Why aren't you anarchists Sup Forums?
Why aren't you anarchists Sup Forums?
>Why aren't you anarchists Sup Forums?
Because I think that at the current state of human evolution it's just not possible, human nature prevents it from being possible.
It's an utopian idea to think it will work in our lifetime, but if things go right (they don't atm) humanity will eventually evolve to this stage in a few hundred years.
Because Iam not a LGBT AN TEE FAAA GGG
Highly intelligent comment
Because it doesn't work, and when it does it doesn't last long. Governments are naturally formed. it's just natural. It's human nature to form groups.
i'm actually a grown up
Hierarchy is natural, competition is natural, leaders are natural.
Anarchy is a lie sold by the evil to the dumb. You will only end up under the hierarchy of someone who hates you.
Anarchism = direct democracy
Switzerland is the most anarchist state in existence.
Fucking kiddies who think anarchism = anarchy
I like order its peacefully for me
Natural is we are evolving
Because National-Socialism is the Final Solution
because I'm not a jobless 14yo edgy teen
Lack of authority does not mean people trust each other or assume equality. If anything it would make it less likely as fear of strangers would be increased by lack of punishment for most rapists, thieves, and murderers.
Because human beings are social animals that form tribes for security and power in the absence of government. Anarchism is a void filled by opportunists that enforce their own law, establishing psuedogovernment and survival of the strongest. A reset button is nice, but that's all it is--anarchy does not foster treatment of others as equals.
>Natural is we are evolving
There has been no significant genetic divergence in thousands of years. We aren't evolving, and the very notion that evolution somehow leads to an infantile egalitarian worldview is completely fallacious.
People are not all equal, and they will never be equal. Putting everyone on the same footing when left to their own devices some out compete others is tyrannical.
Who said we can't be?
I'm not a teenager with daddy issues.
I'm a grownup and realise that Utopias exist nowhere save on the pages of fiction, user. The human condition itself prevents any such idea.
I am more concerned with equal rights and non-equality.
Sad but true
I may have had a chat with you in previous threads m8
>let's level out the system so everyone is equally shit
The only people who oppose hierarchical structures are those who are self-defeated. You can whine about the system all you like, but it's not going to change the fact that a person who wants to be better, and puts in the effort, will do so.
Ethnic determination solves the issue of so called equal rights. End forced integration, stop supporting an ideology that is violently apposed to white European civility, let people improve their lot inside of their own homeland.
You will never create a functional multicultural state, only immense police presence can maintain a semblance of cohesion.
Hurr it doidnt work
>waaah why can't human nature conform to my childish desires
Humans aren't equal.
Yes, it worked out sooooooooooo well for Greece...
Because I am Ancap
I dont side with Commies like you Red and Black flaggers.
You came to the wrong place for intelligence
Let me explain to you kids what real Anarchy is.
The Archons are the Lords, Rulers or Masters.
Anarchy is about rebellion against these Authorities.
At the moment this seems so, but I have not given up hope, I think if we were fewer people, it could be possible.
Most people just want society to get better. But the only way you will achieve change is by taking part in the political process, instead of ignoring it as an option.
>anarchists remove power structures
>power vacuum is created
>another group with more/better resources, troops, and a hierarchical organizational structure steps in to fill void
>exterminates the anarchists and reimpliments the power structures that we're originally in place (except this time, everyone is worse off because of the infrastructural damage that the anarchists did)
Sounds like an ideology for retards.
Because hierarchies are beautiful.
Absolutely, as long as we don't try, nothing will change. Get out of the Comfyzone and we will see
Because I'm not a childish retard who views the accomplishments of others with angry jealousy.
Chaos will bring in our Order.
Not theirs.
I'm not really into that whole anarchist thing.
No,is an ideology for intelligent
So what are you going to do about your movement that is almost wholey kiddies that act as deluded pawns to those that want to destabilize society for the benefit of those at the top.
If the Anarchists got together with libertarians and defended the Jefferson statue or protested the way they are trying to turn it into a mechanism to schism society along racial grievances (sorry that is the subject matter but it is) . Divide and Conquer.
We had the closest imaginable thing to anarchy when we were living in caves totally disjointed. Anarchy is primitive, unevolved, base. Plankton are anarchic species. Humans are not. Humans, even living in small tribes came to develop order. We had leaders, principle decision makers, and through this understanding of order we came to form bigger tribes. Peaceful cooperation is not devoid of structure, as soon as someone with a better idea opens their mouth they have elected themselves to a position of power, to direct subordinates.
