Minneapolis lawyer behind neo-Nazi record label 'no longer works' at law firm

>According to Patterson Thuente, the Minneapolis patent law firm was slow to learn one of its partners has a side gig trafficking in fascist-leaning heavy metal.
>But the firm was quick to act once City Pages published a cover story about Aaron Davis, a partner at Patterson Thuente, and his role as the man behind Behold Barbarity records. Within a few hours, Davis was placed on "administrative leave," and his biography was scrubbed from the Patterson Thuente website.
>The firm now claims it had no idea that Davis' business was selling records for bands with deeply offensive imagery and lyrics. (One band had a song called "Kill the Jews," while another put out an album called Behead the Semite.)
>"Aaron Davis is no longer employed by Patterson Thuente Pedersen, P.A. Prior to the story, no one in the firm had any inclination regarding the allegations in the article."

Freedom of Speech is dead

Free association is alive

anyone know the label? I'd like to support them.

Hes a big guy.

Kill the jews soinfs like a good song

if you like noise music... otherwise its just garbage sounds mixed with clips from They Live

It's mentioned in the cover story they link to at the bottom

start reading more than just memes faggot

I like his style

This man is high test and as we can see, successful. He's lived his life with the world on a string. I think he'll be fine. Maybe even happier this way now that he can focus on his passion.


>tfw you get blacklisted from law because of metal
Nah, he's fucked. Spent most of a decade in school for law and now he's stuck trying to cobble together a living selling CDs to a small niche audience

Or he can start his own firm, ya know

>also mentioned that Davis works to "assist record labels, artists, and entertainment companies throughout the United States" on licensing and intellectual property issues.

Jesus, no wonder the guy is an anti-Semite. Look what he does for a living, constantly dealing with Jewish bullshit. If he does start his own firm he probably won't be getting any work from (((them))) anytime soon.

>intellectual property lawyer thinks Jews are the problem

he is a big guy

>neo-nazi record label
Right, cuz that's going to win over so many decent, whites of good character. It's almost as if they want whites to associate nazis with ugliness and degeneracy. Makes you think.

Metal is my praxis. No I'm not LARPing

>Free association
Only for some of course.

Yet it's perfectly normal to produce nigger music that calls for the death of all white people.

or this
includes a track named "kill the christian"

>Kill the Jews

That language is sort of vague. It's open to interpretation.

It's not though?
The closest you're gonna get to straight out calling for death is Fuck Tha Police, and that was met with immense backlash, nearly enough to tank N.W.A. before on their first album. Then maybe some shit by Dre or The Game. The former of which grew up at a time where he faced a real chance of being brutalized by police, and the latter of which is such an idiot he gets rightfully called out on it all the time.

It's not a fair comparison in the first place since, in case you've forgot, blacks have been second class citizens for the majority of US history. What does the Neo Nazi band complain about? Death to Jews because their auto insurance premium is too high?

Google at-will employment, retard

>>(((Aaron))) Davis

the slow death of an otherwise capable people because they are, for lack of a better word, too nice.

blacks have what to complain about, naturally low intelligence keeping them down from inside their heads? fuck da genes! white man gibsmedat CRISPR!

He should join the metal mulisha

You sound like a genuine idiot. For your sake I hope you're just 18 or something.
There's a lot you need to learn about if you want to honestly engage this topic.

Read about the death of Rodney King. That was the actual spark for Fuck Tha Police being written. I doubt the Neo Nazi group has as good as a reason to write their ugly music.

They're angry because of muh birth rates