1 in 10 people are black in this country yet at least 5 out of 10 people live in fear of the black people.
why? meme stats aside... what do you fear about black people?
1 in 10 people are black in this country yet at least 5 out of 10 people live in fear of the black people.
why? meme stats aside... what do you fear about black people?
>meme stats asside
but thats why, blacks are more likely to murder/rape/assault you. They are aggressive and off putting and smell funny
>The reason why people know blacks are unsafe aside
Take a stroll through your local ghetto. You'll find out quickly
It's not black people.
It's poor, violent, criminal, I-have-nothing-to-lose types of people who are feared.
In America, mostly black people just happen to fall into that category.
Nobody is scared of a black guy in proper attire and non-ebonics English.
>Stats aside
There's a reason I am more concerned about getting into a car accident than being killed by a shark
They smell like they rolled around in rotten watermelon and act like it too.
I wasn't racist until I actually had to spend a significant amount of time around black people.
Once you get to know them, you'll quickly figure out that they're nothing more than gorillas.
>reality aside
Sup Forums BTFO hue hue
Judging by that white working man's forearm that he can destroy that nigger if the fight lasted longer than 10 minutes. Niggers can only fight for 3 mins at a time. They have zero stamina. Whites save their anger outburst for the middle of the fight.
The negro by nature was always a docile and easily mastered race. It takes the jew stirring them up to cause problems.
"The native American (the white man) has always found, and finds now, in the black men, willing followers who ask only to obey and to further the ideals and wishes of the master race, without trying to inject into the body politic their own views, whether racial, religious, or social. Negroes are never socialists or labor unionists, and as long as the dominant imposes its will on the servient race, and as long as they remain in the same relation to the whites as in the past, the negroes will be a valuable element in the community, but once raised to social equality their influence will be destructive to themselves and to the whites. If the purity of the two races is to be maintained, they cannot continue to live side by side, and this is a problem from which there can be no escape."
Madison Grant- The Passing of the Great Race; Or, The Racial Basis of European History- 1916
>meme stats aside
kill yourself nigger, you subhuman fucking ape.
blacks arent even human, they're close to chimps than a white person. fucking germancuck faggot
-I live just outside of niggertown, shitskins walking everywhere at all times of the day
-fear no man but God himself, learn to fight, and shoot.
-State self defence laws allow shooting if in "fear of life"
Don't be suck a cuck, man up. If its one or two niggers, learn to fight and crush some skulls. Three or more, shoot the chimps. Only in self defence though, dont give bluepills something else to legitimately bitch about.
Because they chimp out over the smallest fucking things?
>learn to fight
Lol I've seen yanks scrap, you've learned nothing. Believe me.
>stats are memes
Look, nigger males are between 6-8 percent of the population depending on how you read census data, and commit WAY over 60 percent of violent crime. Not all crime, but VIOLENT crime. A white man will statistically never assault you at random, but there is a good chance in your lifetime that a nigger will bring violence against you without being provoked. Nevermind the fact that if you say something conservative or pro white you ABSOLUTELY WILL BE ATTACKED without fail. That's why.
they're violent
morel like 3/10 and rising
Be one in 10, behave like 5 out of 10 when it comes to violent crime.
I suggest you kys, shill
I don't fear them because I'm tall and /fit/ but I can understand why women and weak men are afraid. They're fucking wild animals man. You never know when they're gonna chimp out over nothing. Most of them being addled with drugs only further complicates the issue. I don't get scared but I certainly am wary, and keep one eye on every nigger in my proximity to make sure he doesn't do any stupid chimp shit.
If you browse /fit/ you aren't ""/fit/""
>violent sub humans
>can't even wear pants right
>can't speak any language without adding Ebonics
>commit the most rapes, shootings and assaults but make up the smallest population density
Really gets the noggin a joggin.
"Fear" Is not the proper term here.
Revulsion is more accurate.
People that support nazis are dumb. The halocaust did happen. Do you guys deny jasenovac and native american genocide to.
Poor, desperate white people almost never do the kind of shit niggers do. Sure, they commit criminal acts. But they usually don't do it in a completely unpredictable fashion. Blacks start a fight with you in broad daylight for no reason, or mug you for 10 bucks. I have seen extremely poor white people in shitty trailer parks but they are almost always more calm and predictable. They also understand things like property, personal space, etc. Niggers don't and are akin to wild animals let loose on the streets. You just don't know what kind of antics they're going to pull.
well maybe you have a point there
The holocaust didn't happen.
Gas chambers weren't found in the supposed "death camps".
Okay tubby whatever makes you feel good about yourself.
>"The native American (the white man)
keked pretty hard
How do you beat any Briton?
