Is there anything more cancerous to a society than female military officers?
Is there anything more cancerous to a society than female military officers?
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Female politicians
yes, female leaders of entire countries. just take a look at Germany.
Nothing wrong with it if they are there on merit.
female voters
But what function do they serve that a man couldn't do?
Women are incompetent at practically everything except child rearing and homemaking.
They aren't.
Whats that sweetie? So insecure about your masculinity you can't help being subordinate to a sister?
If anything soldiers should feel lucky to have female officers, since a female officer will have had to jump through more hoops to get to her position she will likely be a more determined leader than male officers.
Also female officers bring unique skills to the table like communication ability and emotional intelligence, things which are more vital than ever on the modern battlefield, meaning a military unit containing female officers will perform better than a male only unit.
Female voters are the biggest problem.
But yes women shouldn't be in the armed forces and certainly not as officers - it's a dreadful thing for a man to have to take orders from a woman officer, it will destroy morale.
I really hope you're being sarcastic..
what the fuck sand nigger kike ran world are you in? How the christ is "emotional intelligence" an asset.
We're killing dudes and getting shot at LETS TALK ABOUT OUR FEELINGS
True enough.
I agree.
All I need from an officer is for him to have superior breeding and natural superiority over his inferiors.
I would much rather have a public school boy who lacks a chin than some try hard woman.
Never happens. Women always ask for special consideation, even invisible "background pressure" to help them.
In your country for example the Royal Marines dropped all their height and weight standards just for women. And that's a pretigious part of the armed forces, you think the rest will adhere to standards?
Women are experts at manipulation and self-serving justification, simply having them in the army is destabilizing.
senior officers = not front line = therefore women getting paid for less danger. This is now how the wind blows...
>communication ability
gossip, screaming loudly to win arguments
>emotional intelligence
sulking and using passive aggressive techniques to get their way
more like pumped a few rods instead of jumping through hoops
Big surprise that pol hates women, since none will ever speak to you irl. Have fun at your tiki torch rallies though.
They don't serve any reason. She has the power to create 20 male officer sons to be proud of and worshipped by. Instead she has listened to liars who says she has to be the soldier herself demonstrating her strategic ignorance and ruining the nation that her parents built.
Have fun picking up women at your women's studies class.
We dislike women as a group because they are largely responsible for destroying the values we hold dear. It has nothing to do with "muh dick", which is all you libshits seem to be able to think about.
Its no coincidence that the alt-right and mgtow are virtually inseperable phenomenons. Both are full of depressed, lonely white neckbeards. If any of you actually got pussy you wouldn't have a need to hate women. Women are friggin great
t. Robert Fotzenknecht
>communication ability
Yeah, wooks sucking off the SgtMaj is really fucking good communication on their part
The officer corp in general needs severe cutbacks. Tons of useless officers running around in charge of fucking nothing. It's disgusting.
Literally had an O3 come up to me at an S shop and tell me to my face that they couldn't help me out and then some fat black E4 waddles up and helps me out immediately. That's how fucking useless officers can be.
That's a big if
Female politicians.
Women in HR, which is 90%+ of them, or any woman in a management position
Yes, an education system consisting mostly of liberals.
>a female officer gets away with doing no work, not carrying her gear, not adhering to standards, and malisciously lying about the efforts of male officers.
there have been only 2 female officer I have ever met that were worth a damn (out of around 100)
this number is so freakin low I would rather have no female officers at all
Women Police officers
jesus they are such a failure
they are pretty nice tho
The problem with women in any position of authority is they let their feelings and emotions interfere with their lack of work, any work place I've seen with a woman manager/supervisor who comes in, in a bad mood, tired, period pains etc. ends up shitting up everyone elses mood and making the work harder than it needs to be
>female officers will perform better
I wanted to kill myself at 6:00
why can't we go back to when females were baby machines and food dispensers
ITT : People that couldn't withstand the military cursus of those women
females outside the kitchen
>look at this scripted movie. totally proves you are wrong hahahahahahahah btfo
die cunt
I am actually about to write a short paper on this topic. Does anyone have anything past anecdotes on why military women are useless whores?
Prior here. Most female soldiers are pathetic sacks of incompetence that literally break down in tears under the first sign of stress. Their greatest contribution is complaining about the weight of their ruck and claiming that women having to carry the same basic load out everyone carries is sexist.
The only decent ones are dykes who are borderline ftm trannies and even they are unstable at best.
Having females on the front line of any role where there could be combat against men goes completely against common sense. Anyone with half a brain knows that.
on your knees mam
*unzip dick
God help us
>be in military
>women always act like they're better than men
>pt test happens and they talk about how getting 42 pushups to max is hard when 42 is the bare minimum for men
>whenever we have to lift heavy equipment they act like they cant do anything and its always only the guys lifting shit
Can't wait to get out
Well this shit was easy
I thought child soldiers against Geneva convention?
Men are better at physical tasks
Women are better at mental tasks
Both are vital for military operations and compliment one another
simple as that
I'm a pole and we here are not happy with our defense ministry ;D
>Women are better at mental tasks
>women are better at mental tasks
Bwahahaha great bait, made me laugh thinking about the cucks that actually believe that.
