Japan p-please stop this, you need immigrants to survive!
Japan p-please stop this, you need immigrants to survive!
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No they don't. Hell, they are better off than Europe. So leave Japan the fuck alone.
So automate births then
>the most overpopulated country on earth might see a decline in population
Oh no what a disaster, better food it with niggers
>implying their island isn't cramped enough
b-but you need more people so you could pay ridiculous property prices goy
>rather die out than let one disgusting gaijin into their county.
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Based Nips sticking to their bushido code.
Extinction is preferable over having your country ruined by trash.
take me to your sheila
It amazes me the regular liberal voter can't see this train wreck coming. In twenties years all the low skill jobs that immigrants do are going to be taken over by machines. Stuff like truck drivers, cabbies, fast food, garbage, maids, fruit picking , etc. will all be done by machines, and the people previously in those jobs are going to be out of work, unskilled, and angry. Every immigrant they bring in is going to be out of work, poor, and angry. What do they think Jose is going to do when no work can be found and the gap between the haves and have not seen is even wider?
It's going to get bloody, we can't keep bringing in more ND more useless and unemployable people or they will slit our throats in time
Are you speaking from experience? Asking for a friend.
Japan is the best Asian country not Cuckria.
not gonna lie,cant wait till japan and south korea get WHITED BLACKED JEWED and ISLAMED
They DO see and they want it. They're suicidal and think they should be killed off for the perceived crimes of people-who-wheren't-their-ancestors.
Do it, Nips, automate the niggers, save the world.
The jews fears the samurai.
Advocating for immigration is like advocating for slavery.
It's retarded and a post-enlightenment value.
Oh boy, leave it to japan to kickstart cyber communism.
robot bear butler>ahmed
Hell, I'd like to have a big robotic bear to carry my burger ass around too, looks fuck ingredients awesome.
After western civilization collapses under the weight of 3rd world shitskins, the world will be led by Asians who never abandoned their culture and their genetic heritage for Jewish lies.
Honestly, I would prefer that bear over any nurse
Japan is truly living the Futurists dream, I really envy them. As long as a nihilistic philosophy doesn't poison their collective consciousness they'll be the most advanced society on the planet.
only if china doesn't conquer them first. when europe and the us go to shit, japan will be pretty much defenceless. gone are the days of showa.
Once the U.S. is Mad Max with niggers, Japan can raise up their own army again.
the us isn't stopping japan from making an army. the japanese made the restrictions themselves, and the us was actually against it because they feared it'd leave their ally vulnerable to chinese or soviet aggression.
of course, if the us fell then japan would probably start to finally raise an army, but it'd be too late. it'd take decades for them to build an army that could stand a chance against china.
Japan proves once again how fucking based they are
But who is gonna to keep the robots running, do the maintenance and shit?
Checkmate, altcucks
When artificial wombs are ready in the next 10 years, they will.
Only cominations of genius DNA and their physical best will be used.
we need to protect them, the nips understimate the folly of the world
More robots and if not then maybe a Japanese guy who lost his shopkeeping job
Please make it faster, Japan.
>With unemployment down to 2.8 percent, companies are increasingly realizing they need to pay up to attract and keep qualified personnel. The other option -- increased immigration -- is politically difficult.
Absolutely based
The only reason a country needs to continually expand its population is when their government is nothing but a ponzi scheme. Like the US is a ponzi scheme that needs to "grow" or a bunch of people go to jail.
They will compromise and get filipina nurses on long term work visas though
Yet, the few countries with dropping populations are desperately seeking a way to make them grow, or else seeking alternate solutions of dubious success.
Checkmate again.
Why do western governments push feminism then blame whites for not having children? It's almost like western countries aren't run by whites and they're messing with us?
if they achieve it im protesting to my government that were not trading with japan more especially in this department.
Japan used to take their old people out into the mountains and leave them to die. My how the times have changed.
thats part of the existing deal they have with east asia. korea, china, philpines, vietnam get first dibs on open slots. ex-patriots are ahead of all of them
they dont have giant open spaces that can be used to make houses to fill up with sub developments. they cant just kill the old people either OP. not sure what liberal nigger faggots expected. illegals sleeping in the airport get deported and they have a curfew in some areas so illegals get picked up on the streets and they will crack down on any one overstaying their welcome as a tourist at hotels
>automation, not immigration
has a nice ring to it. should translate nicely to all the euro langs. great job.
That is why this is a meme, user
But user muh love
China doesn't (yet) have the amphibious capability to project power at the level of, say, invading Japan. JSDF is kind of a meme but probably enough to stop an invasion by the Admiral Kuznetsov + a bunch of cargo ships packed with Chinks like the terracotta army
japan should let corporations create and raise children.
Instead it will be led by the Chinese, people who abandoned their culture for communist lies. Wow, what a big difference.