Don't be stumbling drunk
You could literally take over the entire nation on a Saturday morning with the average Kindergarten class.
It's actually 1.4/10
Same reason why 6 was afraid of 7.
7 is a nigger.
They commit crime over 3x the rate of whites, with some crimes even at higher rates, like robbery and murder.
Why should I assume they act like whites?
Considering fighting over useless shit outside of a pub is still a part of our culture, you'd be dead wrong.
Let's not forget: who's really the one being taken over here.
I don't expect to see a reply on this post considering I just utterly embarrassed you.
lol id fuck a nigger up so quickly in a fight, start kickboxing and you arnt affraid of dumb dindu i promiss, its like owning a gun once you have it you feel safe
because 8/10 crimes ate committed by blacks when they are only 1/10.
We're both being taken over, USA is just further along. If current trends continue you'll be where we are in a couple decades. I hope that doesn't happen and we can both turn it around.
>We're both being taken over
My country is 99% white.
Try again snookums.
just start teaching our whore women to stop watching porn and being under the porn spell of blacked, its literally Jews and porn and dumb whites girls, whites think porn is cool now and what they need to do, white women are brain washed due to their low iqs and being gullible, base the white women and kill jewish media owners ad porn owners and america would fix itself alone
>getting defensive over a Sup Forums post
Confirmed lard cunt
u wot.
>native american genocide
Don't make me laugh, Amerilard. Until the day comes that natives start feeling 'guilt' about how they genocided the first inhabitants of America, will I feel sorry for them
Nice joke
>Americans can still demonstrate swastikas openly
>t. lives in a cunt where you can't do that
>dude haha just live your life like a negro can decide to murder you any day haha just sleep with a gun haha
America was the safest country for a hundred years, now it's south africa tier.
Make sure to tip a shekel to thank the local jews for stealing your country and giving it to feral animals
This. If I saw a white boy with his pants sagging and covered in tattoos coming towards me on the sidewalk, and then saw a black man in a suit carrying a briefcase across the street, id rather cross to the side with the black dude tbqh.
They moved into my 90% white suburban neighborhood after Obama and Castro expanded section 8 policies so they could obtain housing they couldn't afford. Next thing I knew, crime spiked tenfold, an old woman was mugged, tied up, thrown in a broom closet, and burglarized by two chimps. Two houses caught fire, 5 were broken in to, 7 cars were vandalized, and I no longer feel safe on my front porch anymore. Police presence has doubled, drug dealing has gone up, and numerous baggies of weed, handguns, and knives have been found scattered about. I have personally felt the impact of being forced to live with inner city thugs in my comfy neighborhood and I'm sick of it.
This is stupid. No matter what I say, when ASKED, they're still outrageous in their very verbal observations.
What a waste.
I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish here.
The #1 consumer of porn by far is men. The guys who watch cuck shit are the same kind of guys who watch bestiality and it turns them on seeing women being degraded. The obese whores who fuck niggers are a small problem but the porn industry is almost entirely built on the male market, it's not fair to blame women for that. Not to mention that blacks watch porn more than anyone and they all want to fuck white women, so there's a market for them too.
Went to school in the inner city. As soon as you step off campus it was ghetto. They ask you for money and when you give them a dollar they get mad. "How am I supposed to eat with a dollar?"
Every week emails warning students of robberies and assaults. Every single time it was male black.
That people who browse /fit/ are autistic insecure fat cunts
The sad thing is that living in a white suburban environment softens the men and they no longer have the instinct to drive out savages. It's really frustrating. In order to preserve peace you need men who did not grow up in peace. Those who did are unwilling to fight.
They openly and willingly adopt the iconography of evil.
Therefore I trust that how they self identify is their true nature.
Agreed. I'm going to make spot decisions based on their appearances in order to determine who is more likely to start something. People that dress like thugs in order to either be thugs or emulate them are going to be treated as suspect by me.
Because black men make up 6% of the population and are responsible for half the murders and half of violent crimes. Also, black women are loud at the DMV.
I don't fear black people so maybe it's caused by slavery and that's something I guess is typically American.
Being tall won't stop you from being stabbed or shot, or attacked by more than one. Ever actually been attacked? How are your muscles feeling? Loose? You ready to go?
Truth is most white people just aren't ready to fight whenever or wherever. We need to be raised to it. Sure, some drunk crackhead or overcompensating manlet tries something with you, you'll probably be fine, but if you think you're safe just because you're tall then you're delusional.
Racists project their insecurity and ignorant , fearful hatred on Blacks that is really what it comes down too , not much more.
Its like hanging out by a rabid dog. You don't know when its gonna bite you