Have you ever been in the military, the men are expected to do the physical labor then right after make crucial decisions and all of the office work. We had a female battalion commander who was just that in name, she was a joke to the whole brigade because the male XO whos right under her actually ran the show. She was just there to look pretty like how most women are in their positions
Probably, but there are things that are less cancerous than them that are still terminal. We have a lot of problems.
>"Don't you meany soldiers shoot that child carrying a bomb towards you, he just wants a hug."
>Dude shoots child because he doesn't want to die
>"Oh my gawd! Send this person to prison for not dieing! Cis-gender-male zyklon B unprogressive penis!
Proving my point there sweetie. Unfortunately behaving like a caveman doesn't cut it for military operations in 2017.
>Is there anything more cancerous to a society than female (insert anything that isn't sandwich-making-baby-factory)
no there isnt
>women are better at mental tasks
no they're simply not
women are better at nurturing children, that's it
>Men are better at physical tasks
>Women are better at mental tasks
this is real life. not an rpg you fucking retard
How can someone who relies more on emotions than reason be better at mental tasks?
Women are exempted from the annual obligatory 50 km loaded march.There was one qt corporal who wanted to do it and half-way through we realized that her rucksack (20 kg minimum load) was fucking empty.
Women should be expelled from every army position except office jobs.
Most couldn't even do that properly
>except child rearing and homemaking
I don't think that's true anymore
Don't worry guys, I got this.
Lying Nigger retard detected. Royal Marines are only eligible to men. Women cannot apply.
T. Fat, grotesque Americunt whom thinks it knows all. Fuck YOU.
Thanks for the laugh friend, I needed that.
I agree, trannies in the military is still a bigger problem.
Pass a p.t test at male standards
Why is every top military strategist and general aman?
No, lad. That's a sodomite. :3
Stop using VPN sub Jew. Englishman don't use "friggin" that is word used exclusively by the slaves of JEWS (Americunts).
Being a leftist is more effective than being a Moslem at pushing away women.
t. never served in a professional military
I hope you truly aren't serious.
They don't have to jump through any hoops at all. They're railroaded through the system as diversity hires, units get major incentives on filling slots with women.
but women in uniform is the best!!!
50km is a pretty long walk. Seems kind of useless honestly.
They're not really like bosses, more like mommies.
they demand equality
they should blame nature tho
If you served in the US Military, you know the ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING state female officers carry themselves in. My god, every male LT and above was okay to deal with. They were full of themselves sometimes, but not on the level EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THOSE STUPID CUNTS WERE. I swear they're trained in OCS to make the normal work day 100x more difficult than it needs to be and to make sure EVERYTHING is a pissing contest about their rank.
Got out in 2014 and holy fuck I'm still mad.
What % intentionally get pregnant before a deployment?
every conscript in the Greek special forces have to do it
it's not useless, it tests your physical and mental strength, believe me
What enters a room first, Rachel? Your tits or your nose?
> be my brother (a network engineer) and me (a veteran finishing college)
>talking about how great it feels to defeating life's challenges.
>little sister (strung out, "budest" NEET) starts talking about defeating "anxiety" through meditation
>brother and I start laughing
>Women are better at mental tasks
no, women are emotionally retarded and shouldn't be allowed to vote
If i remember correctly it is also part of non-commissioned officer training here in Finland, haven't done it myself thought. Another thing to mention is that atleast here it is not only marching, you have to read a map and visit few milestones along the way.
Are there any female drill sergeants in any army? How do they train troops to do things that they themselves can't do?
Actual cancer.
Female drill sergeants are the absolute worst they just take the screaming part of being a drill sergeant while forgetting the training and educating part of the job
female bosses. believe me they can take a perfectly good business and tank it by doing things they thing being in charge is about from watching others. They are like dykes, there's something off with their act.
A very nice old Guardsman was telling us a story at a Remembrance Day function. It was about a tracker he'd had in Malaya, a local boy who had lost his right hand to the Communists. One of his friends, who had been a carpenter before he joined, fashioned the boy a wooden hand. He loved the thing. A month or so later, on a long distance 4 man patrol, the Malay boy ran ahead, hit a mine and was blown to pieces. His remains landed back down on the patrol.
His friend the carpenter, who was the rear man on the patrol, broke the silence with "Well I can do hands, but I don't think I'm that good."
Big laughs all around. Not so from an adjacent landwhale, from some horrid Corps or another, who overheard. She waddled over from the other end of the room and started squealing about how children are the primary casualties of war and some other stuff no one cared about.
It's all mental, they're not right for it.
if a platoon gets a female drill sergeant should all quit or request a male one
gender equality doesn't fit in army
I would feel like a complete idiot if I was getting her screaming in order for me to do things that she cannot
Hey man, at least they do something, something truly cancerous in the world is
>special forces
I guess I don't understand this. For a long time every single US infantryman was required to do a 40k to graduate basic and all it did was cause a bunch of rolled ankles and blisters. Not much of a test when virtually everyone can pass it.
Yeah I guess it makes sense as part of an actual training exercise. Doing a 40km land nav course would actually kind of suck.
bitch you just said you act on emotions. dumb cunts.
Why would she jump on her all the sudden after the spray? That type of a baton is can easily break a person's leg or just with right spot when hit make it much easier to arrest, painful as hell.
Same problem here with women. Few exceptions like 2-3 do okay.
Whenever a woman screams at me (happens a lot) I can't help but giggle. I wonder how a drill sergeant would react to that.