what is their endgame Sup Forums?
why are they so quiet?
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Iceland doesn't exist, stop fucking talking about it our the secret will get out you fucking retard.
probably because their that ethno state Sup Forums keeps rattling on about.
theyre protecting the elves and the dwarves from persecution
this 2bh, leave them alone
Their end game is getting BLACKED
Is Iceland about to be culturally enriched soon? This white utopia's very existence must trigger Jews to no end.
it's the entrance to Atlantis
i doubt rapefugees would go there, language too hard 2 learn
PewDiePie goes to Iceland:
He's dropping some subtle redpills about how Iceland and Sweden are alike (same race of people).
I like how The Pewds does this.
All while being #1 on JewTube.
It's like having a wolf in sheep's clothing.
were just getting fucked by our own people, healtcare is in an emergency, has been for years, corrupt judges & politicians, even a pedophile ring in congress, hitler never liked us anyway.... But we still have some beutyful nature :D
>hitler never liked us anyway
Huh? Elaborate.
He sent a delegation here in about 1936. They were supposed to document and observe the true aryan. What they found were degenerante, viley, unhygenic peasants. A dissapoint for sure.
Iceland? Is that some made up country?
How stupid do you think i am?
Kek, Ice-land
Fucking saged
Hahaha. Source?
Iceland is were you went when you were shunned from the Kingdoms of Norway lol. It's Norway's Australia.
Just a sec....
Naah, they wanted to be theyre own kings or some, idk...
Fuck, they just need to hold out a little bit longer. This diversity nonsense will be revealed for what it is soon enough, if they can just hang in there for a few more years they will be in the clear. Don't falter Island.
I'm just joking, it was just some people that fled the mad kings on purpose. The bravest went there, and it used to be those of best ætt.
all i can find in a hurry, i just remember it from some local tv show or news.....
My theory is that top ranking nazis actually escaped to iceland and made up the current elite who can do no wrong. this f.ex is a lawyer who gets away with amazing shit and represents various minions...
oy vey
the jews will come
Iceland; not enough people there to give a fuck about the rest of the world. Their whole plan for when they get invaded is be invaded, let the conqueror get bored and go home.
Feminist paradise is their goal
actually, the courts here keep women in theyre place, if your a female lawyer or a judge here u have to play by the mens rules, they even pat theyre asses and call them sweetheart, i was once on trial and i felt quite surprised & amused at this..
it's too cold over there for feminism to work
stay mad
Their endgame will result in losing todays basketball game against Lithuania.
Naah, they wanted to be theyre own kings or some, idk...
Iceland was populated by pagans when the Norwegian Kings started crusades against their own people.
Definitely not, we're basically just introverted Norwegians who wanted our own, independent island.
Now that i think about it, we DO have a real nazi. His name is Hannes Hólmsteinn Gissurason, he is head of political science in the university, any wannabe stormers should contact him.
>language too hard
Since when the rapist needs to know the language of the victim?
>This white utopia
You surely haven't been to Iceland. It's a friggin windy frozen piece of magmatic rock. It is nice for about two weeks in the middle of summer, then it reverts back to its horrible climate.
Pewdiepie is a good example of the 'true liberal' who is not a leftist and is slowly becoming disillusioned about the far-left orthodoxy. I bet he can be pulled further right as things get worse is his motherland
Dude i know what some lithuanian burglars is in Iceland and sweping households, so get a dog or alarm or smth, bc yours 5 policemen can do shit
They can kill you without getting caught.
oh look, it's that country where runescape streamers make more money than doctors.
Our goal for now is to preserve the white race keeping it pure, with no crossbreeding nor inbreeding through our huge genealogical database and stóridómur.
If things come down to it we will be the last stand to the Jews and end up colonizing the stars.
A real answer is that we just want to be left alone to progress and conserve our nation on this island with inhospitable landscape and live in peace.
Well i said burglars not murders also they do it in rural area
Yes, they do annual trips here for loot, its a shame.
Am quite comfy in my bunker.
fucking niggers
I meant that the Icelanders can kill you burglars without getting caught or noticed.
Were already quite fucked by inbreeding, thats just a fact. Count myself lucky to have some danish masterrace genes in me.
Almost 20 sluts* are waiting to know of thy are hiv positive.
Nothing of value was lost
Look at this inbred troll trying to pose as a "Norse-beuty" , not fooling any1 i think.
Is currently using the house of congress as a catwalk for her "modelling". It´s a damn shame.
why is everyone running off to iceland lately?
is there some secret shit there that only the elite are told about?
and don't give me some fake answer like "iceland tourism board upped their budget", give me a REAL answer like they are there getting their blood frozen and spun and replaced with child blood. nobody would go to iceland or even know about it normally.
