Holy shit lads.. it's happening. The kikes are afraid, deep state must be panicking.. I hope Assange will remain safe.
If Trump throws Assange under the bus we are quits.
Let this thread die
Isn't it funny that clowns like Assange and Snowden never reveal documents about the inner workings of the Kremlin/SVR or Chinese MSS?
I wonder why? I'm sure those two are well intentioned and it's only pure (((coincidence))) they focus almost exclusively on western intelligence agencies.
how much are they paying nowadays? shill harder
Fuck Trump if he does that.
They are pissing their pants about something.
I'd be disappointed if trump does this
>non state spy service
So literally every news service is a "non state spy service"
>I mean it this time.
Because no one gives a shit about some gook corruption. They deal with it their own ways, we are focused on western civilization, bud
There isn't any because these countries aren't corrupt imperialist shitholes that also leak information from every orifice artificial or not.
Awe jeez I really do wonder why Snowden, currently relying on Russia for protection, doesn't magically hack into the Russian government and release documents he has no access to. Really activates those almonds don't it.
>non-state spy service
That's actually a thing?
Wait, If he does that though, can't he label all the newspapers that have leaked things out of the white house as spies?
Oh, that would be glorious.
Assange is literally the our last card in the deck left against the deep state.. need him now more than ever.
>I wonder why?
Lol WikiLeaks is a Russian agency user. Have you not heard of the report that seventeen million intel agencies signed off on???
The difference is, in those countries they will kill leakers, and their whole family
We already know all their shit and don't care. They know we know and don't care
assange is dangerous,a sexual predator having the secrets of the world is scary
let's not forget the hilldawg body count.. especially seth rich
ass ange hahahahahah
gtfo shill, almost back to CTR days, things must be getting tense for you assholes
>Seth Rich
Speak for yourself, why wouldn't Chinese intervention be important?
enjoying your vacation, sergei?
When was the last verified appearance in person of Assange?I firmly believe hes long dead.
Because those countries have their own fucking leaking plattforms in their own language that are much more well known over there.
You don't expect an English article to appear in a Russian newspaper do you?
Besides, if someone would leak documents about Russian corruption in the West, no one would give a shit, because we all know this country is corrupt and the Russians don't even try to hide it.
> Isn't it funny that clowns like Assange and Snowden never reveal documents about the inner workings of the Kremlin/SVR or Chinese MSS?
because theoretically our own governments already know about and try to take care of that shit.
WL is about mitigating the amount of shit our own governments are doing to us.
Isn't it funny how retards like you think they can establish a consensus by posting this idiocy over and over? I wonder why? Fuck off back to GCHQ
This is being slid pretty fast
I doubt he will, they obviously have some unspoken agreements.
Julian is entering the danger zone
hasnt signed anything with his pgp key since last october. he long dead.
WL is a platform that allows for people to leak information.
In an increasingly global world, leaks involve multiple nations and corporations. Hypothetically, email leaks from country A involving country B could have massive ramifications for country C, D and E.
He really brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
what the fuck are you even replying to?
>It's funny how those clowns at the fire department never come to houses that they weren't called to
>WikiLeaks declined to publish a wide-ranging trove of documents — at least 68 gigabytes of data — that came from inside the Russian Interior Ministry, according to partial chat logs reviewed by Foreign Policy.
Why though? Is this a fake story?
Can we start a petition for Trump to pardon Assange?
The CIA predecessor organization, which was active during WW2, was a private spy organization financed and created by industrial bigwigs.
Flynn is a distraction. Got it, boss!
I'm pretty sure the OSS was government-run.
People know Russian and Chinese gov are corrupt as fuck. But too many people still trust the US gov to not be tooo corrupt. They are wrong. Thats why Assange&Co are important.
Also I hope you choke on the sheckels deposited to you.
And the government is run by corporate big wigs. Ipso facto
>get 68 gigabytes of russian leaks
>oh cool i bet this is good shit
>open up first doc
>all in russian
so what should he do? pay to have all the docs translated into english so he can release them to english speakers of the west to show how corrupt russia is? that's not really the point. WL is supposed to show citizens of the west how corrupt their own governments are. so it would basically be a dump to russian citizens. russia can get their own WL to do shit like this.
don't jump the gun yet shill, we are working the drumpf is a nazi angle not the russian puppet meme anymore, in a few weeks when the nazi angle collapses maybe we can get back to the russian narrative.
Most definitely
If WikiLeaks is declared a "non-state" spy by the U.S. than the Alphabet boys are free to immediately conduct surveillance on them. Then they just take it down from within and out. They should give them the status of NGO. They have displayed no signs of alliance to any one country in particular ever. The U.S. election was the biggest event, so they put some truth into it; the behind the scenes. The info to John Podestas email was stolen in a phishing e-mail scam. It wasn't some elaborate operation by the Russians to attack us. The DNC emails were leaked as well. Someone at the DNC in Washington uploaded the files that were released to WikiLeaks. This is all just a power grab. U.S. establishment/elite didn't like the results.
