Yesterday I was called a race traitor because I, a white male, am having children with my Asian wife. We are Christian.
Now it got me thinking, is there anything heinous about us? Are we degenerates? No we aren't. And it made realise: the thing that made whites great (or respectable in any sense) was Christianity, and without it they have debased themselves as the worst degenerates.
I don't encourage racemixing, but I ultimately see it as a non issue as it doesn't determine purity or respect.
What makes you worthy? What makes your lives worth it?
Yesterday I was called a race traitor because I, a white male, am having children with my Asian wife. We are Christian
> that flag
Sage goes in all fields
hapas are substantially more likely to have mental problems
Seems fake because you're avoiding the simple and obvious: put yourselves in the shoes of your hapa kids, who, unlike 98.5% of humanity, will not belong to one of the Big Five races (white, black, arab, gook and spic)
It is bad but not as bad as a lot of other things, hapas are honorary but still not as good as if you had kids with a white woman
Oh, and Pajeet
Just don't do it too much OP.
KYS faggot.
IF we are gonna hold white women accountable when they date non whites we also got to hold males
But asians are honorary aryans...
They will belong to something greater, a better nation
Fuck that, he can go back to Asia with his gook wife. Australia is the white mans country.
You are doing the right thing user. Western women are cancer. Only Asian women retain their family values anymore. Plus they look pretty all the way until their late 50's
We are age 20. She is due in 3 months (before either of us are 21)
We plan to just keep on having and having and having
KILL yourself chink.
My lovely wife in particular has such good skin that she never wears make up and still looks great
>Doing the right thing by damaging his country
Just get a Slavic chick if you can't handle Western Roasties. Even Richard Spencer did that by dating a Georgian.
Without Christ, most races suffer.
> Whites become disgusting liberal degenerates as we are seeing now.
> East Asians turn into warmongering drones or weirdos without Christ as they are now.
> Africans actually gain empathy with Christ.
> Middle easterners become retarded warmongering fanatics with Islam, due to their passionate nature. What I find interesting is that Muslim Arabs are some of the worst religious people on the planet, but Christian Arabs are some of the greatest Christians. Proof that faith and ideology can shape an entire ethnicity. See the shithole failed Arab states or donkey rings like Arabia. Then compare that to Lebanon which was the Christian Paris of the near east. Or Iraq where Saddam's, likely a closet Christian, turned his nation into a utopia by forcing the Muslims to get along with them.
Aryans are honorary asians you fucking tard
>My Honorary Aryanism
And what did Hitler call the Chinese for allying with the states? Rodents and Filth
Stop using this dumb excuse to destroy your genes, Hitler banned miscegenation in Nazi Germany.
And yea marry who you want. Culture is more important than skin tone. Race your child right and you're fine.
This guy gets it. Christ restores all races, and white nationalists are missing the mark.
Of course, I must be controlled by Jews for recognising this (or some garbage)
>Europe recieved 1000 years of stagnation under Christian domination
>proceed to questions everything, especially what Christianity teaches
>become most advanced civilization by leaps and bounds in the space of two hundred years
Rational, facts-based decision making made whites great, while everyone else was still stuck being superstitious and poverty stricken.
I can't really blame you for getting with an Asian but you are a race traitor. It fucking sucks trying to find a white women who isn't fucked up in some way
I suppose you consider yourself to be a freethinker as well, hey?
>Marry who you want, there's nothing wrong with making more democratic voters
Whites are the only group in the US who managed to vote for Trump in the majority. If we keep inviting more nonwhites, a person like Hillary will win in a couple decades.
Christ would've been racist too if he were to live in a multicultural
Oh lol no all girls are crazy but my wife isn't degenerate at least
Asia is where modern day porn came from
Please post pictures of beta-males in fedoras, that'll definitely make me mad.
How are you missing the mark this hard? It's about how you raise your children, not whether they are white or not
Based. Minimum of 4, the West demands it
Please masturbate for the fourth time today, that'll definitely cure the crushing loneliness and stave off the inevitable nihilism
First, I do not think you are right to say that Christianity is responsible for Western civilization's success. That began in ancient Greece and Rome.
