Other urls found in this thread:
>given pleasure drug
>pressured into doing something
>wtf I like migrants now
Now they're going to fucking drug us? Uprising when this is unacceptable.
Gee, I wonder what will be added to the water supply for our benefit next.
will this make women more likely to have sex wth me?
Oxytocin is heroin-lite
Lmao ahahahahahahahahahhaha
I always knew you yuropbeans were crazy but this.. this is a good social experiment
My gut says they already are mate.
Probably not, they'll find some drug or hormone that makes women want niggers only. I recommend Rohypnol or GHB.
>Oy Vey!!! The goyim are not accepting the millions of third world vagabonds with toxic Muslims ideology!!! What can we do?!
>Oy Vey!!! We should medicate them with drugs until they accept our agenda!!!
>Oy Vey!!! Great idea!!! Lets medicate the goyim until they accept their own destruction!!!
>oy vey, the goy are too racist!
>we need to lobotomise them!
Final solution only solution.
Buy alex jones filters.
>If your mind is subjected to an artificial drug that changes its chemical balance while being subjected to social indoctrination, your personality and emotional reaction to external stimuli might be altered!
Getting drugged is just part & parcel of living in the western world my friend.
MKULTRA in other words?
oi vey, goyim, just take another hit of this authentic afghani-made heroin to feel more tolerant. who doesn't love opium?
How are Alex Jones filters going to help you when it's in every piece of food with a bar code in the country?
>people tend to be more altruistic to family and friends than to perfect strangers
>but they know how to change this
I'm living in a goddamn dystopia.
You're talking about OxyContin lol. Oxytocin is a hormone you release when you get laid and shit.
If you do not learn persuasion,
you will be persuaded.
So if we drug a woman with a gang of guys and then through peer pressure get her to have sex with us it isn't gang rape?
Spoiler: You're actually a bunch of complicated chemical reactions.
tfw when there's no one to stop the next hitler because we all trust him and have the feeling of knowing it is for the best cause we're drugged
oxytocin =/= oxycontin
>Hormone that regulates how kind, altruistic and emphatic you are to people makes you more kind, altruistic and emphatic with people
More news at 10
>drinking tap water
who still does this?
nah blindness isn't a side effect with this one.
Come on Sup Forums, take your pills and have a happy life!
You need to be injected and yelled at.
Your mother.
>In the future, all medical science will be directed at anesthetizing the populace to reality.
Honestly, how much different will it be?
So what this study is really saying is: "we know how to ensure that impressionable females fuck more niggers and destroy their country so we can rule over it as you remain divided"
We is Brave New World now.
heh jokes on you as if our government is going to drug us for free
they'll probably charge us money for it
seriously what the fuck is wrong with white people
if pols taught me anything its that all these human races are fucked in their own unique way
we need alien intervention or gene editing ASAP
literally heading towards this tbqhwy
>drugs to make people happy and forget reality
>hyperpromisciutiy promoted everywhere
>destruction of the family unit
>work in progress on artificial wombs, sex-robots, DNA modification etc.
Huxley was not supposed to be a blueprint ffs
Why not give that shit to the immigrants? They're the ones stabbing and driving over people.
I wouldn't mind if the government added this to our water supply. I want to be happy.
>people think differently when you mess with their brain chemistry
(obviously we should gas them, not drug them, but you make a good point)
>hormones & peer pressure
And that officially makes them worse than commies. Commies relied only on peer pressure to establish their magical realm,
very interesting ;)
>seriously what the fuck is wrong with white people
Jewish brainwashing.
Brave New Word at least was functional and grounded in objective reality. And we are going to schizophrenic postmodern version of it.
our education system
>Scientists find women kinder to rapists when given rohpynol
They're already drugging us with what's in the water, food, and vaccines.
give me the drugs. they aren't gonna make me accept refugees but give me the drugs.
Ending the family unit has been a goal of leftists for a century.
Reminder that Breivik improved the world by removing evil people.
We used to call it brainwashing.
Then we called it MKutlra.
Now we call it the future.
I love bigbrother.
The Chinese. They learned their lesson.
This is some sci-fi novel shit
really nigs my nogs
>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that are blissfully unaware that the reason whites keep losing social warfare is because they have higher levels of oxytocin in their brains due to genetic mutations of having to trust strangers to mutually survive in harsh climates
Shocking, really. I thought people on here were informed of their biological flaws.
oxytocin is also the hate hormone. The obsession hormone.
oxytocin fed people who experience trauma may become mass murderers who kill and stalk people of opposing races like jealous lovers.