We really aren't as inbred as many believe, see pic related. We have had stóridómur for a long time and have the largest genealogical database in the world which we have used for more than 1000 years.
Our ancestors were also from different Nordic countries, I don't remember the exact numbers but it was something around the line of.
65% Norwegian.
20% Celtic.
15% Swedish, Danish, Faroes and Finnish.
Actual pic related.
Yes, yes. Loser
>muh genes
Once "the plan" is executed, they will control the entire world's supply of fish and volcanoes.
Ah yes, Geir. A true Aryan, thanks for posting.
>fvcking chads posing as women
The master of smirks, cant take that away.
>Pic related, his kinsman & protége, the prime minister of iceland
So no one notices their inbreeding
Elska Bjarna Ben, elska þennan mann.
Þvílíkur maður.
find a fix for the nordcuck gene before it's too late
U get used to it, cant be thinking of it all day or we wouldnt get any fishing done
Ertu gillzenegger?
stewart lee has let himself go
Naes I rassin is the end game
Pewdiepie drops lots of pills in his battlegrounds livestreams.
I heard you eliminated Down's from your gene pool, that's pretty cool
hmmm, ég spyr mig.
At this stage, am no longer even bat an eye over such theories.
The downs folk werent running around, barely able to stand or breathe, running congress.
>we wiped out the wrong retards
But yeah, so we did.
whoah, intredasting.
I tried
Iceland became nothing after they declared independance from Denmark.
>still inbred in the head
We became everything! If we weren't independent we'd have much more refugees and would still be treated as some second tier country, we declared independence for a reason you know, not just ego.
Iceland's most influential cultural export.
>what is their endgame Sup Forums?
To be like Sweden
Nice try, you dont attack the wall were it is lowest indeed.
>I meant that the Icelanders can kill you burglars without getting caught or noticed.
This mentally ill Norwegian again. You might as well get a trip code so I don't have to waste time reading your posts
We slipped away while the danish were under nazi controll, no big deal, just lucky.
You remember we "invented" the netcutters in the cod-wars?
A lie.
go check the wikileaks embassy messges, we got them from the us coast guard
Ah yes, Dj muscleboy. The epitome of superior white, western culture.
I want to make sure that you know this is satire though, made by a body building comedian. If you didn't already know.
As I said, your greatest cultural export.
Also here's the superior gym song.
It's the only song I have on my ipod when I go lifting.
>go check the wikileaks embassy messges, we got them from the us coast guard
why does the US do this all the time? We've really fucking undermined the UK since the turn of the last century under the guise of allies
I don't remember or learned anything about us inventing the net-cutters, just good men who fought bravely for our waters.
When I was in Reykjavik I remember seeing some huge billboard on the sign of the road with some very pro-feminist comment, sponsored by the government. I can't remember what it said exactly, but it didn't fill me with hope for the future of Iceland.
Not a comedian, if you think so,u r the dumb one.
Famous personality or whatever then, you know what I mean.
>be Iceland
>be seemingly insignificant
>make very little enemies
>stay out of the EU
>have strict immigration system, don't let in "refuges"
>lay low while civilization slowly collapses
>be out of the way enough to be safe in the eventual nuclear apocalypse
>keep people in geothermal bunkers just in case
>go above ground once it's safe
>divide up Europe with Switzerland
Yes, poor chad. He could go to charlottesville & help those losers look the part....
Anybody have that old "Planet of the rapes" meme with gillz?
>tfw beaten by an iceburg
This is the future of Iceland bonghead
Porn is illegal in Iceland, just saying.
Nevermind, i found.
Also they don't have McDonalds.
Don't you all have fucking quotas for women being in parliament? That's fucking Trudeau tier
Not exactly true. DISTRIBUTION of pornography is illegal but the laws do not define what pornography is so very few people have been arrested because of it
Any reason why it's illegal?
Or did Iceland import the British mentality of "NUDITY IS LITERALLY HITLER AND NEEDS TO FUCKING DIE"
nope feminism already fucked our country up good.
Also there is a legit law that says the politcial parties need to have just as many women as men.
Government here acts as our parents that must protect us from ourself. A lot of laws here are very strange, beer was illegal until 1986 or '87 because we wouldn't be able to handle beer and everyone would show up drunk to work and the country would crumble. Same with the porn laws, some Varg level of protecting.
We even had blasphemy laws from the middle ages until like 2-3 years ago, if I remember correctly the punishment was to be struck by a whip by the head of state or pay a fine.
We're really not an ethno-state.
One stroll through miðbær will crush that belief.
We used to be very pure though.
Back when I was in early grade-school blacks where virtually non-existent. The darkest you would see would be quarter arabs or southern yuropoors. The first time I saw a black person as a child I didn't know what the hell I was looking at and eventually came up with the theory that black people were just people that had too many sun-baths