Secondly, I agree with you that virtue is, ultimately speaking, the only thing that matters in choosing a partner, so that, if two people are of a good moral character, racial mixing is not at all important. As Enoch Powell said, "one race is not inherently superior to another."
At the same time, one must be (as he also said) "conscious of the differences between men and nations." If a few thousand men have mixed marriages with oriental women, there is no trouble resulting from that at all. But if millions of oriental people move into Australia, then that will fundamentally change the character of the nation, and is ultimately tantamount to genocide. Hence why any rational person must wish for the indigenous people of his country to remain in the majority.
My picture is of Alexandre Dumas, the author of The Count of Monte Cristo. Although his father was half-black, he was a perfect Frenchman, and a great one also. Race-mixing had absolutely no ill effect on society in his case. But if somebody were to use him as an argument for mass immigration -- for bringing in millions and millions of blacks into France in the present day -- that is where they would err.
In short, people who persecute those who take partners of other races are wrong; but those who would use the principle of the legitimacy of mixed-marriages to justify mass immigration into a country, are also wrong.
Wow you sure got me there with the second most obvious and 4th most obvious shitpost after fedoraposting.
>Sweden supporting the mongrelization of Australia
Jag'm hans, och jag vill Ahmed och Tyrone till fuck my Boypussy så hårt. Jag'll det lilla cuck fällan eftersom jag'm inferior och svag. Jag älskar tredje världen cum i mitt anus och jag ser dem som verkliga svenskar.
This is you
Thank you for your comment. It is a valuable contribution!
I am strongly against mass immigration
Hey Aussie, don't give a shit about what some idiots say
I think race-mixing should be avoided because it affects peoples identity too much.
You are right about Christianity, whites are fucking useless without it. Only the Jews are worse in the absence of religion.
He looks just like this cartoon
Cool blogpost
Fucking degenerate race traitor if the day of the rope comes your children shoukd get killed or deported.No mongrels should be accepted.
The way I see it, having been a Sup Forumsack since the poo in the loo/greeks aren't white memes.
>We all agree that a white, pure, conservative women does not exist.
>We all agree that most beautiful white women go for the chads and only go for normal guys when they are used up, dried up 40 year old cunts and their market value is below anyone's standards.
>Even then, they will marry you and most likely cheat on you, breed someone else's kid and dump you with half your fortune.
>Asian women are traditional women that enjoy family life and would only divorce you if you are a real piece of shit.
So what you are all saying is that you would rather die alone and childless than to have a kid with an Asian qt3.14 wifu. The way I see it, the white race is doomed either way. Why not make sure, the product of white genocide isn't some half nigger gibsmedat but a half white half asian kid who will still be smart af?
one question, why do you give a fuck? the human race will continue with or without you. you have no say on how homo sapiens develop you dont even have control over your own children
what you do have control over, is yourself so look after yourself and let the world burn
If it makes everybody feel better, one of my sisters is married to a German and just had their third child, and my other sister is married to a white man and they have five children.
No degeneracy!
Love has no racial boundary. There is nothing wrong with miscegenation as long as you raise your kids as proper Christians. Mass miscegenation is inevitable due to globalism so there is no point in limiting your marriage prospects.
Hapas aren't smart for shit, they're genocidal mongrels who will hate whites no matter what. The Asians are traditional thing is a literal meme. Asia has the biggest production of porn in all of the world. Slavs are at least traditional because of the fall of communism. Asians are the most hedonistic race in all of existence and make white roasties look like amish women. I rather produce tons of white children then make one mongrel child. Christianity has been cucked for decades and only Othrodox and Slavic Catholicism seem to be the only ones left worth adopting.
How about the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, who was the conductor of the leading symphony orchestra in Paris? Is he too ugly for your liking?
Nonwhites will never be the majority, Trump wants to increase European/Anglo immigration via the Raise act. Plus if we make sure a tax plan that benefits white families happens not to mention ending birthright citizenship and deport all illegals using a 1 million man ICE team as well as Importing White South Africans and Zimbabweans. America could become around 80% white at the most in a couple generations. Spics are only growing because of immigration along with Asians. If arrivals from the third world were to be cut they would shrink drastically. States above 75% white would also have their white percentages increase because of it. The Mestizo/Hispanic Birth Rate is already declining the only reason it's still growing is because of immigration/birthright citizenship. Cutting third world migration, ending birthright citizenship along with other key things listed here will make their population in this country collapse.
