How will sex robots impact society?
They won't, (((feminists))) will ban them
No they won't, because they need their chad robots when they become cat ladies/single mothers and can't find a man.
In fact i bet some of them hate men so much they will immediately go for chad sex robots that can dispense real semen that was collected from some guy with very good genes.
Further (selfish pleasure oriented) individualism, even less contact between people for non-instrumental purpose.
Far easier media manipulation and narrative shifts.
Content pigs don't ask questions or make waves, a pig is content when it's belly is full, it's balls are empty and it has options for fighting boredom.
This is under the assumption that we will have sex bots of all sexes and genders. Imagine wanting to buy a blonde blue eyes sex robot waifu and the salesman tells you that these models are out and only the black pre-op transwomen are available.
Women dont want chad sexbots. They need someone to pay for their shit
choose one and only one
Don't worry, the state will pay them good welfare or ensure they are hired in high paying jobs due to gender quotas
Nice try Ahmad the quintessential Brit, maybe another time.
This will totally annihilate women to the point of no return. A sex bot capable of incubating male-sperm will dominate women.
Assuming they are sufficiently sophisticated, they would devalue sex. Which would fuck over everyone who had nothing else to offer.
supply and demand, the free market will make sure that (your sexbot of choice isn't available) doesn't happen. On topic, sexbots will revolutionize the dating scene. No longer will women be able to wear a low cut shirt and short shorts, go to a bar and have a half dozen men try to woo her over drinks. No longer will a woman be able to go to her favorite dating site and get two hundred messages from lonely men who would spend two days pay taking her out to dinner just to get a thanks.
It would force women to become more than warm holes that pretend to be human. You'll start to see it in a few years once VR gets its shit together, and once the new wave of synthetic skins release, the ones that can heat up, get goosebumps and feels almost like the real deal.
Though initially, there will be pushback, much like there was during the advent of the internet and online porn. But much like those times, any screaming from harpies about how the technology is dangerous will fall on deaf ears, because the people with real spending power (men) won't give a fuck.
Invest in catfood and silicone, because those two industries are going to explode over the next couple decades.
Sex robots will likely destroy male/female sexual dynamics unless traditional cultural values kick back in before this industry booms.
Men can just get their 10/10 robot stacies and Women their 10/10 robot chads
Reproduction in the long run will be conducted via robots (robots capture and freeze sperm from men/dispense it for women)
Women will choose what kind of men they want to get pregnant from and men just have to keep cumming into robots that have built in sperm storage (if there is demand for their genetic material)
Women will unable to benefit from robo chads, at least compared with robo stacies.
Invest in anti depressants pharmaceuticals too
>women can get their 10/10 chads
True, however those 'chads' will not work, will not do things around the house, will not spend money on her. Sure, she can fuck it, but that does little for women, unlike men who will fuck that thing for an hour, feel satisfied, and will be able to continue about his life, working and providing for himself.
Women do not want to work, regardless of what women's suffrage would tell you. Most would rather stay at home, rearing and raising children, and free sex has done nothing for them over the past couple decades other than boosting their egos irreparably.
Thanks bro, did forget about those. And wineries, but there's so many it'll be hard to find a specific brand that'll take off. Maybe boxed wine?
>No longer will a woman be able to go to her favorite dating site and get two hundred messages from lonely men who would spend two days pay taking her out to dinner just to get a thanks.
Pretty sure that would still be the case, and even if they got a significantly reduced amount, it doesn't matter anyway because they all fuck the same top x% of guys on there. All it would do is reduce the amount of guys on there who never scored anyway and at most got to pay for dinner before they got ditched.
What it probably could lead to though is an imbalance on the marriage market. And there even small imbalances already have large effects. The moment you suddenly don't have enough men for every women to get one anymore, you'll have competition. And competition fixes most problems.
