Is this book worth reading? I want to read classical economics and I have allready read smith and richardo. Is marx worth reading?
Is this book worth reading? I want to read classical economics and I have allready read smith and richardo...
Marx is obviously very important to read if you want an intimate understanding of economics.
If he wasn't such a wordy bitch sure.
All of his ideas would work great if people were not lazy, greedy, horny or the other 7 seven deadly sins. Because of this the only way the system works after the thread of shame has been exhausted is through force.
Marx was a reporter during the civil war... he's a racist and the book is racist propaganda
It's a classical and all classical are worth reading by definition
as long as its applied to oompaloompas and smurfs. its incompatible with human nature
It depends what your goal is (and no, "wanting to read classical economics" is not a goal). E.g., if you want to understand modern day US economics so you can run a business, you can probably skip Capital. If you're looking to coherently argue for one economics system over another, then of course you have read Capital.
t. someone who knows nothing about economics
You'd be better off reading a phrenology book if you're interested in retarded shit people believe.
know thy enemy
It is already outdated, but you can read it if you are interested in history.
>marxism would work if people weren't just humans
The book that killed 200 million people.
Some legacy, huh.
>intimate understanding of economics
Actually is the opposite, you need to know Marx to understand how economics don't work
Considering how horribly his work has wreked the last 150 years I would say yes, it is important.
He was the first to give a systematic account of how capitalism works, what are you talking about:?
know thy enemy
These are both great reasons to read the book. Something so evil most be very appealing -- appealing enough that people will continually fall for it. Read it to protect yourself against it.
yes, it is essential reading
he wrote like the german he was so it's fucking verbose
it's not evil, it just draws the wrong conclusions because it's assuming a perfect spherical frictionless society
wasnt that painter anti-marxist
I think ive seen his stuff before
Read the austrian school. E.g. von Mises
Why bother, read second hand sources instead
All you need to know is, he was right all along.
>read a book about economy from a man who never worked
wonder where he got all that time to write a few books
>marx was unemployed
Use it for toilet paper, a luxury that many in communist countries have gone without.