Keep shoving this race-mixing shit down people's throats all you want. All you'll make is an inferior mongrel race with no culture other then nigger beatz and Twitter.
How lonely you must be.
BAHAHA. you delusional kid. just wait till the frequency of those voices obliterates your brain
I mean you are posting pics of interacial porn that you have saved and named in the middle of the American workday. Get a life. You create your own problems.
I've been around babies for the last 6 years, I'm used to it
I may be a faggot but at least my boyfriend is white.
I plan on having a bunch of kids with my wife. She's latina and they're about 50% European because of Spanish colonization and European immigration to Latin America. I assume I'm 100% white and if not then I'm damn close.
>Hapas are mentally ill and dangerous
This is a meme. Elliot Rodger was just one extreme case. Show me a study that proves that hapas are more likely to have mental problems.
Abort the filth now faggot and get out of me country NOW
Go for it! We need more people like you.
The west needs to reject degeneracy
It's true, who would want to adopt Christainity when Churches are promoting faggotry and mass African immigration? You guys are the most cucked religion yet. There is a reason why you guys are declining in the west. You're sending your followers offspring to college only for them to turn into Hedonistic blobs. Slavic Catholics and Othrodox don't do that and that's why it's growing in Eastern/Central Europe. Jesus would literally be ashamed of you because how pathetic your religion has become in this day in age. What happened to the Christianity in the 50s? It died as soon as Degeneracy started taking off. If you love nonwhites so much. Go to their countries and stay there don't shit up ours when we are literally in our deathbed.
Fuck Race-Mixing, The destruction of all nations.
I only posted one picture, it's proof that your traditional nonwhite meme is no real then Half-Life 3.
There's no such thing as "white" or "black, friend. Those are just social constructs.
You have no facts in your argument. Look up the average age of virginity loss among women. Good Asian countries average at 21-22. The West averages 17-19. You're a fag and although I don't think we should go bang Asians, there's proof that they're less whorish.
Asian are winning the race war. You are doing the lords work by breeding with one. Keep it up.
>The west needs to reject degeneracy by making more nonwhites
I'm glad Australia is becoming atheist, your religion is the most cucked yet. I hope that Burger gets shamed on for making more useless mongrels in America. If I could, I would break into a Mexican hospital and murder and eat the guts out of all little spic mutts that are born.
Says the one who's making more mongrels in America, If you like spics so much, go to their fucking countries and stay there for good. I don't want retards like you shitting up our already declining nation. Fuck you
Pic related its you
You are a race traitor, no way around it.
Just look at all these images you have saved on your computer and you are now referencing video games. You are the only degenerate I am seeing here.
Most Asians are terrified of black people.
Your mongrel kids will get hanged you filthy race traitor.
Well to be honest you only need one good girl.
Let's assume that you can't find a single girl who hasn't been with someone else, but isn't totally whorish. You marry her and convert her and convince her of your ways, and then when you raise children you raise them to be pure, actively fighting degeneracy.
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
Black-white children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.
White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.
White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
Good job you piece of shit.
Your children will go over the wall
That doesn't mean you can ruin yo race especially considering how badly it's doing at the moment...maybe in 100 years when the caucasians are back on top...but for now the furthest I'd go is maybe having kids with a persian/indo-aryan...anything past that (aka non caucasian) should be a no go since you're just gonna create another elliot rodgers who hates himself or half-monkey
>Some imagemacros contain vidya characters, so you shouldn't post them
Isn't it back to school time, summerfag?
One good nonwhite shitskin won't stop your kid form becoming an anti-white mongrel. I can't wait to see the future of an Atheist or whatever Han Religion your chinks practice country. Because you Protestant cucks deserve it for promoting mass immigration.
When did I make an argument for Christianity? Regardless, I agree with you about race mixing overall but I can't help that I found out the importance of the data until after I married a non-white. I can't help that I fell in love with her. Our kids will be 75% European and that's not gonna hurt the America in any major way.
