>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER.
no one except me. marijuana is degenerate and smoking it will turn you into a lazy retard. but it still should be legal because the state needs to fuck off and stop telling people what they should or shouldn't do with their life.
I said it. About 14 hours ago. Under an OP just like this one.
>Said no one, EVER.
Wrong. You just need to leave your basement.
Fine I'll say it so you know it's possible. I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized. It's true by the way I don't enjoy the feeling of it. I still think people should be able to destroy themselves since you know free will and all!
>Said no one, EVER.
What if you work in a law enforcement related field and have better things to worry about like we do with black violence my coworkers deal with everyday. Grow the up kid. No one gives a shit.
I dont smoke it but I think it should be legalized.
This is just another flavor of right wing balkanization threads, specifically trying to split NatSoc and Libertarian values. Commies have discords where they share strategies like this.
reminder that he normalisation and legalisation of cannabis is one of the final steps in the destruction of western civilisation
the fact that people are unironically discussing legalisation is proof that the zionists are reaching the final part of their plans
This is bait, right? Because that's precisely what a lot of people are saying.
I agree with this. Smoking pot is like alcohol problem that the generation before us had.
>Said no one, EVER.
Everyone say it's harmless and makes you feel better
The WHY THE FUCK when I tried I started puking so badly and strongly that I felt like I was going to die? Got wasted many many times and never puked liked that, never. It was like my stomach imploded every time I puked
Only Cannabis with high CBD low/no THC should be legalised.
Come to think of it, it should all stay illegal and only CBD oil should be legalised.
Cause you're a liar and a shill.
well they actually made it illegal to get rid of mexicans back in the day but we are the mexicans now.
I don't smoke but it should be legalized so it can be taxed.
Cotton industry made it illegal. They used the 'it's a drug, it'll make you insane' argument to do so.
Legalize the fuckin plant don't believe the government propaganda about it.
i say that pretty often
is there a worse smell than marijuana?
u stupid
your body odor
Says me. Soon to be legal producer too
Except for me. You don't get to speak on my behalf, Americoon.
Okay, Jose
Cause I'm fucking not
I take it back, you're funny
I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized.
Just proved you wrong OP.
And yes its a factual statement.
Why not legalized it instead of funding criminals? There will always be a market for it why not let it go into the economy?
Because of all the competition it would create for established companies
I smoke cannabis but I don't think it should be legalized, there would be far more new abusers created than new Jogan Rogan weed ubermensch or casual users. I just wish it wasn't so much of a damn hassle to have and use.
drunk/hungover people
>marijuana is degenerate and smoking it will turn you into a lazy retard
same can be said about alcohol, even worse. yet it remains legal because it has longer consumption history than mj.
Grow your own for personal use. Gardening in general is redpilled as fuck, also therapeutic.
Stop boomerposting
It makes you lazy. Some people have panic attacks when they use it. A very small number of people are allergic.
What an evil, evil plant.
Cannabis should be illegal. I take zero pharmaceuticals.
Said no one ever.
It should be legalized because hemp is a valuable crop that can be used for many things. Also, cannabis is no worse than alcohol. Alcohol kills way more people than weed ever will. There is evidence of cannabis use in China around 6000 BC.
If so, Why bot this topic endlessly?
I. Smoke and think it shouldn't.
I've seen a few peeps actually end up schizophrenic over time, our bud is pretty fucking heavy though.
>citation needed
A shitload of people say it, actually.
Most of the people I know who don't smoke abstain because of their jobs.
My GF's super duper conservative boring white guy dad even wants legalization because it makes economic sense to legalize it and tax it like alcohol.
>because it makes economic sense to legalize it and tax it like alcohol.
It would replace alcohol, a lot of people become alcoholics because they're lazy and its the easiest drug to acquire, it would lose money in the long term for the liquour industry and taxes
Everyone benefits. Jobs, education, real estate. They would boost the economy while giving people more opportunities. More opportunity=more freedom.
The way people smell after smoking cigs.
I said that. In my country the traffic belongs nearly excusively to arabs and removing them this market would be great. It's not like retards will stop smoking anyway, and I'd rather have the money go to taxes and employment than into arab delears' pockets (which ends up funding djihadi networks and all that shit).
thats literally me though
No, I've said his. How can you declare something that comes out the ground illegal ?
If someone wants to eat a plant or mushrooms coming out of cow shit, to deem that illegal is basically dumb.
>"I don't smoke marijuana, but I think it should be legalized."
>Said no one, EVER.
I literally don't smoke marijuana and I think it should be legalized.
( I vaporize instead )
"I'm gonna post this thread everyday :D" -Anonymous
I said it.
I tried pot like 5 times and thought it was the worst thing ever. It was gross and I felt like shit for like a week after each time. I had a bunch if friends that used and many that would deal back in the day so I could have had unlimited free weed.
I was glad they liked it and wish they were free to enjoy it. Just really not for me.
What is the truth that the plant can actually cure cancer? I'm not talking about ingesting it like some retarded stoner.
Ben shapiro
I said it.
never smoked
literally I said that like 10 times. tax it, pay off the deficit. boom.
Do you think our rulers will be giving to their kids?
>smokes half a joint's worth of weed in one hit
>smoking a joint out of a bowl
Why not just unravel the joint and stuff the bowl with the weed?
I'd seriously like to see yankees rip the Indica strains over here like in this video, I could never get into weed in my rebel phase because i always got knocked the fuck out after half a joint lel.
I say that. It's no worse than tobacco.
govt shouldn't decide what people do with their own bodies if they are not causing problems to other people
kill yourself cunt. its only real negative is increasing estrogen in males.