So basically, when sex robots hit the market in force, women have the choice of:
1. Going for the traditional path and offer men something the robots can't give (a real traditional wife) [GOOD]
2. Increase their level of degeneracy and try to always deliver a better fucking experience than sex bots, become single mothers and depend on state gibs [BAD]
3. Become even more radical feminists and develop new reproductive strategies that avoid the need of living/dating men all together [BAD]
I really wonder how it will turn out in the long run...
Dunno how they will impact society, but they will impact my dick
Final solution to the ovarian jew problem. Tradcucks and roasties HATE it
>reduce the number of guy's she'll go out with just for free meals
Half my point. She only goes out with them for free shit, so once it dries up (Because we know the chads aren't going to pay for shit), she will be left hungry and sober. No more betas to have in your phone 'in case of emergency', no more shoulders to cry on before hopping back onto chad's dick, no more betas to leech off of once she hits 32 and the chads want a 23 year old again.
You're right, I also believe one of the hardest industries hit will be marriage, since most of the men getting married today would not be considered chads, since the chads are too busy fucking every daddy-issue having slut. It's the betas who pay an exorbitant amount for weddings, rings, and eventually divorce settlements. Billions of dollars gone in a flash. I wonder what the shaming tactics will be, once women and these industries realize that now a massive chunk of men don't even need a woman.
Just going to get this outta the way, even when we talk about emotions, the one thing that does separate us from robots (for now), a lot of women today are not supportive at all. If you fall on tough times, you're fucked, if you get injured and can't work for months, see how long she stays a stable partner. Women -should- be able to stay ahead of the sexbot curve, but the fact that most of them are manipulative, opportunistic and can be downright cruel when shit hits the fan means that they won't.
Your sexbot will be like a dog. Long as you can 'feed' it and maintain it, it won't care what situation you're in at the moment, it will perform its actions without question, and with gusto.
((((((((feminists)))))) will only want one thing:
ability to legitimize and take jobs from white people
sue companies for fictitious crimes
It'll happen, screenshot my nutsack
when it happens, don't marvel that it happened
blind motherfuckers
Yes goy, fuck these robots and let niggers reproduce while your sperm goes to waste
This guy gets it.
Hopefully my work over here will lead to this bright future.
A mix of AR and VR will allow for a super imposed reality beyond our wildest dreams. Women are quickly becoming obsolete.
When it finally dawns on them, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Did this for one reason. The free market will make damn sure any lonely harpies are the first ones laughed at. Again, ask Larry Flint how much his business was impacted by dildo owning, one bedroom apartment, three cat having feminists back when they tried to shut him down. It worked for about twenty seconds, then they went to court and he won.
Capitalism will make sure any woman won't be able to touch sexbots. When these things release, it will be a billion dollar industry, overnight. No way in hell any CEO of a major sexbot company will allow a woman to stop him from making hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
>a lot of women today are not supportive at all.
Yeah, that's the crucial point of it all. Women in general do technically not have to be afraid of this development because we are ages away from anything that could emulate sincere social interaction.
The only reason this could have any impact at all is because a good chunk of them have abandoned everything that elevated them above a sex bot.
Got a pretty big red pill on that when I was in the US and went to some parties. Pretty much every time you'd eventually have half of the girls form their own circle, pass around their phones and let the others go through their tinder feed, picking out some guy they'd swindle a dinner out of on the next day.
They didn't even try to hide it, they were totally upfront about the fact that they'd take advantage of some random guy so they wouldn't have to pay for themselves. Absolutely no shame at all.
Sex bots would likely become prolific in the developed world. The taboo will be short lived. Their presence will be so pervasive they'll fit into the background noise of our society, and this will be the complete death knell of our civilization.
Even if we get to the point where artificial wombs are perfected and commercialized people won't start having children. A relationship with an object is the epitome of antisocial behavior. A culture of people who so grossly pursue hedonism will not burden themselves with the responsibility of another life. There would be no coming back.
It will only make incels kill themselves later. No one else is gonna give a shit and buy one.
>believing this
That's only if you assume singularity isn't coming.
When we BECOME machines and AI merge beings birth rates become meaningless.
