> "We" do not believe in "choice for everyone." You do not get to "choose" to be an American and a Nazi. We literally had a war about this (and the whole world was involved.)
hear that guys? you cant choose to be an American and Nazi.
> "We" do not believe in "choice for everyone." You do not get to "choose" to be an American and a Nazi. We literally had a war about this (and the whole world was involved.)
hear that guys? you cant choose to be an American and Nazi.
IDK if nazi larpers get punched
The problem is that any dissent or difference of opinion is labeling fellow Americans as Nazis. It dehumanizes and encourages violence.
Nazi nazi nazi blah blah blah you're a nazi he's a nazi becuase reasons nazi nazi nazi you look likea nazi therefor you're nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi, you think like a nazi, you act like a nazi your ideas are a nazi you're literally a nazi I can't even nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi nazi
My grandpa probably did more in that fucking war than you did and it gives me the right to say I'm whatever the fuck I want, first amendment bitch
*your grandpa
You cannot be english and american (we literally had a war about this)
You cannot be mexican and american (we literally had a war about this)
You cannot be spanish and american (we literaly had a war about this)
You cannot be japanese and american (we literally had a war about this)
You cannot be middle eastern and american (we literally had a war about this)
You cannot be italian and american (we literally had a war about this)
Why not? "Democracy" was a dirty word in the 18th century, and now the American republic is called a democracy. So there's been a shift of the dominant political philosophy. A shift from democracy to national socialism is just as valid. And obviously none of us are "Nazis," because that term specifically refers to a political movement which ended in 1945 in Germany. It doesn't make any sense to call us Nazis. What a stupid meme.
You do not get to be a Mexican and an American . We had a war about this.
whats worse? ignorantly calling people nazis when you don't know the first thing about what national socialism is or co-opting Christianity in the name of your movement?
I mean I though Christianity stands or falls with the Resurrection of Jesus Chirst. cus thats what Paul says in 1 cor 15
>white supremacists and indentitarians are members of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany
Oh boy
Reminder, your parents/grandparents fought nazi's so one day you could be called a nazi for believing the same things he did.
you do not get to be British and American. We had a war about this.
Christianity is a religion, not a political agenda
You dont get to be a proud commie and claim youre american either.
Same can be said for "muh southern heritage" autists and california seccession advocates.
This shit is going to make Nazism honestly popular. Remember when they wouldn't stop talking about Trump all the time?
There's still so many people left to get on this Trump train. The things coming out of the left are just so witless, and I've no doubt Trump will be re-elected.
Do you know how many people are going to vote for him in 2020, now that it has been demonstrated he can win? It's going to be so fucking funny. I'm going to take a bet on it too.
Did you notice the nazi/hitler threads were pushed out from Sup Forums ?
Eradicated. You don't see them anymore. Is it a good thing ?
A bad thing ?
It's a canary.
That's weird, I thought the war was about Freedom and Democracy, people being free to make their own choices. As far as I know the war was not about Leftwing totalitarianism defining what people are allowed to think
They were good fun.
That they were, Pierre or Ahmed. That they were.
whats the problem? Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world
The first amendment doesn't protect your right to say shit. It protects your right from oppression from the government for what you say.
Not that I give a fuck what you think you are, I'm just saying.
his grandpa was actual fighting for the bankers according to quigley
nazi is a country of origin, pookie?
germany. its a german political party. imagine if 80 years from now it would be illegal to be a democrat
They have absolutely no idea what a nazi actually is
>40 years long cold war against communism
>Americans still openly admit to being communists
Not so fast salt-left.
>We literally had a war about this (and the whole world was involved.)
>WWII was because USA thought nazis were bad
American education, everyone.
This is the road we're on and it's not 80 years
All of these are far more accurate. Nobody went to war in Europe to outlaw Germans from being Nazis, they went there to take back occupied territory. Furthermore there have been Nazis in the US since the 30's and nobody was calling Rockwell and his Nazis un-American
This, their hypocrisy is mind-blowing. I cannot understand how they say things like OP's pic but then turn around and openly admit to being commies.
Guess the kikes truly have mind-controlled the normies this time.
He warned us guys.
And he died for it.