At the most base philosophical level, at every level of practical observation, anarchy is materially impossible. Socially evolved animals are hierarchical because social interaction itself is hierarchical.
seems about right
It's an ideology for those incapable of understanding reality and human nature.
Civilization was brought down from the heavens by the gods.
They taught us Order. They were the Lords, the Rulers and the Masters. And we were their Slaves.
But not anymore, we are shaking off the chains of the Archons.
We are the gods now.
>No,is an ideology for intelligent
>for intelligent
That's an argument I'm quite familiar with.
>Civilization was brought down from the heavens by the gods.
Vapid romanticism has no value.
No,the Problem is we are to much on this Planet
Have you seen antifa user?
It's enough to put any sane person off anarchy. Do you honestly think these cunts will stop chomping out once theyre anarchic state has been achieved.
behold, here come some armchair politics:
the most "equal" (for lack of a better word) form of government is direct democracy, which only works on a really small scale
to get shit done on a bigger scale you need representatives and at that point you're effectively establishing a hierarchy, albeit one you choose yourself
now, let's talk about equality: if you give different people the same shit to start with, they will inevitably come up with different results because they don't think (and/or act) the same way
in other words, pushing for equality of result is naive at best and plainly dishonest at worst, because you can't expect people to be mindless drones without going exactly against what you're preaching for
>tl;dr people falling for the anarchist meme have the cognitive ability of a child
What guarantees anarchists would even solve problems without violence?
If you consider a capitalistic system still runs, any particular individual could gather more power than others and use violence.
If you consider a comunistic system takes place, any group could form voluntarily to use violence to what seems like a menace to anyone's self-determination.
There are no guarantees, but if this continues, we will destroy ourselves and the earth.
>point 9
>statist id you believe violence solves issues, anarchist if you believe peaceful solutions can be found.
This is the exact opposite of observable reality.
Then you are blind to the spiritual chaos my statement creates.
And who makes the decision who lives and dies? Some People's Poet or Soapbox Demagogue? No wonder you cunts are begging for crumbs from Soros's table. You make me sick.
It's worth a try.
Who exactly is "we" here?
The Left loves bringing up this talking point about over population, but are you really talking about humanity as a whole? In the political realm this has never been the case. Somehow it seems that Jews in the media never opine on how Africa is over populated, or India for that matter.
It seems pretty coincidental that your ideology espouses "equality" by telling European countries that we must accept hordes of ethnic minorities, but at the same time tell us that we're over populated and bad for the planet.
Are you actually guilty of this level of immense double think, or are you simple evil like every other degenerate Communist?
Stringing together empty words and trying to make yourself sound deep just makes you come across like you watch too much anime.
ancom profligates should be crucified tbqhwy pham
>using force to create the very antithesis of a functional society should be tried
The irony here is that you think your ideology would lead for the best outcome, but the best outcome for civilization would come about from you being shot.
we is you and the rest scum
Do all left-wing philosphies just boil down to the word "scum", to be applied to anything when reason has failed? That's all I seem to be seeing. It's as bad as "cuck".
Address the fact you are taking Bludgeld from the "capitalists" and working toward your own demise. Who do you think will say who lives and dies to deal with your "overpopulation"? Answer me If you can.
What about playing the game with the statists and the establishment?
Create alternative banks and organizations to disrupt the monopoly on political discourse and economic hegemony.
And what's your role in an anarchist society? Can you fix a car, are you doctor, a farmer or do you expect others to give you shit for free and take care of you?
Everything you guys do is talk shit and cause destruction.
What are you talking about? Human nature prevents any human from ruling competently in any hierarchies. The best we can achieve in are through voluntary hierarchies. However, having said that, Anarcho-Communism is retarded because it's unnatural and would require government hierarchy to implement distribution of goods via needs, otherwise it'd just be a barter economy where 'communes' trade with each other for goods that they need, which is more inefficient than they think. Not that government is efficient at the task either. And in anarcho communism, people would be able to deny exchanges or implement capitalism if they want, which just makes the Communists upset and they'll try and implement a government to surpress us.
you see, you just need to name the jew, then we all agree, and become some sort of anarcho nazis, because common enemy, it's just, we like a more "organized" society, little things, if you can see that we share a common enemy, that is huge.
If Leftist thought had any higher intellectual merit the proponents wouldn't be saving their own urine and feces to throw at detractors.
None of these people are intellectuals. They're heroin users and welfare leeches that sleep in flop houses.
You find hierarchies all around nature.
The strongest or the smartest will survive and lead the rest.
A leading figure will always emerge and gain more power / wealth than the rest.
So here come the true colors, genocide :D
Yeah it didn't take long for him to out himself.
Probably just some Antifa shill testing the waters here.