Don Lemon Has Mental Breakdown After Trump Rally
CNN has become a threat to national security.
It has to be taken down!
I hope Don Lemon dies soon, and horribly.
What a fag
How does he keep getting away with it?
that nigger is over 50 years old
>le white presenting nigger face
I honestly can't even watch the video, he makes my skin crawl.
Oh damn this nigger lost his marbles. It looks like a psychotic breakdown
>the whole world is crashing and burning
>"lets focus our energy on CNN,take that liberals!"
you drumpfkins are right,is so fun to watch our country being fucked by a orange clown!!
Democrats suffered the biggest defeats in thier history.
Fundraising at an all time low.
Public trust in the media at an all time low.
Welp, time to troll the Trump supporters.
The tolerant and inclusive left logic everyone!
These reporters will say anything for a shekel.
We truly love be in different worlds than these people.
>OP's Cartoon posted
>Edited Version
does anyone have the ORIGINAL Ben Garrison version of that Cartoon?
I heard Shia hid the HWNDU flag somewhere in Lemons house...
show us the ORIGINAL Ben Garrison Version, dont be a Faggot like OP.
well, I'm gunna speak frum da heart
>reads teleprompter
>Ben Garrison
Ben "Zyklon B" Garrison
So the guy who gets drunk on live television and makes a total fool out of himself is calling somebody else unhinged and childish? Cute.
not it's not you melodramatic faggot
I don't know how anyone can watch this and not laugh
These guys are just so ridiculous, they're reaching Iraq war minister levels of propaganda
>6 gorillion likes
Don't give youtube clicks. Use hooktube.
>Yes, and shoot herself
God I want to punch that nigger in the face
When you hear the sound of CNN
Don't you get too scared.
Just grab you Sup Forums buddy and say these magic words:
"fuck you, CNN! You can suck my dick! You can't get me CNN 'cause you're just god's farts!"
he sounded so weird rattling that off. like armour Jewish comedian or something talks the same way, anyone else catch that? fucking bugging the hell out of me now
this will never not be funny
he sounds like that one black retarded wrestler off that one ylyl webm.
You are all so xenophobic, you are so xenophobic, you are just racist n nazi n xenophobic
Sure looks like an unbiased news source
What a fag
Dylann Roof did nothing wrong.
jesus american news is so weird. It's not even news anymore, it's just propaganda and instructions on what you should be thinking.
Salty? Lemon, lemon, lemon
Oh he mad,son.
already watched it twice. going for a third
I unironically think the media keeps doing this because they were so hard on him during the election and they got their mouths shoved shut
>"I'm gonna speak from the heart here"
>never takes eye off the camera
>maintains complete monotone
>speaking in broken cadence like the teleprompter isn't scrolling fast enough
Damn CNN are you even trying anymore?
this. as an american you cannot rely on MSM whatsoever anymore, you are forced to research yourself to find facts. It's really not that different from a state run media like NK or china, there is a narrative and only room for that narrative.
>Spain was allowed to air these ads
God bless
>MSM doesn't deliver news but rather instructions
That's exactly what they do. The news media doesn't exist because the PTB cares about the populace or wants it to be informed, fuck no, they want you to be as in the dark as possible and believing their own crafted narrative that keeps them in the position of getting away with whatever the fuck they want with no problem. It's called television "programming" for a reason, cause they're programming the populace to their own whim
This. We all know it's out there, but do we really have to look at it? There's a reason why you just wipe and flush without turning around and taking a look at your shit. You know it's there. You know it exists, but there's no need to actually witness it.
Don't forget:
>also ALL Communists
>Democrats suffered the biggest defeats in thier history.
I love the taste of their salty tears. No Don! Don't stop till all the poopy is in your mouth.
they have nothing to say lol
Exactly what Americans used to say about the Soviet era news. Imagine that. Anyone here oldfag enough to remember Pravda? History repeats, niggers. History repeats and it rhymes and it raps and craps its way along the timelines. If you want to really understand what's happening today take a quick look at yesterday.
Please explain
>crashing and burning
My world is dope af.
Oh,you must mean a bunch of chimpouts ripping down statues?
Riiiight,because that is TRUMPS' doing?
You liberals must be in hell.
Watching the world continue without you.
Realizing you were useless the while time.
Realizing your emotional outbursts don't matter.
Realizing you are hopelessly unmatched,
Mentally and physically.
And there is SEVEN MORE YEARS.
The schadenfraude is delectable,faggot.
I can't tell the difference between him and Trevor Noah.
