If you cut your hair like this maybe you deserve to get gay bashed
ITT unpopular opinions
if you cut your hair like that you're a nazi
If you are OP you are hetero and absolutely not retarded
if you have a Nazi haircut u actually need to rethink your life, those haircuts look good on very few people srsly stop
every type of haircut looks gay as fuck on white guys.
they just naturally look beta.
the only slightly masculine look a white guy can have is if he shaves his head.
>have to gel hair like a woman
>have to comb hair like a woman
>they go to salons for haircuts (lmao)
absolutely laughable.
crew cut master race
agreed. same for the ones with a 'man bun'
go away, nigger
>not having a based fashy mullet
Here in Italy that's the socially approved Chad haircut nowdays, literally every boy from age 10 to 30 or so has that haircut. Even I had it for a while and my female colleagues told me I looked good, while usually they all ignore the fuck out of me.
Yes in many countries this is the haircut that "socialites" enjoy. I find it abhorrent. Worse than Hitler.
>people believe this
please god let this continue
Or Brotherhood of Steel
you look like a total faggot if you have a carefully-crafted haircut but no muscle at all
how the fuck is your haircut the priority in that situation? you simply must be a faggot
>Here in Italy
yeah no surprise, considering you people are pansies.
What's the socially approved haircut down there in the netherlands m8?
T. doesn't eat pussy, watches a lot of anal porn
kill yourself playaaaa
>MFW I got a Princeton cut over the weekend and I was worried someone was going to stab me for being a """Nazi"""
>MFW I was told I "look alt right" because I was wearing a white polo, but in no related context
what's your haircut then m80 a mullet?
>have to gel hair like a woman
What straight white women gel their hair?
Women brush they don't comb