You are genuinely demented and morally bankrupt, but I am convinced that you will never breed.
We are going to hang together in the DoR you traitor
OP I hear you. I'm white and am seeing a virgin catholic chick (why did no one tell me how fucking horny they are? A simple wedgi makes her moan). She's light skinned but chaldean. We live in the east coast of the U.S. so it's rare to find Chaldeans. Inb4 towel head, no there's a difference between rag heads and them. She's very anti degenerate. Probably more then most of you. Just follow what your heart says OP. It's weird but I'm conflicted now, like you. Before I liked the travel ban, now I'm conflicted. Not switching sides by any degree but maybe I'm toning it down a bit on my 1488 intergalactic wall banning terrestrial traveling 4d chess master ayys.
Kill yourself
>98.5% of humanity, will not belong to one of the Big Five races (white, black, arab, gook and spic)
Spics aren't a race, they due to interbreeding between whites and amerindians. Besides what race are Arabs, North Africans, and Turks? They clearly aren't gooks or niggers and much of Sup Forums is adamant about them not being white.
Wow, you aren't logical at all.
So you're saying that skin colour determines purity. You are utterly retarded.
OF COURSE more black people are criminals, but it isn't their damn skin that makes it so. How are you so idiotic?
I'm already dating a catholic pole and we plan on having tons of children. You'll be stuck with your mongrel kids in a Future Asian/Atheist mongrel country while ours will be participating the one true form of Jesus.
Then go to their countries and make Latin America great. Don't shit up ours by making more mongrels only for them to adopt nigger culture and anti-white hatred.
Find yourself a Slavic chick, they're extremely conservative because of Soviet Degeneracy.
You are a race traitor, if you believe that garbage, and the real problem is the Christian part you brainlet.
>I have the "One True Religion tm"
Statistically wrong dumbass.
I dont love Latino countries dipshit. Stop putting words in my mouth. I support building a wall and deporting 96% of spics. Legal and illegal. But I'm pretty sure I'm doing more for America than you are.
You'll remember this moment when you're in hell
Your kids won't be white, they will merely be mongrels making them easier for democrats to convert them. Enjoy the end of your bloodline pal, I'm sure it was worth it.
If anybody is going to hell it's you and all the nu-christians who ruin God's name in vain. I'm a devout Catholic who prays everyday and promotes American Nationalism. You're a cuck who doesn't care about flooding Australia with nonwhites as long as they're Christian.
Race is not skin color, moron. There are genes that determine criminality, and those genes are on average, worse among the black population.
According to current demographics, mixed race kids are statistically irrelevant. Rearing my kids to act white and them marrying white people will make more white people. You won't be able to tell.
You'll remember this when Aussie is the last white majority country and you find out the in flood of gooks has put you in a country where you can't reverse your birth rates to favor whites.
>Whites become disgusting liberal degenerates as we are seeing now.
Fun fact that most degenerate countries in Europe have higher rates of Christianity than some significantly less condemned countries like Czechia, Estonia, and Hungary. Yes, le based Hungary is barely 50% Christian while 61% of cucked Sweden belong to the church of Sweden.
>East Asians turn into warmongering drones or weirdos without Christ as they are now
If anything the fall of Asia could be blamed on Christianity as the most Christianized countries in Asia (Japan, South Korea, Philippines) are also the most degenerate.
>Africans actually gain empathy with Christ.
Ahahahahaha. No they don't, just look at Christian Africa, its a shithole full of groups of warlords drafting children into armies after killing said children't parents.
>Middle easterners become retarded warmongering fanatics with Islam
You mean they accomplish something as a people. Islam turned a bunch of disjointed desert tribes into an empire that ended up destroying the Sassanid Empire, crippling the Eastern Roman Empire, conquering the Visigoths, conquering parts of Southern Italy, and threatening the Franks.
What is your point?
You are such a hardass it's ridiculous. My blood line isn't going to end retard. If my kids have kids then it'll be continued. You're not willing to compromise on anything.
