Hey, Sup Forums. I'm an infertile black man. So I hope you don't mind me fucking white women, since I can't have mixed babies anyway :) my current girlfriend is a blue eyed, fair skinned brunette from Poland.
Hey, Sup Forums. I'm an infertile black man. So I hope you don't mind me fucking white women...
Good for you lad
You're a monkey anyway so stay away from our women.
On the other hand, if they say yes to a nigger, they weren't worth much to begin with so...
Can I watch? Hope im allowed to lick her pussy after.
Why exactly should I stay away from your women if I can't have kids anyway?
Other white hoes become thirsty if you're a good looking nigger. But like I said, if they'd go with a nigger, nothing of value has been lost.
Trouble begins when the -good- women burn coal. That's when the right wing death squads come in.
Well, my girlfriend doesn't drink, no tattoos,, no drugs, eats extremely healthy. She is pretty fucking badass, if you ask me
So much insecurity in one post. If you can't win the battle of love against a nigger, that makes you weake.
>I am infertile so I hope you don't mind me giving HIV and other STD's to your women and making them sex crazed degenerates that are less likely to hold a stable marriage, encourage them to do drugs that could damage their eggs, and waste their time while they are young so that they can't reproduce with their own kind or while they have healthy eggs.
See? This is why we need the KKK. Fuck off and get lynched.
You see, the more basic women here would date a nigger simply because he's a nigger, no matter how ugly, dumb or poor.
Degenerate hoes.
She had her eggs frozen in a lab in her early 20s so she doesn't have a risk of retarded babies. And I'm disease free, my ghostly friend
Time comes, you still get the rope.
>death squad arrives
>"b-but im infertile"
see how that works?
I like you user
i dont want my daughter to have much more pleasure than her future pure turkic husband going to give to her. I don't want my future Khan to raise in a troubled marriage. Now die you nigger cunt
Kill yourself. Even after 1 partner Divorce becomes almost 50% more likely for a woman, and it keeps dropping until they basically can't have a relationship at all.
Women's psyche can't handle multiple partners. How about you embrace strength instead of constantly being a negative influence. Eggs being fine or not, freezing has a huge failure rate and forces conception to be artificial, which is sub par. And that says nothing about your way higher risk of STD's.
obvious bait
Meh, I have a couple white straight male friends who have HIV, so don't tell me above blacks being more diseased
Is she infertile?
If she isn't, then you've taken from her the right to a legacy. But if she's with you, perhaps she shouldn't have one anyway.
Stop spreading aids you fucking ape!