Technology is exploding like crazy. We're in the middle of the second industrial revolution. In 50 years hard AI will be a reality and with that we'll all move to the next stage of existence as immortal hyper beings. It all starts with AI robo-waifus
>artificial wombs
imagine governments mass breeding a new diverse race
the horror
> social interaction
> with today's women
if i want social interaction, i sure as hell won't look for a woman of all things to spend (or waste my) time with. You will have died by old age before you find one that is not controlled by the social hive mind.
Lonely, curious and people who pay for sex probably will have a go. Families won't, and they're actually the next gen.
That's being we work out how to merge our brain into the robots or just creating robots with free will that start the robo-revolution, I hope its the first because I want to live long enough to become semi-immortal
That was essentially my point. They could very easily outperform any robot if they wanted to, but a lot of them don't.
Don't worry. theverge.com
It's happening.
This. Do a cost benefit analysis of a relationship with a 3D woman. It's not worth it.
What civilization is going to do that? China?
What economic system in western countries will simultaneously support the entire third world while also advancing industry without collapsing? Its not going to the the US. The UK is finished. Germany will degenerate into a mirror of current Libya. So is it Japan that you're expecting to make this sci-fi fantasy come to fruition?
There is no incentive for a government to keep its people alive. If they aren't working and generating revenue for the state to pilfer they serve no purpose. A regime like China isn't going to merge their population of farmers and urbanites with some super advanced AI, they're going to keep these people as cogs in the machine.
Checked. Please archive:
>lonely, curious, and those who already pay for sex
>Pay for sex
now those three words can encompass a lot of men. Those who pay titty twitch streamers to show another inch of cleavage, those who pay camwhores to play with themselves, those who pay straight up whores for sex. How many millions of dollars go to those women? What happens to them once those men stop giving them practically free money?
You're right, those with families likely won't need sexbots, but you're probably talking about something like 25% of all men walking around today, leaving the other 75 to fend for themselves, looking for a mate with women who see them more as a walking ATM.
When the cost to develop capital asymptotically approaches zero the economy reaches post scarcity. AI will drop the costs to make or do anything close to zero in short order. When that happens "Economy" won't really mean anything any more.
For more information read "The Culture" series of novels. Elon Musk tellingly names many of his ships after ships in the novels.
MOre pusst for us Chads amirtight or amirght
They wont, we should ban them.
Weak men should not be able to feel sexual pleasure.
Unsurprisingly, a jap is the only person in the thread who understands perspective and doesn't put horse carts and flying cars into the same time frame.
Sup Forums should shift its focus from flaming niggers and spics to shilling for genomics and lessening the influence women have on legistlations.
We're fighting the wrong battles.
you're absolutely correct. And if you're a chad, there's little chance you'll have to deal with a woman's bullshit, since you can just switch to a different woman the moment the first starts to bitch. But what's the endgame? You know you aren't going to lock any of them down, since there will always be another 22 year old around the corner. Will chads just live their lives fucking different women until they hit 45?
I've seen a few men go down that path, and be fairly successful. Though I haven't talked to them in years, wonder how they're doing now.
even though youre trolling
>seriously implying sexbots will ever be banned
Women will be against it, and they are majority of the population.
Not really, since Chad can already get all the pussy he wants. This won't really affect Chad at all.
The ones that would be negatively affected the most are those women who spent too much time on trying to find Mr. Right and now have problems to nail down even a beta Peter.
Your CCCP flag was know for it's black market, smuggling, law breaking.
user, sexbot smuggler.
women can be against it all they want, they won't be the ones buying sexbots. Manufacturers won't give a fuck about a base who aren't their consumers.
>well, i could make a smooth billion dollars this year, but these women are really mad..
I retract my previous point; we should lessen the influence women AND these sorts of retards have on politics.
If you don't understand how heritable traits develop due to environmental factors and how intelligence, NOT facial features push our race forward in both moral and economic domains, then you should stay the fuck away from public discourse.
>implying women could afford them
2 & 3 are already happening. So adding 1 wont be bad.
