ITT: We post interesting/informative screenhots and infographics we have collected over the years.
Screenshots, Infographics General
Hmm, Really activated my almonds.
What's that got to do with anything?
A commie claiming to value historical data
The Youtube vid was related, the pic just really made me think.
Also I think this thread has been bumplocked... so much for the marketplace of ideas :(
>kept reading beyond the highlighted bit
makes sense
He's right, anyone that is even remotely familiar with the epistemology of economics knows that.
do you have any idea how degenerate greeks and romans were?
>ancap caring about jews
rand, rothbard, friedman, mises: all jewish
Greeks - yes. Roman - no, before they conquered Greeks
It's nice when fucking moron americans can't research basic history and make text on white backgrounds to try and prove the nazi's weren't lefty fucks.
Hilarious. I'm laughing at you cunt.
I like Bowden. Why aren't people like him promoted here instead of stupid attention whore bimbos like Lauren Southern?
keep telling yourself that, historical revisionist
Info on feminism and false pregnancy
Does that mean half this board is leftist?
Does that mean libertarians and conservatives are leftists too? (see pic related)
Greek slaves were literate and usually were teachers for patrician kids and pushed degeneracy into Roman culture
It's more about the EU. They are Commies and must be destroyed.
How oxytocin impacts societies
>no source
>literally a fucking opinion piece
Yes. Libertarians like friedman and others were free market leftists who blieved in mass migration, globalism and the outsourcing of labor and manufacturing to third world shit holes.
The nazi's meanwhile were utterly hell bent on the welfare state and took over most of the steel industry in germany under the nation state, the railways and other potential war assets before nationalizing large amounts of industrial factories to supply the war effort. And we're not even getting into the huge details of the national socialist welfare state yet.
Are most of the board leftists? No they're just fucking dumb like you because they hate kikes (rightly so) but think "Oh shit the nazi's hate kikes so that means they were right wing like me!" and it's bullshit.
Much like the libertarian meme which went around here for so long. Libertarians don't give a fuck about traditionalism.
Fuck the nazi's didn't care that fucking much about it either.
Aligning yourself with either the nazi's or libertarians makes you a dumb fuck who doesn't know what the right really is.
The holocaust never happened.
A few years ago, there were regular Bowden threads, NRx threads, Landian horror threads, right wing booklists, and links to top tier blog posts. It's pretty obvious that the wave since the Trump election--encouraging though it is that absolute numbers are swelling--is full of newfags who aren't interested in fancy book learnin'. E-celeb drama, and news headlines are what keep people addicted to this place. Anyone who gets sucked into right wing blogs, or binges Bowden videos soon grows tired on the inane shitposting, and intellectual stagnation on this board.
This one is for all the MAGAtards.
Most slaves were used as labourers, retard. Only very few were literate and would become teachers. The upper classes are always predisposed to degeneracy, even in fascist societies the drug fueled orgies go on in private.
The EU is a neoliberal institution that serves banks and corporations while crushing welfare states. I knew ancaps were delusional retards but this is really bad. You faggots are literal neoliberals yet never acknowledge its failures, much like commies with china and the USSR.
As this post says: It's the large swathes of reddit refugees who came over after Trump and who want their political theory spoon-fed to them by attractive women in their 20s.
>bowden is dead
There's also the fact that they rely on constantly making videos in order to keep the money coming in, and as such have no interest in thought-out articles and essays sporadically released, but rather regular blogs in which they just talk about current events at the surface level.
'Right' and 'Left' are constructions of the French Revolution that have been stretched beyond coherence to apply to every possible political ideology. The only honest meaning of right and left is to say that 'left' is anything that resembles the program of the Jacobins more than the Monarchists, and 'right' is anything that resembles the Monarchists more than the Jacobins. Spectrums and graphics are autistic, and don't accurately capture the details.
(((holohoax))) masterpic
>>bowden is dead
Crazy how recently as well, so many of us just missed him. Does anyone alive right now even come close?
...this is an unsettling accurate description of me, almost everything is spot on or very close. Is there some sort of trick to this image, like cold reading or something? I'm getting spooked over here.
this 100%
we need nrx generals
I guess AmRec talks are pretty good, very sophisticated, but nowhere near as comfy as Bowden
The NRx scene seems to have quite a few talented writers and is the most original and intriguing sect of the Right-wing at the moment, but no Bowden-tier orators as such.
Not really. Anyone else who has some intellectual grounding or charisma is either dead or old. The web as a platform is not very conducive to complex discourse because things that are popular get more popular rather than things of a higher quality, hence why Granville Thorndyke got so few views.
And all the "red pilled /our girls/" makes me think of Japanese Video Girls, but rather than being cute for the camera that is the "boyfriend's" eyes, they echo the viewers political views.
>liberalism is moral syphilis
I don't like the sound of that...You sound a bit like a fascist to me!
And he died RIGHT before the alt-right blew up on YouTube. I truly believe his health suffered under the repressive banality of British politics, relegated to speaking to small rooms of 50+ year old men. He was a man of the arts who had no large scale outlet, and just missed the possibility of satisfaction through mass audiences on YouTube. His postumous video following proves he had the chops. Imagine a J. Bowden YouTube channel run by the man himself. That would have been a nuclear bomb for the right wing. The man had better oratory skills than Hitler and Goebbels combined.
