Canada is currently undergoing the fastest ethnic change in the world

But we can't talk about it without having our lives ruined. you cannot even be neutral here or they'll call your boss and tell him you're a nazi and the terrorist making the threats - they'll say they'll tell everyone he is a nazi too if he doesn't comply.

It's rule by fear up here now

Other urls found in this thread:

Check out the site

Post source on that statistic

If you dare be neutral on the pic in the OP, you better hope there are no witnesses. Anything short of that is quite literally a risk to home and health. The SJW will brigade your life.

Look what happened to the "Please stop Illegal immigration" sign guy at vancouver - he had to delete everything and go into hiding.


>Anything short of that is quite literally a risk to home and health
*short of being fully supprtive of that

I would rip it down without question.

Good luck getting me fired, wagies.

show flag and post source on that stat

They now rub it in our faces after denying that it would happen

Do you think normal people will meme it up against this? Or are you all just gonna eat this shit?

you aren't allowed to be against it. You'll lose your job. disagree with this and holy shit watch your boss fire you because he got threatened to be exposed as an employer of LITERAL NAZIS.


They're just mocking us at this point, aren't they?

literally what the fuck are you talking about that only applies to certain industries and jobs if your a tradie nobody gives 2 fucks if your goose stepping and heiling. i doubt your actually a leaf

they also told us it would never get that bad. now there is literal bacha bazi in montreal gay bars.

The reason they have to try and shut people up here with threats is the same reason why communist dictatorships use intimidation, violence, secret police and gulags to stop people questioning or criticizing the system - because they know they're wrong.

pic related

the gay agenda actually exists. congratulations you made the gaygenda real

really blanches the 'ol cashews, eh

Also, it's amazing the list has gotten that long and intersex people are still the only ones on it who have anything objectively verifiable about their status. I kind of feel sorry for them getitng lumped in with all these lunatics, honestly.

I fall in to questioning category right now


that post, those numb3rs Thanks for keeping us posted, mr Beelzebub

This is what Canadian youth is being taught in our schools. It's nothing short of criminal

np m8
me and my hot bitch appreciate your kind words

They're missing the Pedosexual "P"

>It's nothing short of criminal

>life ruining opinion detected

haha, puntastic!

When did it go from hermaphrodite to intersex?

Like 99% of people who supposedly fall under this acronym haven't even heard of it themselves.


you talk like a faggot holy fuck
tell me brit user why do you keep making these threads?

fuck ontario
OP's image is from an ontario elementary school teacher's union
imagine my suprise when i found out ontario's sex ed. program was designed by a literal convicted pedo
[spoiler]not suprised at all[/spoiler]

[Canadian anger intensifies]

>imagine my suprise when i found out ontario's sex ed. program was designed by a literal convicted pedo
have they even bothered to change it yet?

They just don't care what you think of their acronyms. They're not trying to appease you, they're trying to include everyone they want to include.

No, and the cuckservatives will not scrap it either. Ontario is doomed

nope, and there are no plans to
families that speak up (and many do, to ontario's credit) are told to shut up and not be homophobic or their children will be taken by the gov't and put into a "loving and caring" household

wanna get angry check this pic.


nice thumbnail retard

Hermaphrodite isn't politically correct anymore, but intersex also refers to more conditions than just hermaphrodism like Klinefelter's Syndrome.

there's this version now too

say something nice about them

tfw rural and suburban

>non ant-eyes version

As fun as it is to laugh at the guy, I'm sure he was thinking something like "wtf is that"

seriously how do you have the energy to put in this much effort making anti leaf threads day after day. the autism is commendable britanon

>wtf is that
i can only see turdo thinking that when he see's a ciswhitemale

she's beautiful

>excluding muzzies that intend to reproduce

Nothing wrong with this.

For you.

kek, wtf is "Allies"?

>Klinefelter's Syndrome.
1:500 to 1:1000 in male birth pretty fucking common chormosomal disorder



you're joking right??


u wut
did you just assume a pronoun m8

nice quads bro

no. If you even say you have no opinion on the matter they'll come for you. The only reason you would 'have no opinion' is that you have a bad one.

That faggot would have been laughing stock anywhere around the world.

