaos before anything is built
>No Greece (strongest army in the east)
It's like they want to lose
why do you like poverty?
>Greece (strongest army in the east)
Just because they spend the most money on overpriced helicopters and subs, doesn't mean they have any military tradition or expertise. There is more to war than throwing dollars around.
I would not consider Greece a factor unless you want a naval war in the eastern Med sea, which this map doesn't consider.
>split Europe between African and European ancestry majority (Finland not included)
*teleports behind you*
we wuz kangz n shiet
now worries, cucks and soros shills will be thrown out
Without Ukraine and Belarus (doesn't matter how you feel about them) this union would fail. Territorial integrity is imperative. Basically evolve into the Intermarium, a federation of sorts.
Greece has a Germany-tier military at the moment
Why do you think they're in debt? They didn't spend the money on souvlaki and ferraris. All that money went to build up an army that could take on Turkey after they took north Cyprus.
Greece armed up very well. Including Bulgaria, Romania and leaving out Greece is retarded.
In 20 years Ukraine will be as european as we are now. Belarus im not so sure. Putinka would probably not let it go.
If it has backing from the two rivals of the EU at the same time, then the intentions of this are clearly D&C. Think, you dumb idiots, and stop falling for D&C.
>look at where the romans collected tax
>paint every other piece of land blue
>call it poland
>Greece has a Germany-tier military at the moment
Germany is a disarmed country, occupied by France, UK and USA.
the greeks have nothing in common with us, and it would fuck up the name, then it would have to be 4 seas, and 4 c toghether triggers some ... bad memories.
Rivals or Partners.
The only good country there is Austria, the rest are filth.
>Greece has a Germany-tier military at the moment
>germany has been disarmed since ww2
ukraine is a corrupt shithole, the mentality of the people is a tragedy.
Huilo is not very liked now in Belarus too. And not having them onboard would leave a massive hole in the unions defenses.
Rivals. No matter what you hear neither the Americans nor the Chinese want a third global power to exist. They're quite comfortable being the only two
It is, slavs need to preserve white culture
we in here
im content not being a world power if it means they quit showing this kind of propaganda down my throat
and by this kind of propaganda i mean western degenarcy
20 years ago poland was a corrupt shithole as well. The same for every xsoviet state.
The northern bit in not Slavic at all.
neither are austrians and hungarians, but we are culturarly somwhat similar
I don't really want big unions.
Take Yugoslavia as an example. Most of them were slavs, yet they all started killing each other at the end of it.
A small union, similiar to V4 would be nicer. I would like Croatia and Slovenia in.
>im content not being a world power
No you're not. The moment that happens all the current wages drop drastically and your population will proceed to migrate to either Western Europe or the US, causing your economy to shrink and wages to drop further. No one was happy under the poor conditions of the Soviet Bloc which caused the eventual collapse of everyone inside it, no one will be happy in a Soviet Bloc lite either and nor will they be happy when their cute alliance collapses because it cannot survive in a modern world.
No German or French or English or anyone at all would EVER invest in those lands before their own, especially if your culture becomes hostile to them which will happen if you quit the EU like that. Here's the trick - they're the ones with the money, while you are not. THINK you dumb idiot
union would be a mistake, just trade and border security cooporation would be perfect
Leave us out of this Jean-Pierre
Don't you want to have Austria in it, it will work out perfectly, I swear.
that's why this won't happen
Yeah. Current V4 just a bit bigger would suit me the best.
Only way such thing could become reality is backup of USA as first world power - should national conservativism win in USA with Trump (unlikely), it is possible that they will try to implement wedge like this between Germany and Russia.
We need you for your penis shapped pathway to Switzerland.
Switzerland won't give you any money
>Germany is a disarmed country, occupied by France, UK and USA.
Nowadays it's Turkey, Syria and USA, desu
So is this like the fallback plan when Western Europe goes full durka durka?
>Yeah. Current V4 just a bit bigger would suit me the best.
And what exactly does the lands inside have to offer? Strategic resources, oil, or maybe a highly-educated population? No, probably there's a lot of capital inside or a massive production of technology like South Korea/Japan? No I get it, it probably has a widespread reputation for its banking sector and a lot of people will transfer their money to it.
God you anti-EU cucks are fucking retarded. How do you manage to fall for such obvious D&C
they wont be the ones with the money for long if they continue to take in unskilled, unmotivated to work people in, there is a limit to how much welfare leeches a country can support before it starts colapsing
We will give switzerland our money, lmao.
> Backup for EU
This is exact the opposite to the EU, this is mostly an American project that aims to be a counterbalance to the EU lead by Germany and to Russia. And since the West doesn't want to cooperate with Israel, they chose Eastern Europe instead.
The whole idea of this that it will serve American interest in Europe, and remember
America == Israel
EU == zionists
if romania is not in charge of this thing then we're not interested
Poatoes are not a currency, Lithuaniabro
of course its d&c, but it might be better for us, at current rate, its only a matter of time before germany institutes the eu army and then starts enforcing refugee qotas on us, we cant even support our own people at the moment
>literally TPИ MOPETA
Did I write anything about leaving EU faggot?
A bigger V4 could say bigger "fuck off" to EU, yet it would stay in EU and parasite off germans.