>they won't be the ones buying sexbots
implying I dont want a robo chad
>have already happened
fixed, and agree. long as a few look at themselves and say 'maybe i should try to be a good woman'
I understand how women select mates, and I also understand that their selections are made with instincts that go back to our creations, wanting the strongest, most violent man to protect them. However, aren't we supposed to be a higher base creature than that? Haven't (most first world) men had to evolve past base instincts? Why can't women?
Treating women like children, that they should be coddled because they don't know any better, is half the reason we're here today.
either you're not a woman and just gay (which is okay, you're still a male buying a sexbot), or you are a woman and want that rough fuck (which is still okay)
Sure, there will be a market for male sexbots, but it will certainly be something like less than 5% of all sales, will be a drop in the bucket compared to female sexbots.
>Sex robots lead to desth of traditional reproduction
>We start making test tube babies
>After many generations we evolve and lose our genitals, our brains get bigger and so do our heads
>Over time we begin cloning the best and brightest
>After thousands of years genetic material degrades, each clone is worse than the last
>We travel back in time to abduct our ancestors and harvest their genetic material for our cloning vats
Tfw we're the aliens
Why would you buy a robo chad, instead of a dragon dildo?
I agree. I linked to your post by accident.
>Treating women like children, that they should be coddled because they don't know any better, is the reason we're here today.
it will fix it
This. If men back in the 19th/20th century treated women like they had even half a brain, we wouldn't have this feminism shit to deal with. Women it seems are quite happy with traditional roles if they're appreciated for it. I'm not a fan of Hitler, but he had the right idea of giving medals to good mothers.
Robo Chad will be like every other Chad. Yes, he will fuck you but he won't pay your bills.
pair them with artificial gestation and women will become as useless as the horse.
Holy shit...
women are the reason the west is in it's current state. they eat bolshevik and jewish subversion in the media and in social science courses for breakfast. men copy their political views to try and get into their vaginas.
have you ever talked to a straight, left-leaning male? fairly reasonable people. they are just surrounded by left-leaning pussy.
Implying you're actually female
I had a dream once that a mad scientist created a sentient sexbot that then multiplied and took over the earth by seducing young men and boys with their voluptuous (or not, lolis too I guess) bodies to harvest semen, making women obsolete.
You become sex slaves to the robot but in a kinky bdsm mommy love way.
clearly the chinese go crazy with gene editing and tube babies since they don't have to waste time pretending to be ethical, make several billion clones, overwhelm the earth (and space) and the descendants of their clones become the grays - humanoids with slanted black bug eyes and identical features
really makes me think
Really makes me think
Another point, though im kinda going back to a previous one. Sexbots would not be popular, at all, if you could still see a woman as a potential partner, not a leech on your finances and sanity. If women never got to the point of 'I'm a strong independant woman, I don't need a man!", men would have never gotten to this point of "I'm an educated man with goals, I don't need a woman to potentially take half of everything I've worked for by myself."
Sexbots are merely a response to the line men have been hearing for the past twenty years. Okay, you don't need us? Cool, we don't need you either, and we're not just saying that because we want to manipulate you into trying harder. We literally don't need you.
>he actually put the source as the image title
the world needs more men like you
aww man, i can see this happening too.
only good
>Beta females and males fuck robots
>only alphas reproduce
i think robots will be able to do things around house before they can have realistic sex with you
same with jobs - 90% of the jobs existing today will get eliminated before realistic artificial sex
i just hope beta versions will take take... well... betas off the the market - then we will have a skew in favor of men
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Already with the stigma of male sex toys vs the support of female sex toys, imagine male sex bots being supported and encouraged, while female sex bots are banned. Because one is "empowering and liberating" to women, while the other is "degrading and harmful" to women.
(((sex robots))) are just a meme. all the news about them is just to generate interest, not the other way around. and to create new degeneracy to distract people from real news about the world they live in. this generation has literally seen it all, and new distractions are hard to come by.
small caveat there. Chads make babies, sure, but they sure as fuck won't be around to take care of that baby. But I guess that's where the welfare state comes in. Though it's a good thing for 'betas'. They won't be tasked with taking care of a child that's not their own, since they'll never be desperate enough for used pussy thanks to their sexbots.