One would think this type of experimentation would be a serious medical ethics violation.
Couple of small things I'd like to say about oxytocin:
calling it a love hormone is a very wrong name. oxytocin is a hormone that the body creates when you're in love or during nutting. It intensifies your current mood/feelings.
These german cunts tested oxytocin on people and then use peer pressure to like the rapefugees, but let's say you'd give a rapefugee victim some oxytocin, and then let her do the test without peer pressure, her negative experience and memories will actually be INTENSIFIED instead of NULLIFIED.
If (((they))) would put this shit in the water, everyone that's not happy with the current situation would get evem more pissed, while all the libshits would be euphoric.
>In one study, researchers found that Dutch students given a snort of the hormone became more positive about fictional Dutch characters, but were more negative about characters with Arab or German names. The finding suggests that oxytocin's social bonding effects are targeted at whomever a person perceives as part of their in-group, the researchers reported in January 2011 in the journal PNAS.
So you would actually create an army of neo-Nazi berserkers?
So has it been Israel's plan to migrate all muzzies from their homelands to the west so that they can live in peace and own all the land?
time to buy some meme filters
Okay, this stopped being funny.
this pic needs wayyyyyy more context
Can I be a berserker?
Jaffe Memo en.wikipedia.org
>scientists conclude people prefer their family to strangers of another race
>'fix' them with drugs
>this memo is available on google drive
>if you download it google marks you for account deletion
not true this instant, but basically where we're headed
thankfully I never sign on to google from certain machines
Woah, changing someone's brain chemistry changes what kind of person they are?
Don't worry it's just fear-mongering.
Thanks scientists, we already know obama was a drug dealer and his followers are tweaking...
>higher levels of oxytocin in their brains
Interesting if true
Makes you wonder if it's not already being administered in some countries doesn't it?
It's times like this that i am thankful for the "nonwhite" tendency to have zero true empathy for animals and only have selective empathy for animals I personally own.
Fuck cats.
We're simply correcting her problematic behavior and reprogramming her to be a productive member of society.
Thinking about buying some goods from a humble waterfilter salesman now.
those motherfuckers lying
and getting me pissed
nah it's just that people today are bitches my daddy's pure white and when he was a kid he threw cats of the dam
Ingroup bonding: Oxytocin can increase positive attitudes, such as bonding, toward individuals with similar characteristics, who then become classified as "in-group" members, whereas individuals who are dissimilar become classified as "out-group" members. Race can be used as an example of in-group and out-group tendencies because society often categorizes individuals into groups based on race (Caucasian, African American, Latino, etc.). One study that examined race and empathy found that participants receiving nasally administered oxytocin had stronger reactions to pictures of in-group members making pained faces than to pictures of out-group members with the same expression.
That might be it. My dad threw unwanted kittens into the dog kennel. Only my mom gave a shit.
Pure germanic blood except on my mom's side. Little bit of asian in there.
How about you post what Macron said?
Use science to cure homosexuality and niggerness, why not?
he lived in a small town in montana he played football and hunted and shit but he's always been reall fucking nice and never really swears or anything, he's pretty cool. If he thinks the cats deserve to die who am I to disagree?
So, like, drugs have an effect on humans? Whoaaaaa, far out, dude!
What if you gave all children sedatives? Would they be more quiet in schols?
What if we gave a morphine overdose to all immigrants? Would they stop raping and killing?
sure the only way to fuck families up is to drug them and call them pieces of shit every day for a few years. sound like a nice solution.
Oxytocin, a chemical released into the nervous system, usually by new mothers to keep them from harming their newborn child who is a huge burden and pain in the ass
A chemical that stops you from killing immense burdens to your existence
Works for migrants
Sounds about right
In other news, testosterone needs to be FLOODED into western society
Them comments
>Drug me all you want, I'll still hate anything with a brown hue to it.
Also, ecstasy releases oxytocin among other things. I've taken ecstasy before and still couldn't stop being racist even while on it. I wanted nothing to do with any niggers I saw but was much more interested in white people like me. If they managed to find a way to make me stop hating niggers after seeing what niggers do in person then we'll be fucked.
Jewish scientists taste better after they've been cooked in an oven.
So how do we put more pressure into people?
Should we push oxy down the waterpipes and then do a quick propaganda campaign across the media perhaps?
We could use this to make a great blow against the white goyim in the west.