>Statistically irreverent
14% of our births and rising you fucking twat, Meanwhile Whites are 53% and shrinking because of nonwhites spitting out shitty mongrel filth. Your kids won't find any whites because there will be even less of us. Unless Trump's immigration plan that make Europeans and Anglos the majority of our immigrants passes the House. We will be fucked for good.
This person right here is telling the truth, Christianity is the most cucked religion to date.
To: don't listen to . A statement like this:
"Then go to their countries and make Latin America great. Don't shit up ours by making more mongrels only for them to adopt nigger culture and anti-white hatred."
Is vulgar, bestial trash, and a sentiment completely unprecedented in European history before the advent of scientific racialism and the Nazi party. There are many illustrious people in European history with a mixed heritage, and nobody saw much of a problem with it until very recently. Even in the sixteenth century we had a part-Moorish Duke ruling over Florence, Alessandro de Medici, also known as "Il Moro" (1510 - 1537).
The worship of a "Chosen Race" and of "Racial Purity" is actually a Talmudic idea. Hence why G. K. Chesterton wrote: "there is a Jewish problem; there is certainly a Jewish culture; and I am inclined to think that it really was too prevalent in Germany. For here we have the Hitlerites themselves, in plain words, saying they are a Chosen Race."
Do not accept the false dichotomy that you have to be either a globalist, leftist, degenerate tool who believes in mass immigration and open borders, or a Nazi. Enoch Powell, for example, who fought against Hitler in the war, believed that one must retain the indigenous population as an overwhelming proportion of the country, but also denied that any race of mankind was "innately inferior to another." Even Sir Oswald Mosley declared that he would take a black or Jewish man into his cabinet, if he was a "first-rate" one.
Even in ancient times, the Athenians offered citizenship to Zeno, the founder of Stoicism, who was a Phoenician by race. This would have made all children of his, and his descendants, Athenian citizens also.
Fuck you OP.
Leaf-who-fucked-up-by-rice-mixing user here. OP is a massive faggot. Anyone pushing this meme is a fucking asshole who is either jewish, or is so cucked he thinks like a jew.
OP, you are saddling your children with some heavy baggage if the global race war comes about. They will have nowhere to go and will likely be slave fuck meat for nogs if they're a girl, or simply killed if they are a boy.
Your children will never be white and they will never be Asian. They will never see themselves as part of any real ethnic group. That is fucking terrible you know? All of our problems now, it is because we whites don't treat each other as a community and it has been terrible for all of us. You will deprive you children of ever having the opportunity to truly belong.
Again. Fuck. You. OP. Stop pushing racemixing.
Oh and OP, the worst feeling comes later, when you have nice well adjusted haha kids and you realize that you can never join a single pro white organization because of it.
I'm going back to smoking weed and hoping the wife leaves me and takes the mongrels with her back to Japan.
Even though I'm not a full blown Nazi LARPer, I'm not a civic nationalist in any sense. I'm arguing with that specific user because he's too extreme with his ideals. I agree with his racial ideas, but I'm also realistic, you're not going to be able to remove every non-white from America. If we cut out all colored immigration, we'd be fine. And deportations of course.
>We won't be able to remove every nonwhite
That's the same exact shit I'm saying you fucking mongoloid. Making more filthy mongrels only increases our nonwhite population especially with Anti-White hatred pushed on social media. Protestantism is a fucking joke and Jesus would cry in shame because of what it's done today. People like you aren't fucking helping. Like every other worthless christian of today you promote Faggotry and miscegenation.
Everything in this image is true, And the Aussie OP is in denial about it.
87% Catholic
99.8% European
70.4% Protestant
61% White
75% European are a net gain if anything retard. That's what my children will be.
Race-mixing has no place in a society where there is no respect for maintaining the majority of the indigenous population. With no pressure to assimilate your essentially mixing with an invading group, whether the individual is assimilated or not. It's also a bit hard to see how the negro race, for instance, is innately equal. And we can see how that philosophy of equality in opposition to National Socialism has failed miserably. To say there are exceptions is to concede an anti-white talking point. Why bother? What good does it do for us to recognize exceptions and outliers, and why would that be a reason to tolerate race-mixing?