Tucker defends Daily Stormer
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Big if true
Awesome if true, even if it's just his usual "of course I hate racism, and Nazis, and but muh freeze peach" mode. He has a much wider audience than Breitbart (the only other "big" media name AFAIK to defend DS' completely legal humor), I think.
They shoad his video while I was trying to post it
Tucker destroyed a kike leftist on live tv
He probably read "How to gas Kikes starter guide - Andrew Anglin" before going live
6 million jews, I mean page views this month
He didn't defend it you dumbass, he said it was an abomination. He was against censorship.
Stellar disinfo attempt though 6/10.
>He argued for 10 minutes in favor of daily stormer, only denouncing their content
Also Milo is defending it now. Ann Coulter and Julien Assange just tweeted
Anglin is dumb for asking MOLLYJEW to defend him when he explicity said he's JEWISH
^ Show this to anglin if you know him
Censorship is okay against people we dislike
What are the odds you'll get a Daily Stormer v. United States supreme court case where Anglin has a Jewish lawyer and he fucking wins?
>an Irish Jew
Andrew Anglin is the greatest white man alive today.
But yeah, we need to reclaim Sup Forums from the shills.
However, the shills are doing us one important favour - they teach their victims shill recognition, and they weed out the dumbest people.
Fairly good. Supposedly the Canadian Jewish congress provided support for the fledgling Canadian Nazi party, and in turn used them as the justification for passing their draconian hate speech laws.
He defended free speech
OP is a LARPing faggot
He said his mom was born a kike in berlin
Anyway even if his name is wasn't jewish and he didn't jewish at all..
Just think what kind of person would have a french name, an irish accent, live in canada and talk about american politics? unless it's a rootless kike rat
He makes videos about free speech and conservative "principles" but when we talk about gassing jews and get pushed to the dark web he won't defend it. Because he only cares about jewish interests. When will you realize you can never allow kikes in far right ethno movements?
I type like I'm drunk sorry, in a rush.
He seems to go for typical safe cuckservative things coupled with his hardcore ancap style these days, look at all those based black people he is having on probably telling him how blacks only fail in the USA because of the welfare state. Can't fault him, he is running a business.
Didn't ANTIFA break into that guys' house?
No just niggers. He lived in a ghetto
Not true
He's was defending FREE SPEECH
>Big if true
It's true. He's blasting away on the 1st A implications of Daily Stormer's unpersoning. He has mentioned the site by name in two shows, now.