Now that the election is over do you ever really hear of them? No, because they are releasing tons of documents on other conflicts/politics throughout the world. There is a lot of rioting in the old-Soviet block over corruption within their government. A lot of the info released was through WikiLeaks
how many people called us crack pots before snowden?
>>ohhh the us govt. doesn't have a means to record and store all the citizens data..
snowden comes out with NSA shit.. suddenly people wake up a little. this shit is important.
Not sure about the story, but either way: there are lots of reasons to not publish a data dump.
>Can you confirm the authenticity of all documents?
>Can you verify and trust the source?
>Does publishing this information offer any public benefit?
>Does publishing pose risks to individuals?
>How do those benefits and risks stack up?
Let me know if, after WL said no, anyone else thought it was worth publishing. They we can see what WL suppressed and judge from there if they're scheming.
Trump isn't even going to run, it's all a publicity stunt for his brand. Hillary has it in the bag.
it's a tad late to worry about his safety, Assange died like a year ago
>Russia is corrupt and kills leakers
>Russia is corrupt and lets leakers go
Pick one retard.
But the sleeping giant is awakening. People ARE waking up, and regaining their power.
Nah, Assange is still leftist and often a shithead, so unless he has the goods on something, he can fuck off.
He leaked shit that did nothing but make Iraqis has US Soldiers more, despite it being an accident (the manning leak). Gee thanks Assange!
>muh whataboutssisss
Because it proved to be unverifiable and most if its content had already been reported on.
snowden most likely shared nothing of value
captcha pansy storm LOL
When time come remember you are all traitors ... m.youtube.com
The triple brackets are an anti-semetic slur and you just made one.
Fuck off back to /x/ or Media Matters.
Who believes Assange is even alive?
"Non state spy service."
Perfect description to the Awan brothers operation.
Clintons hired Pakistani mobsters to spy on their fellow democrats in order to control them.
This operation later on went rogue and was infiltrated/co-opted by some foreign secret service.
Is this what this mess is all about?
They've release of 500,000 documents on the Kremlin m8
over* 500,000
prove he's alive
Assange is a cyber terrorist and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If found guilty, he must be executed.
He's done livestreams and various events, and enough people have met with him since October that if they were all really CIA, then this is all not even worth thinking about, you're basically just a fish in a small tank looking out into what is actually an all-CIA world.
I'm sure Trump will tweet something dumb and totally unrelated afterwards and Sup Forums will jump back on his dick.
Can someone explain what part of this post is supposed to be spam?
>They are pissing their pants about something.
This fag gets it
The noose is tightening
Didn't this guy throw us under the buss?
Why are we still defending him?
no idea but its a good point
personally i just like trump so I know I give him free passes all the time
i dont think theres anything dishonest about it if you cna admit it
i love papaya
Assange is probably going to drop some more redpills about the CIA running the Islamic State, to literally no one's surprise.
Begone Redditor the power of kek compels you.
>Assange warns that something huge will happen
>Suddenly the Jews want to get rid of WikiLeaks due to being scared
>Jews are trying really hard to derail the thread
Makes you wonder, if they have nothing to hide why go through the effort.
Anti-slide bump. Stop replying to thinly veiled porn threads where everyone tut-tuts at the absolute STATE of women's dress.
I hope nobody watches this
Haha, let me tell you what this is about user...
this is the deep state attempting to "get in front" of the impending Awan/DWS bombs about to drop...only
it's a bit too late and a weak gambit on their part
WL has amassed a stellar reputation for accuracy over 10 years
buckle up and enjoy the show
this fall will see BIG name politicians destroyed
>says increasingly nervous man for the 9th time
Hes indeed dead until proved otherwise
The sheer number of buzzwords you've tried to cram into a single sentence.
You know why there are no leaks from Russia?
Because Putin has a warehouse of staff behind typewriters and a room full of paper maps for 90% of communications.
Cuts down on digital leaks.
Everyone knows Assange is compromised by Russia by now
>golf trips, maybe?
>I guess deep state but those aren't my words
I'm struggling to count three buzzwords
Russia is anti-globalist anti-Rothschild
At least Russia and China know who they fighting against..
We already know what the Russians and Chinese do. And they don't tell everywhere around the world
>muuuh freedom
>muuuh democracy
like americans does
Fuck RussiAngge
I remember when leftists creamed their pants over the "Collateral Murder" video
traitors get the first bullet you fucking bongposter.
Wouldn't it be funny if the world caught on fire?