>the whole world is crashing and burning
>"lets focus our energy on tearing down Trump
they all look alike.
>fox is right in the middle of the shit recording and reporting
>cnn just has some schmucks sitting in a studio talking about it
We are doing quite fine. You see: What you perceive as a state of ruin is a reestablishment of order to us.
You took away our past. Now we take away your present and once we're done, we're taking away your future.
>He's like a 6 year old
>HE d-did it, I dindu it
Sometimes the shit is really subtle, too, like ABC news calling President Trump "Mr. Trump" repeatedly. Refusing to call him by his title.
i like that silent hill background.
Don SubLime
Internet was much better when there were no niggers in it.
What the Trump say that was so bad ? i havent watch
>There was no gravitas
Oooh, there's that word again!
Lemon is CIA, Anderson recruited him by jizzing up his asshole.
That's all it takes to join now, a couple drops of AIDS-infected gay sperm.
This is CNN......
>Don Lemon Has Mental Breakdown
>nigger fagot loses it
More news at 11
Sorry, fellow alt-righters, but this is where I draw the line. It was funny to joke about Trump being our shitposter-in-chief but now that he is defending actual white supremacists and neo-nazis I have to do the difficult thing and withdraw my support. I voted for him because I wanted to Make America Great Again but now he has shown his ugly true colours.
Nice pasta Trudeau
The only reason Don Lemon has a job at CNN is because he's gay and black.
Uncle Ben "Pulling the trigger on every nigger" Garrison, you dip.
Reminder Don Lemon and Wolf Blitzer are scumbags
A couple of Drumpf supporters confronted my girlfriend and I in the parking lot at dinner. Tonight I went out to dinner at Ruby Tuesdays with my girlfriend. As we are getting into the car a black truck with two white guys around late 20s to early 30s pulls up behind my car in the parking lot and yelled "Fuck you commie" and "We won" which I'm guessing is because I have a PROUD DEMOCRAT and HILLARY bumper sticker on my car.
As they took off in a plume of black smoke, screeching tires, and yelling to stop race mixing (I'm Indian, gf is white) I noticed he had a Trump sticker and one of those "my family" gun nut stickers like this one in the picture.I was shocked and saddened that someone would harass me like this, especially in front of my girlfriend, and ruin our nice night out. On the drive home I was tearing up thinking that this is what our country has become. My amazing girlfriend consoled me before I really broke down but I tried to hold it together in front of my BAE. I am scared of the world that she and our kids will grow up in. A world of hate. A world that will soon be defined by a vile, racist, sexist, Islamophobic woman groper. Unless we can impeach him soon.
I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. I really do.
>Republican strategist rick wilson
you mean Ben "Empty a nine on the welfare line" Garrison?
You need to die
>POTUS gave you the opportunity
>it works
Trump is /ourguy/ America Fuck Yeah!
hahaha this isn't real nigga
hahahah I lol'd
FOS for full of shit.
Damn, how tall is that guy? 5'4?
Don Lemon is a retarded nigger and affirmative action is the only reason he has a job.
Digits and he dies by December.
What the fuck would Don Lemon know about facts? Anyone seen that interview where he outright just denies statistics about Sweden that a guy is feeding him, trying to explain it in a ridiculously dishonest manner and the guy is just dumbfounded that the guy interviewing him could be so wilfully ignorant.
BREAKING NEWS: Freddy Krueger and Jason Vohrees fighting at Camp Crystal Lake no one safe!
TRUMP: They are both bad guys, sad!
My favorite part of OP's pic is how the lower-left panel cutoff makes it appear to say "Jewz."
Should've shopped it with the MYSTERY NIGGAS phone line
"his speech was totally devoid of reason, facts, evidence."
He then proceeds to not give any reason for the speech being horrific and just makes a plea to emotion.
That was the fucking business fox as well, those niggers didn't even need to be there.
Seems like programing honestly, like he memorized it from a teleprompter. Which he may have, but that straight-laced blinking was weird especially when on of his eyes has a slight delay when he is blinking.
>antifa protesters/rioters always outnumber any right wing group on the streets
>YouTube downvotes always overrepresent conservatives
Are right wingers spending more time on the internet or are antifa rioters all bussed in crisis actors? Which one is more true?
He's a twofer
What the hell. I thought it was an average speech. Above average maybe. He fact checked the media and boasted about himself, as usual. Only criticism is a little too much egotism and rambling.
Not particularly groundbreaking except mentioning antifa by name.