True, hell you're already seeing robots that can handle (very) small tasks, not a stretch to say that in a decade they'll be in homes doing things like cleaning furniture and mowing the lawn, but in two decades its easy to say they'll also be able to slide into bed with you and give you the ride of your life, every. single. night.
>implying female sexbot manufacturers will let that happen
Sexbots will literally be a billion dollar industry a few years after their release onto the mainstream market, no way in hell a corporation lets legislation that bans the technology pass, there'll be a lobbyist at every single congressional member's door tomorrow.
>i think robots will be able to do things around house before they can have realistic sex with you
Wouldn't be too sure about that. Those tasks would be rather easy to automate with a purpose built robot, but not when you try to build a humanoid one that is supposed to take care of them. Because then you'd need a fairly high degree of spatial awareness, motor function and so on.
Building a robot for a single job is much easier than building one that can do multiple things.
That would be a good plot for a movie/game.
They will incubate the seed of the white man to secure a future for the white race
>a lot of women today are not supportive at all. If you fall on tough times, you're fucked
This is why loyal chobit style companionbots who will through adaptive AI spur you towards your goals and biowombs to let you clone your progeny (only a few inches taller with more IQ points due to gene editing and CRISPR)
Anyone who has had a long term relationship with a modern woman has seen it fall apart due to (((modern womanhood))) and in this Mouse Utopia scenario on spaceship earth sexbots and AI waifus are the only way forward for society
Why did Eve leave Adam?
>trillion dollar industry
if it costs as much as a luxury car it is far cheaper than the longterm costs of maintaining a woman (divorce or no divorce)
of course eventually you will get robots that will do everything in the house for you including sleeping with, basically just replacing women's complaining
Problem whiteboi?
You can donate sex robots to any population which you want to cull non-violently. Also puppies.
It won't because the financial collapse will put women back in line.
this is the only answer left
We will revert to gender dynamic not seen since sexual slavery was common place. Men will get their sexual needs met by bio synthetic humanoid hybrids or synths, powered by powerful AIs that caters to any man's needs and desires. Women will lose their only leverage over men. They'll be forced to be more interesting and less narcissistic, whilst at the same time, they'll be have to accommodate for their partners perfect ageless waifu. I think both men and women will be forced to be better people as a result of sex robots, since both genders won't be able to just use sex appeal to cover up their personal shortcomings.
She didn't
Lilith did
but some silver or cryptocurrencies now while it's cheap
You can't even fuck a small silicon doll without people going ape shit.
Why can't society just fuck off and let a man stay in his cave? Why do they always need to throw rocks in the cave?!
Who cares? Sex robots are at least two or three decades away.
It will be a serious wake up call for women. The pool of eligible men are already shrinking, with sex bots they won't even be able to find men for casual sex.
In a way where the Jew wins.
>Good, goyim! Very good! Have fun with your sex robot pussy, now you can just forget about reproducing your filthy goy genes!
>Satan trips
This. In its infancy, your 'basic' sexbot will likely cost around 50-60k, but if you do basic cost benefit analysis, you'll see that 60k is nothing for a lifetime of sanity. Hell, just buying a house puts you past 60k, easy. Imagine instead just buying a sexbot then spending every penny you earn from there on yourself. No dates, no wedding rings, no weddings, no nagging to get things for her, no nagging to get a certain thing done. Just you, your work, your hobbies, your friends, and your sexbot. Hell, that's not even to say that with the increased spending power you won't be able to just buy a house yourself.
sounds pretty fucking peaceful to me
I saw something on here a couple days ago about them. Prostitutes were complaining about them because the bot brothels were more popular than them.
>when your biocunt has to clean your jizz out of your robowaifu because you'll throw her out of your house and essentially condemn her to starving to death if she won't