LOL underrated


it wont be long now this shit has reached my home fuck

hermaphrodites don't exist in mammals
kleinfelter's aren't even phenotypically much different from standard men

for example; feminism is "allied" with islam since they both hate the west
i'm sure you can extrapolate what allies mean from that example

I never see or hear any of this shit outside of Sup Forums, my boss wouldn't give a single shit if I told him I dislike Islam

Notice how even in their acronym they have to segregate and group like letters together. Totally OCD.

Xi's a xir, you zif, learn xis pronoun.

do you live in Nunavut?


Just drive me to where the problem is and will either not get fired or concoct some sort of mental health reason based on my psych ward history I cannot be charged. I am literally Satan.

Try living in a country of nearly five million and one of those came in the last fifteen years.
Twenty five percent of your population is foreign born and one in three children are.
Sub seventy percent white at last census nearly five years ago and that includes foreign born and mixed race.

BC, seems like this is all Ontario shit

>tfw no hope
Sweden and Germany at least have anti-cuck parties that are allowed to run.

We have nothing.

Lindsay here, we're next.

That acronym can't be true, it's too stupid even for them.

>my boss wouldn't give a single shit if I told him I dislike Islam
amazing anecdote.

how do you fuck up this bad script kiddie

it's almost like the rainbow and their acronyms are hate symbols with all that segregation

No he wouldn't and you know it. If he was attacked in the middle east it would not get reported, in africa, the same, in east eu, muh evil traditionalistssss

What did he meme by this?

this is why I am planning to marry an Eastern European once I graduate university and I'm never coming back

ha, 1 number away from being cool on Sup Forums

It is mentioned in this article however the actual source for this is mysteriously gone now

Be honest, is this stuff demoralizing for the average Canadian? What i wonder is how little girls cope with this for instance, and boys.

You seem like you have reached Roman decadence levels sometimes...

mostly, yes.
but it's spreading and if the ontario human right's commission has it's way it'll be all of Canada soon

besides, BC has a different set of problems (china buying everying up, mass immigration, ect)

I didn't say anything about press coverage, but to the immediate people around him, he would have been a fucking joke. But in Canada, you are forced to take him seriously.

Half the public is lbgt? Hmmm.

>hermaphrodites don't exist in mammals

Only because the definition was refined. What used to be referred to as a hermaphrodite still very much exists.

I'm running away to Nunavut for work until you faggots figure this shithole out. Fuck ontario.

thank fuck I am in the north of the region but north bay and sudbury are looking real good right now

So how much has the ethnicity shifted?

If it continues to shift will Quebec go hard for independence? In the wake of Brexit, Scottish nationalism got awakened as well.
Will Quebec get a chance?

Dude, that is the insidious thing that creeps me out. Most people see a freak but it reached such levels where a man wearing drag is something you speak behind closed doors or the police takes you away.

Normies love all of it.
I have yet to see any significant social pushback to anything we're doing.

The only people demoralized are white-male anons like me.

straight people don't exist bakadesusempai

>implying it's even truly begun

You probably don't even live close enough to the multicultural area to figure out how bad it's going to get. I don't recognize my hometown.

[crying in Canadian intensifies]

I do wonder how they dont sense this smell of desperation from the west, a kind of spiritual end.

It genuinely feels like something, and i am not sure what, is ending, like an era that will never come back.

Now i am glad we had those stupid wars.

No, just let them commit crimes and rape kids, but don't tell anyone, poor bearded refugee child might get a shock for the rest of his life, if he gets convicted!

How can Canada even exist at this state? It's the Saudi Arabia of progressivism.

Most of my "white-male" friends I made in university are all sucking the diversity dick too. I don't know anyone who has a university level education that isn't completely bluepilled. The only people i know who are demoralized are people on here. As far as the normies are concerned, things couldn't be better.

>Normies love all of it.
>I have yet to see any significant social pushback to anything we're doing.
it's like an abused kid doesn't know they are abused. one who doesn't have the words to describe the abuse as anything but normal, "just how the world is". Any one who speaks out get called bad.

Manliness in such countries becomes defined by how well you tolerate abuse.


Time to move back to the NFLD holyland and/or join the RCAF tbhfamalan.

Ops pic is a shoop