>>no source
>he doesn't know what the abstract of an academic paper is
>he can't even google the name of the paper
>and I'd say - you just say...
And I'd say: There's nothing wrong with fascism
very nice
I remember hearing somewhere that AmRen had plans to set up some sort of online space for Bowden to broadcast (Bowden wasn't exactly a tech-head so it was quite awkward to get him on board) but it was too late and the project never got going. What a loss.
Bowden knew the web would be important, so he was canny enough with tech to know that. The problem with these youtube channels is that they destroy what makes the web so important culturally as well as technically. They're trading it as a public-access broadcast medium, rather than a network of computers and countless linked documents.
Here's an unpopular opinion...I'll take a dozen fascists over one commie.
>women complain videogames are too male oriented
>"To a surrounded enemy, you must leave a way of escape" sun tzu
>They're trading it as a public-access broadcast medium, rather than a network of computers and countless linked documents.
Internet 3.0 is coming. Moldbug + Thiel have Urbit coming down the pike. I don't know exactly what it will be, but from what I'm hearing, it's a complete overhaul of the Internet infrastructure that was flawed from day one, and not designed to work as a global network for the masses. An NRxer may be at the forefront of a second Internet revolution.
>caring about the popular opinion
the lengths to which many are willing to go to please normies is annoying. why become involved in radical politics with an attitude like that? i respect commies more than liberals and conservatives.
I respect any ideology that seriously addresses modernity, communism included. Postmodern neomarxists forfeited to modernity, and became nihilists--they're literally "not real commies" since commies are still empirical materialists at the very least.
I just hope people can think of a way of structuring sites for easy archiving and mirroring. Gopher and Usenet are great for that but their simplicity doesn't suit the modern web very well.
I remember reading Havel's Power of the Powerless, and now I see the Greengrocer's Signage everywhere, like how "centrists" can't go a day without asserting how little they care about race.
>this is fine.jpg
In a way.
>The manager of a fruit-and-vegetable shop places in his window, among the onions and carrots, the slogan: "Workers of the world, unite!" Why does he do it? What is he trying to communicate to the world? Is he genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of unity among the workers of the world? Is his enthusiasm so great that he feels an irrepressible impulse to acquaint the public with his ideals? Has he really given more than a moment's thought to how such a unification might occur and what it would mean?
>I think it can safely be assumed that the overwhelming majority of shopkeepers never think about the slogans they put in their windows, nor do they use them to express their real opinions. That poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise headquarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life. It is one of the thousands of details that guarantee him a relatively tranquil life "in harmony with society," as they say.
>Obviously the greengrocer . . . does not put the slogan in his window from any personal desire to acquaint the public with the ideal it expresses. This, of course, does not mean that his action has no motive or significance at all, or that the slogan communicates nothing to anyone. The slogan is really a sign, and as such it contains a subliminal but very definite message. Verbally, it might be expressed this way: "I, the greengrocer XY, live here and I know what I must do. I behave in the manner expected of me. I can be depended upon and am beyond reproach. I am obedient and therefore I have the right to be left in peace."
I don't think (((they))) realize, how magnificent the Euro mind is, how it went from a rough hewn log cottage to orbiting the planet, in a few hundred years.
big bowden admirer here, even though he wasn't perfect. he had a lot to do with many dropping libertarianism in favour of more radical right wing ideas. such a shame that bnp failed.
more like this... i'm going to type this up and spread it if user's don't mind
credit will be to "anonymous" ofc
I think we should make a habit of this. Making things text files on pastebin is far more reader-friendly than these screenshots, which are reliant on having a screen just like the person who took the shot to read well.
looking for source, seems to have originated on reddit can't tell who by though.
it's all in text on there fortunately and i agree with you.
I think people need to remember with these super important text dumps that a lot of people brose the web on phones and tablets these days. I'm on a 12" laptop and I don't stand a hope in Hell of reading these.
Plus it's far more portable.
yep, computer sales have fallen in recent years and no ones going to bother trying to read that on a phone.
There's also just general file size. 10MB is something like 2,500 pages of text.
You know, all this worry about being removed from platforms, do you think Tripod and Angelfire are just running on autopilot now? We could utilise that as a host for files like this.
The right side is almost exclusively Greek, the bottom right is outright fake.
I recently (just this year) e-mailed them to delete a dormant account i had since a teen as it's the only way to get an account deleted, obviously it's not fully autonomous but as far as it being completely on autopilot i doubt it and there's always the chance it will get flagged anyway. I'm looking to proliferate information and keep within the rules without getting b&. It's time consuming though having to find out what is permitted and what's not and to stay within the law.
>political correctness
How to simplify ending political correctness: Listen to Chris Rock's old specials.
Seriously black stand-up comedy of the 80s, 90s, and 00s was far more racist than even minstrel shows. I watched a minstrel show on youtube and all I could think of was that black comedians of today could do far better.
It is finding humor in one's own race, as well as finding humor in another's race, that is the bedrock of racial unity in a racially diverse country. If we are not allowed to freely talk about how we feel of the other race, then we divide by race and become weaker as a country.
And don't think that just because only "whites" were allowed until 1964 or whatever doesn't make the USA a racially diverse country. The fucking Irish integrated, and they were called white niggers.