Why is there piss in his bong? does piss add to the high?
Why is his bong filled with urine? I don't get weed-fags at all...
I never understand the real argument of "why drugs are illegal", the common like murder, scamming, robbery, rape is really easy to understand, is self-harm really such a deal? If yes, it's pretty insane when we are still publicly selling cigarette and alcohol under this statement. Or not, it's more about alternate your consciousness, if so, why it's illegal?
>hey bruh we need to ban everything, alcohol too, and the guns, all of that haram shit, who the fuck are you, we are the GOVERNMENT *unsheathes sword*
He's a stoner, stoners are retarded. Honestly the culture is absolute cancer, smoking half a joint like that is like chugging vodka normal people don't do that
It's probably mixed with lemon soda or something, lemon juice prevents water stains supposedly
Ive said it as well.
op doesnt care about the politics either way, he just wants attention. this thread is reposed literally 4 times a day. give it a rest you fucking faggots
I have never smoked weed or ever will but as long as cigarettes and alcohol is legal then so should marijuana.
That being said, I have zero sympathy for anyone in jail for possession. They knew it was illegal and bought it anyway.
let the degenrates ruin themselves...
I even would give them hard drugs - but no social support like money or medical support
You are from Hong Kong. Never heared of the Opium War?
>Smoking gives you cancer
>The current year
People who want to die get cancer
People who want to live heal from their cancer and get to live to be like 90 years old.
Many, many such cases.
Ignored though ofcourse, people need to believe they are patients, they need the operations and the treatments so the pharma industry and doktards can make more money.
I quit dope at age 25, because it was zapping my memory and I was in grad school. Still glad they legalized it here. Too many degenerate gangsters were making way too much money off the DUDE WEED black market and were violently jacking each other's grow ops, leading to payback hits that spread violence everywhere causing police to waste time with their degeneracy.
The only downside, is governments will make too much from legalizing. At first they have to keep taxes low to rival the black market, then a few years later taxes slowly increase to regular booze and cigarette taxes which are sky high. A government with a glut of money often ends up implementing incredibly stupid liberal ideology. Every fruitcake idea a city council filled with literal clowns can think up there's now funding for that. They will quickly blow this money and never lower property taxes like they're supposed to, so be sure to keep out liberal thieves if you're state/city/country legalizes.
Penn Jilette says it all the fucking time.
A good argument against that is that anything that alters the mind is essentially illegal. Alcohol is only legal because of it's wide usage.
The mindset behind the legislature is that Weed is a "gateway drug". It's not necessarily the drug that's the gateway, but it's the people selling it that are the gateway. The other mindset is that the lawmakers don't want people fucking up their minds, because in their mind once you start with weed you are susceptible to things like heroin and crack.
IMO, legalize it all. If you're going to be a fucktard and get addicted to stupid drugs, you deserve to be poor or die as a result.
>people who want to die get cancer
>People who want to live heal
So, wait, everyone that wants to die gets cancer, but even though they want to live they'll heal from it even though they couldn't have gotten it if they didn't live? People die when they are killed.
I have stoner friends. I smoked marijuana a few times myself and I think anything beond decriminalization and rescheduling is a massive mistake. Useful plant, yes, if we can extract and synthesize useful chemicals from it and administer them in controlled doses instead of taking the whole fucking random natural cocktail. It wouldn't be the first psychoactive plant to have such significance, just the first one popular enough with niggers and niggers alone to trigger the US into trying to eradicate it.
You really have to experience it to understand how worthless and potentially harmful it is as a recreational drug. Alcohol is abusable, but control is easy and the effects last an hour. Marijuana lasts about three or four hours and is far more than a simple CNS depressant. It's bad for society. It's bad for people. It changes people in bad ways.
Now, shrooms, on the other hand, are the best antidepressant and mind-straightener known to man at the time. Just don't take them if you're already sane.
We're all going to be dead someday. So, if you enjoy smoking cannabis and getting high from it, it's no problem.
I hate weed, but legalizing makes sense. I want more rights not less. Definitely not a true statement.
>i'm going to die someday so i'm going to shave off a few IQ points
>dont worry be happy
Try banging your head against a wall. It's cheaper.
Weed can wreck havoc on the developing brain. Children who smoke weed, even on occasion come out under the clean students time after time in schooling since it messes up your brain
The only reason to support legal weed is because the gov't will get their hands on it and breed out the bad part of the weed, like medicinal marijuana companies do currently
Not only that, after 1 puff it can fuck up your brain forever by fucking up your reward pathway albeit only by a little
>Alcohol is abusable, but control is easy and the effects last an hour.
>tfw never have to care about any of this
I smoke marijuana but I'm not sure it should be legalized. It's fun to have to be low key about it.
>there would be far more new abusers created
Would it? From what I heared the numbers of users declines after legalization.
You either weren't smoking staright weed or you're lying.
fuck the police legalize everything
I used Cannabis extract oil to remove freckles from my arms, face and chest.
But its still a schedule 1 drug.
"I dont drink alcohol and think it should be illegal"
Said the 1920 USA. But oh wait, that just led to gangs and more organized crime!
And the effects are a lot worse then pot.. What to do. says the ignorant fuck
I stopped smoking weed in college because I'm an adult, but I don't think any drug should be illegal. Prohibition is a massive failure and it should be done away with asap.
> They're having literally harmless fun and I'm not so they're degenerate and can't have any more fun.
I'm high right now man. Gone git me a grilled cheese.
whenever OP posts this i only come in and say WRONG because i am such a person. i dont smoke it, yet i think it should be legalized
Vape weed err day!
My daughter says i smell funny. Vape weed err day.