>less than 4K people
>99% of them are english speaking ethnic brits
>land has been owned by them for centuries
>only notable sights are a small town and a bunch of farms
Why the fuck do argies furiously masturbate to the thought of owning this?
>less than 4K people
>99% of them are english speaking ethnic brits
>land has been owned by them for centuries
>only notable sights are a small town and a bunch of farms
Why the fuck do argies furiously masturbate to the thought of owning this?
Probably the same reason Russia would want Alaska. It's nearby.
Because Sean Penn said they are Malvinas
Russia sold Alaska to us in 1867.
>No trade backs.
im the only one who see a pig ?
Their claims of why Argentina should own the place are pretty ridiculous as well
>it's geographically closer to Argentina!
That's retarded, by that logic Alaska should be owned by Canada considering its closer to it than the continental US, or Ireland should belong to the UK because it's close to it, seriously this is some kindergarten "argument"
>"it was owned by Argentina long ago!"
False! It was owned by the spanish, not you, and they owned decades before Argentina existed as an independent country, by that flawed logic the Philippines should be owned by Argentina given that Spain owned it for a while.
Besides the Spanish left the place, then came the french, and also left, finally came the brits and they stayed.
>the brits stole it!
Flase! As said before they settled in an abandoned land, it was Argentina who tried to "stole it" besides by that logic Argentina "stole" territories to spain when it gained independence, yet you don't see butthurt spaniards claiming Argentina is their rightful land.
because they're nibbers with white complex and want all of the ypipo in the falklands so they can say "hey look i'm white, i'm relevant in the world jajaja boludo negro hijo de puta"
is there even any important resources there or is it a good military checkpoint?
I wanna say something but people will criticize me for "muh sea" as my country does almost the same thing
I see it
That's rich coming from brazil, but true
yeah, sometimes brazilians can say something rational instead of being assholes on internet or saying "PLZ COME"
It's okay your people are illegally immigrating to all neighboring countries so either you'll get clay at some point or everyone will gangbang you for attempting to steal clay
Who are you again? Suriname?
It is a geopolitical weakness for the south cone. From this position you easily reach the capitals of Uruguai, Argentina, Paraguai and the country side of Brazil. Besides being able to control the transit from the Pacific and Indian oceans into the North Atlantic.
If it is useless, why do you think that UK fight for it with US support?
While in European hands, this island will be in contentious situation.
That's Bolivia
Preto fudido
Argentina used to have the highest average incomes in the World...then socialism happened. After that came a economic crash, a junta and a big mess. The generalissimos tried to divert attention and ire to the Falklands but epic fail.
Bolivia, a landlocked country with a navy. Their national slogan is "Muh sea"
I'm sorry, I don't watch Game of Thrones
>99% of them are english speaking ethnic brits
So when Leicester or Luton become majority paki will you give them to Pakistan?
they discovered a huge oil field around it a couple of years ago
fuck argentina they have no legitimate claim we've owned it since before they knew it was there and before they were even a country
now we are 3
What is this?
bruv we found it and used it as a whaling station before the spanish even found it. But because our station was on the other side and it wasnt manned they claimed it as a new discovery, which is obviously illegal being as we'd already claimed it for england
There's nothing rational about your statement. Just pol memery
Oink oink motherfuckers
Westeros is the UK upside down
The fawklands?! What the fawk is the fawklands? A buncha dickheads losin their lives out there? And fah what? What fah? So we can just open da fuckin floodgates and let them all in
the whole"malvinas argentinas" was a thing they did back on the militar goverement , they wanted to united the people , so they reclaimed those island, then they lost the war and the militar govement ended in 4 days
Fuck Napoleon desu
[1812 Overture intensifies]
This little island represents the only threat to Argentina, they can't start the Fourth Reich or a dictatorship because of it, they are surrounded by the British
theres crashed nazi ufo technology in the waters surrounding it, both countries have been trying to harvest it.
It was the plot of a corrupt military junta to distract the public from domestic matters.