/leftypols/ tactics AGAINST US ripped

/leftypols/ tactics AGAINST US ripped from their website on infinitychan. GET THE FUCK IN HERE SAVE THE PIC to nevar forget .

Discuss how we defend against them if you like . It's quite easy desy, DONT CLICK BAIT, autists.


Other urls found in this thread:




obvious that you made that yourself, pathetic







Bippity bumpitty. Boo

obviously not faggot kike

lel how embarassing, imagine actually creating this and thinking you're clever for doing so

here's a bumpfkin for Drumpfkin


After 3 months of 24/7 shilling by them you FINALLY had a coherent thought.

Congratulations, newcancer.

Or maybe, just maybe not everyone supports all of Trumps decisions? fuck off back to plebbit faggot.

You're psyops aren't welcome here leftyfags, now get out.

fuck off kraut do as it says
fuck off back to your synaagogue you insufferable kike faggot, your resistance makes it clear we're right and who the hell are you to agree with Trump anyway from bongland

read the fucking graph you imbecile

the biggest hole in this stratagy is that when they post on here they will be exposed to there greatest weakness..... reality.

You made this, op, admit it.

nope i picked it up in a christianity thread where user told a leftard 'I miss when I was 16' and posted this.




Can we just take this to the streets and kill these cancerous fucks already?

these kind of threads are the ones trying to derail everything , as presented in pic

>FUCK ANTIFA scumtards


once again nobody can surpass OP in being the world's most massive faggot.
remember to sage


Wait, are you admitting you're Antifa?


As someone who's posted on /leftypol/ for a while, you guys are way, way more concerned with "sliding" and false flagging than literally anyone on our board is.

Also nobody on /leftypol/ is autistic enough to make that picture, jesus christ.

>Thinks that selfbump does anything

You have to go back Antifa scum.


are you guys imbeciles ? it's THEIR plan and you recognize their threads by this (PIC)

>so we got 4-5 antifa and counting in here, ok , nice we wan count your numbers

3 bumps per 15 mins newfag

I do not understand how you can not see that I made two replies, not one.

>furiously creates slide threads for months
>says : "you guys are way, way more concerned with "sliding" and false flagging than literally anyone on our board is"

I speculate that this image is like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a satire on what the enemy is doing written which is written as if it were from their point of view, and with the aim of exposing their methods.

keep bumping the thread, anything will do

Is the protocols worth a read?


This is hilariously paranoid. I'm only here cause your picture made me giggle.

I honestly wonder if you're the type to false flag AS a "leftist" to keep the others paranoid and liable to make unwarranted attacks.

I discuss what I believe freely and work on equipping comrades to fight when that doesn't work out.

OP this is useful for the newfags, but CTR and others did this very same shit here since forever so whoever has been here long enough already knows it.
After a while you can be able to recognize slide/shill/troll threads just with a fast glance at the catalog.

Where is "lefty-pol"?

moar proofs just in from another user, your document has been around and you : damage control

agreed but , well, they shouldnt get 220 replies tho, they ought be flushed down the drain and it isnt happening yet .

>photoshopping it to make it look like it was scanned from a real document
holy kek

If those are their tactics then they are fucking retarded, it's the same old fucking tricks shills have been using for two years now
You retards will never convince us to support your antiwhite multikulti shit anymore, we can not go back


Save this instead.

8****.net/leftypol/ with ch in the asterisks. Because that site is wordfiltered here.

Bring it on, we might even save a few souls from the evils of Globalism and faggotry

save both

i know , i found it that way

that's it

I'm a clapistani, not a brit.

Totally agree, if our mods were to do their job properly they would delete immediately known slide threads: there are threads with copypastas that get posted literally everyday and stay up, while new topics and sometimes genuine interesting stuff gets pruned for god knows what reason.
I swear that there is a fucktard that EVERY FUCKING DAY opens a thread that goes like "there are thousands of people right now that are dying to reach europe".
And still there are faggots bumping that shit and mods doing nothing about it..

Bumping guide for newfags

>On Sup Forums

>repetition has been observed

If you see lefty threads, just bombard them with redpill. Think of it like practice and sharpening your skills. These shills eventually turn anyway, as their ideas require banning of competing ideas, "hate speech" codes, and shaming in order to work (all of which are currently absent).

And if fed up, just ignore.


Pol will only become stronger by incorporating more critique, either by absorbing it or btfoing it

They predict everything that is going on today in an utterly remarkable way. One theory about them, which I am partial to, is that they were written as a satire by somebody who could foresee what the plan for us was, and wanted to warn us about it. You can read the full text here:


For example:

Protocol number 4 declares that "Materialism is to replace religion. In order to give the goyim no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the goyim, we must put industry on a speculative basis: the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes."

Protocol number 7 calls for causing "World Wide Wars" for the purpose of "checking opposition of the goyim." This is eleven years before even World War One.

Protocol number 9 advocates "Seizure of education and training," It says: "In order not to annihilate the institutions of the goyim before it is time we have touched them with craft and delicacy, and have taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanism. These springs lay in a strict but just sense of order; we have replaced them by the chaotic license of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence."

Protocol 11 advocates the formation of a totalitarian state; Protocol 12, the control of the press; Protocol 14, assault on religion; Protocol 18, arrest of opponents (think hate speech laws), etc, etc.

>That pic.

