Are blacks the Jews of Music? They have such an outsized influence in our western culture and yet being such a small minority. Do they have superior musical IQ??
Black music
pretty sure you are onto something op
OP are you aware that most "black" music is being mixed and produced by white people?
I'm willing to give blacks Jazz and Blues, but not (((hip-hop))) or (((rap))).
>superior musical iq?
here have some real music OP you need it
well in fair i cant give them jazz they can have the blues and cry about slavery
Blacks are only a vehicle for kikes to dominate the music industry. If not for Mr. Shekelburg's need to push an agenda, those niggers wouldn't ever stand a chance in the industry.
they've got a thing with rhythm
Rap music is mostly sampled from other people's music tho
No asshole the Jews are
If they had a superior 'musical IQ' (bullshit metric but whatever) that would be reflected in the complexity of the music they produce. But it isn't and white people and some Asians continually produce the most intricate and complicated music, i.e. classical, avant-garde metal, progressive metal, math/technical metal, etc.
Only a person with an extremely high musical iq could create such a masterpiece as this
Jazz is great, some rap is also very good, nigguh we be fuckin dem bitches type "music" is absolute trash tho
No there music it garbage, there are just too many mongrels destroying the market.
Classical, rock, (real)country. > everything elese
Wouldn't that mean Jews produce the most superior music?
Jews are the Jews of music.
Blacks are the slaves of music.
>musical excellence
Jazz at times can be structurally sophisticated while showcasing improvisational skill and expression. Pop, rap, anything peddled by Schlomo today is usually degenerate.
McFucking kill yourself
Jews own the music industry. Really makes you think
Black music when they actually played instruments>White music when they werent cucks>Hispanic Insrumentalists>Japanese instrumentalists>Power Gap>(c)rap>Reggaeton
>Musical IQ
>"Ooga booga yeah, uh, yeah, uh, Ooga booga smoke pot Ooga booga yeah, uh, yeah, uh, Ooga booga anal n sheit."
Stop shilling, Metal fucking rapes every other genre of music, it takes speed, precision, testosterone and creativity the only instrument rappers can play is a bag of dope.
Fuck off
>Are blacks the Jews of Music? They have such an outsized influence in our western culture and yet being such a small minority. Do they have superior musical IQ??
jews are jews of music
Are you fucking kidding? Most nigger "musicians" don't even know their notes
Black music was always overrated, and what good points it once had have been destroyed from within by hip hop and rap.