>The first amendment doesn't protect your right to say shit
It does. Because only government had right to beat anybody for what they say to begin with, and first amendment stripped that right from it.
>you cant choose to be an American and Nazi.
tell that to half the democrats that have been in the house of representatives
seriously they got way more kkk niggers and neo nazis than the republicans and when you find them in the republican party its in a fucking blue state like julianis faggot ass was a nazi
Kids are retarded. Blame the adults around her. But of course they've implanted the idea that "nazis" don't deserve rights, where nazi means anybody that doesn't agree with me. They've also started pretending they're patriots by fighting those who disagree with them, when we know part of their fetish is hating America. Fortunately Trump reminded the people that we fought wars against communism.
We didn't go to war over people being Nazi.
the girl is mid 20's Calvin College graduate from Jersey now living in Denver.
We didn't go to war because they were Nazi. Wtf lmao this dumb bitch doesn't even know high school history.
Yeah sure lmao
Actually she's saying we went to war because people were choosing to be American and Nazi. Lmao even dumber than I thought.
Jesus didn't protest, he spread his message to others even though it was unwelcome. He didn't try to overthrow the Roman government, that's why the Jews ultimately rejected him, aside from Jesus constantly naming the jew. Jesus also didn't give a shit about earthly power structures.
You don't get to choose if you're a nazi and neither does a baby get to choose if it lives or dies
Your politics align with your beliefs, retard.
This. If it's not Trump's plan to be the next literally Hitler, he eventually will be crowned one by the people. Can you imagine having to go back to being ruled by cucks?
>chooses to be a commie
>conveniently forgets about the cold war
Inb4 it wasn't a real war
but it wasn't a real war because western capital was what propped up the USSR and kept it from collapsing
it fr
That is technically true in that no one today is or can be part of the original NSDAP party of Germany as it doesn't exist anymore nor can they be a 100% recreation of the party as it's a specific German nationalist movement.
However it's clear that "Nazi", which was originally just a slur to describe specifically those members of the NSDAP party, has been reduced to be a slur to any white person who is not on board with the cultural marxist's agenda or those that hold conservative values. It is ironic that someone would try to conflate the current alt Left's extreme assault against our own country to the patriotic actions of the soldiers in WWII fighting for their country and way of life as that specific vision of the American way of life back then would be considered to be as equally racist and sexist to what the Nazis supposedly believed in. Those WWII soldiers were not fighting because they believed in feminism, LGBT rights, or racial equality; they fought to perserve their way of life and for their allied western powers against what they saw were the uppity Germans not knowing when to sit down after losing in The Great War.
>you cant be a member of a country and have a politcal view that is different from that countries current political government
i guess you cant be american and a communist, socialist, or anarchist also
still does not make Christianity a political agenda. have you read the new testament? Rom 13 says obey the state. 1 timothy says pray for the king and rulers
you forgot
you cannot be a communist and american (we literally had a war about this)
theres actually law about this. someone posted it a few days ago but i did not save it.
You can hold any political ideology you want in this country. The differenceis the reaction from those who make up the two primary parties that disagree with all other political ideologies. One side will disagree with you over it and that ambivalence will been taken as acceptance and one side will try to murder you in the streets over it.
He was right about a lot, and who did he ultimately blame?
Old bit still a kid, especially these days. Ive known plenty of retard early to mid 20 dipshits. The problem is the energy of young people isn't being funneled into being productive.
Jesus disobeyed authorities all the time. He didn't try to violently overthrow governments, though.
not productive? She's making bracelets that say "punch nazis" "fuck off" and "don't touch me" thats pretty productive dontcha think?
Jesus trampled on the customs of the Phraisees. he did not disobey the authorities. he even paid his taxes.
Oh is this the arbitrary set of rules that you just made up that we should follow?
Thanks for drawing that line in the Sand it's very important
He disobeyed the religious authorities, the same authorites that had the power to throw Jesus into the hands of an occupying force to be scourged.
American here, you don't get to choose to be a commie and an American. We had a cold war about this, and the whole world was involved...
She's right, Nazis are a relic of mid-20th century Germany. Amarecians cant be nazis and should stop trying to appropriate.