>20 people are gonna change how 200k shitposters are gonna think

try again sweetie :)



>Can we just take this to the streets and kill these cancerous fucks already?

no, you let them keep shooting themselves in the foot. and gently reminding them of the brutal retaliation that would come if they were to really stage a coup against Trump. they will just keep losing and losing by attrition. as their violence continues, more and more IP addresses will be collected. as Antifa are arrested on the streets, they will narc on each other to lower their criminal charges and get plea bargains. little by little, they will self-destruct, and even their leaders will end up with their heads in the noose.

Recommend listening to the interview between a guy from Crimethinc and a (? Maybe two) guy(s) from It's Going Down. Crimethinc guy talks openly about how the neoliberal establishment is giving good press to antifa, anarchists and communists in order to use them against nationalism/fascism.

In case you're curious about why pol gets shills. (Other than it being more popular.)

This was my third Trump rally. The crowd was very small compared to the last two. It was so lackluster this time it was kind of awkward, especially when he kept talking about how the camera never shows the crowd. Felt staged. I feel like a sucker.

Fugging Jewgle blocked it from showing up. Was it hosting cp?

Fuck off Nazi piece of shit.

>google search result
nice larping

They think they can make us commies

Care to link?
I wouldn't be surprised at the attempted use, but liberals really aren't our ally in any way. At absolute best I'd expect backstabs. At worst neoliberal infiltration and attempts to break up the leftwing groups with more identity politics shit.

It got blocked by google a couple years ago, I don't remember why.

Just type the address in manually.

The problem with these tactics is that they all rely on being able to shame or ban the person who points out flaws in logic or evidence. Very hard to do here.

What I don't understand is why they feel the need to come here.
Seriously, has any of you ever thought to try to change some commie's mind by going on leftypol with the intention to subvert and do le ebin troll?
I can't fathom to be so innerly triggered by someone else's opinion that I felt the urge to do such a thing.


We get raids all the time by what I can only imagine are underages who try to post gore or just "fucking commies gonna helicopter you" in the middle of a thread. It's become something of a board joke because they don't even properly macro spam anymore.

I only come here when I'm bored or feel like getting out of my hugbox. It's better than 8/pol/ because I don't get banned for the sheer act of disagreeing here, let alone be a commie.

>Advocating "1 good reply" to shill threads
>Not explaining sage

Controlled opposition subverting posters into bumping shill threads.

Cool larp antifa-g

That is not even the actual shithole you pussies hang out.
>current year
>not even daring to give out your real address
I didn't expect anything lower from antifaggots.

Your real shitshow is on getchan:

The Right is right.

Antifa get laughed out of lefty, it might be believable if you didn't slap that flag on there

>I don't get banned for the sheer act of disagreeing here, let alone be a commie.

Does this not ring a bell to you about what really free speech is?
Why do you want it abolished then by shitting on the only place left where everybody can speak his mind without censorship?

Shills detected.

literally everyone knows this after two minutes of browsing Sup Forums. why they think it's super innovative or yields any results is seriously beyond me

But was this place always so flooded with bullshit?

I think it's in this one. Listening and will see if I can get a time.


You're from /leftypol/, huh. I appreciate your honesty.

Now, kindly fuck off back to where you come from.

Leftists seem to think we're intentionally subversive, presumably because that's the only way leftists operate. No one naturally thinks in leftist policies. Most of them, such as "give all power over my life to the government" and "these brown people who want to murder me are actually my allies," are not natural thought. They must be taught and they must be taught slyly in a manner inherently disingenuous.

The problem is Sup Forums, and most right-wing views, are not like this. They are the natural result of experience and research. More importantly Sup Forums isn't intentionally trying to convert the masses, they simply say what they think and 50% of people who overhear it go "actually that's a good point, and look you even have data to support it."

That, more than anything, is why lefties hate this board. Merely having the views we have is enough to turn half the population on your average SocJus crony's agenda.

Drop redpills on leftist shills

>Create threads that scramble the ability to organize and talk rationally

>create our own threads which propagate our more righteous views

So for this board to be more righteous it just needs to abolish rationality.
>Antifag flag

Checks out

>Never stop reminding them that Trump's inevitable impeachment
kek, say the line shill

get butt blasted by your black comrades, faggot

I don't hate free speech. Note the flag. I'm not a tankie.

Besides, I don't come here to shit up the place. I come here when I feel like talking with people who aren't inherently going to agree with me, i won't get banned immediately, and who can take a nigger joke without suddenly changing the conversation to how i need to not be casually racist

Nice LARPing, faggots.

The solution is always simple

>sage and hide

But no, instead, shill threads gets 324 replies.

I know you feel annoyed being around dez anti semites but you can trust me. You're JIDF too ey?

I cannot describe myself as an oldfag, so I don't know, but after you come here everyday for a prolonged period of time you know when something is odd.
The after-Charlottesville was a really big blow, the flood was neary palpable.
It's almost as if the people organizing antifa in the streets were already prepared in organizing the very same thing to be done here.


And I guess the Alt Right guys at the rallies with swastikas mean that every right wing rally goer is a nazi


I came onto this board in 2013. Yes, yes it was always this full of shit. And yes, people have always been this uptight about "sliding" and the like.

This is the most pathetic thing I've seen.

You take the points Trump's detractors make on here.
You put it on a stupid infographic.
You post it in a website anyone can post on.
You then attribute it to antifa.
You basically want to silence opinions you don't agree with and lack the argumentation against.
Fuck off loser.

>4chans political board often abbreviated to Sup Forums



At least you recognize the value of a place like this.
Ironic how the supposed evil nazis are the ones advocating for free speech and don't call for censorship like regressive left openly does.
They are 1984 in the making.