In 20 years half of Ukraine will be Polish and the other half Russian
Romania will be in charge of cleaning the toilets as always, dont worry
USA and China would prefer it over EU.
this basically, also its really ugly looking and jews love it
Vytautas, please. 20 years ago we were almost as poor as ukraine and now we are 3 times poorer than Germany while they are 5 times poorer than us
>Yukon GOLD (potato)
I beg to differ
>And since the West doesn't want to cooperate with Israel
half russian maybe, half polish ? no way. Half of Ukraine will stay "independant".
desu it more looks like a russian backed buffer wall to keep western europe and (((Nato))) cucks from fucking with them
just a neutral border which is fine i gues
>russian backed
>includes countries that hate russia and want russian land
I'm not interested in stealing Polish job, but I am interesting in stealing your wallet
No fucking way there's ever going to be a union between those countries. It's unlikely to be about a global power either. Every decent person in Eastern Europe wants to keep Russians out and welcome the West in. That's all these talks are about and of course China and the US are more than happy to support anything which might tighten the knot around Russia's neck one day.
It looks more like a "let's have a plan together if Russia starts going crazy". You know, share military intel, conduct joint military operations, try and strengthen infrastructure, have some kind of plan together. NATO is fucking unreliable, talk is cheap and everybody hates Russians.
It is actually clash between globalist ("left") and sionist ("right") jews. And Germans dont care as long as they get their Reich.
>Every decent person in Eastern Europe wants to keep Russians out and welcome the West in.
>welcome the West in
There is no left-right clash internationally.
Those are only clashes within a state.
Internationally, especially with the jews, its a secular/modern vs religions/traditional clash.
but this is exactly what Israeli PM told us a few months ago, that they don't want to cooperate with Israel
> Half of Ukraine will stay "independant".
I think that you do not realize how tragically is demographic situation in Ukraine. In the past 25 years they lost 10M people, birth rate is shit, corruption everywhere, poor as fuck
20-30 years more and there will be no one left to defend it
> half polish
We just want Lwów + border with Hungary. Eventually we might visit Wilno and Inflanty afterwards
Fuck off to Moldova if you want to see what Russia's all about mate.
Is Moldova still in a Ukraine-like civil war, with some mountain-niggers across a river declaring themselves a Russian state?
fuck off to france if you want to see what the west is all about
V4 please exit the EU. Go back to being Russia's bit- err, I mean, satellite states. You're almost as bad as the Turks.
The polish great delusion. A poor persons only fantasy.
There is obvious clash on every level and what you wrote are just different words to describe left/right (which i put into quotes anyway).
Pretty much. Russians cucked the fuck out of that country and the propaganda keeps people in check saying the EU would exploit them even more.
Has any of those countries been a contributor to the EU? OK, Austria probably, but the others have almost certainly been takers.
Not all of us are fanatical cucks of Western Bankers and Multinationals
Not all of us are so deeply indoctrinated to believe that the Russian Federation is still the Soviet Union
Not all of us are blind to the fact that Euro-Asian union is the only solution for eliminating American Influence in Europe ( Wall street Banksters), and the Russian Federation and China are the primary forces in the fight against Globalism ( Anglo-American financial imperialism)
Not all of us are bluepilled about "the small rootless international clique"
This entire Intermarrium/ Three Seas initiative, is America's attempt of separating Europe from Russia.
According to George FRIEDMAN, the only combination that could challenge American power is a unification of German and Russian interests. To preclude this, US will insert itself in Eastern Europe and create a Polish block that will oppose both Russian and German interests.
Three Seas Initiative is a globalist creation
aaa, sunt Roman, asa ca va rugam sa va calmati
If left-right to you is secular-religious, you are missing out on a lot of politics.
>According to George FRIEDMAN, the only combination that could challenge American power is a unification of German and Russian interests. To preclude this, US will insert itself in Eastern Europe and create a Polish block that will oppose both Russian and German interests.
This, exactly this. The Intermarium/3seas/V4 are the US' attempt at extending the buffer state from Ukraine backwards to Poland and the others around it. Ukraine is most likely about to fall to Russia so they need an alternative, else the EU and Russia might get too friendly and start opposing the US
So I'm a jute?
This initiative seems good, tbqf
Fucking slovaks already backstabbing everyone to fuck up the plan
They contributed by selling everything economically worthwile to germans and providing them whole their market for free and workforce for cheap.
>exploit them even more
Which it most likely would, and on top of it it would also send them bunch of rapefugees.
>Three Seas initiative, is America's attempt of separating Europe from Russia.
de parca daca nu esti in ue nu esti in europa.
te uiti la vestici si vezi africa. ala e viitorul lor.
prefer sa mananc pamant tot restul vietii decat sa stau pe langa animalele alea.
Cheer up, bro, Nostradamus predicted that Poland will become a great empire after the great war against muslims in the western Europe. And he was a jew. Don't you want to bring back the Commonwealth?
Yes Trump gave a speech at their meeting.
It's not that important though, seems like just a gathering of leaders so they can talk to each other. No major deals or anything.
Are you retarded? Germany has a world class military
I never said it was "all of us", I just said that "every decent person" prefers the West over Russians any day of the week. If you still think Russia wants what's good for you and everything, you're either blind, unaware, stupid or simply shilling for Russians for whatever reason. Like I said, feel free to compare Romania to Moldova and see where 20 years of sucking dick to Russians gets you.
si esti pe linie cu PSD-ul cand vine vorba de retorica de cacat sa inteleg?