Brazil hate thread?

Brazil hate thread.

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Some Brazil faggot just started dumping the same copy pasta with dick pics on Sup Forums

It's time for hate!!!

Did the mods just fuck off for the day? Is this like GG again where they're eventually going to sticky this Brazilian faggot?
I wish STI would re-open the chon. I hate this fucking place.

It's a coordinated effort by a bunch of monkeys. You can only post five threads per day or at a time.

Please burgers tell Drumpf to nuke us, it would be a favor to humanity

It may be a proxy. We are not that well coordinated.

Wtf is a Brazil

i like brazil though

A valid reason to hate them even more.

Please tell Temer to bomb the shit out of California first

theres 207 million of those monkeys
let that sink in.

Brazilians NatSoc are the worst civic nationalists you will ever find.

I got banned from a group from saying "niggers are subhuman", just fucking worthless, sorry portugal we are a failure, wipe out and start the experiment over again

Don't worry soon enough you guys will be just like us you just need a little bit more of multiculturalism


We don't have nukes in this Shithole

brazil is monocultural though. everyone is degenerate.

Come on dude...there are more reasons to hate us than a bunch of raging faggots shitposting. I'm offended.
There are no nukes on Brazil otherwise we would have nuked ourselfs already
....but why?

Send some qts first, this place is full of beaners!

this is why


If I was going to south America I would go to Argentina, Chile or Uruguay. Not the dangerous favela jungle pickpocketting shithole of huezil





True, but build that wall anyway

Hello my white brother.

they hate us cause they ain't us?

>southern cone is white
thats only a meme, lad


welp it's lunch time anyway


>An American who makes a hate tread about an other country.

Kek, don't you realize you live in the most hated country on earth?



That little creature will hunt me in my nightmares

t. pureblooded descendant of italian immigrants

What else could it be monkey brother?





Let's season this bitch.

>be american
>make a house from wood and paper
>shootout in your street
>die because a shot ripped through your house and killed fucking everyone


At least we live in a country

Native south Americans seem docile enough in any case. Not as bad as niggers or Muslims.

Holy shit

Not poor Danny.

>has a country with Hitler Mussolini
>still full of niggers

You deserve the H-Bomb

t. half german half italian

Fuck that's worse the ziriguidum one!

And that's why most brazilians don't go to the amazon states


>be brazillian
>be homeless in Favela
>shootout in your street
>die because local niggerlord bought a bazooka with the money his cousin playing in Tondela FC sent him from Portugal


>A "first world country" without universal healthcare or education, who has the highest murder rate in the western world.


ofc you're middle class...

good guess, but i dont pretend to be white

> I'm offended.

Good :)

Keked and checked

I never really noticed this thread before, but, Brazil hate thread? Fuck yeah. I'm in for some of that today. I was considering banning the flag with 4ChanX but "filter comment" makes sure the offending genetalia don't appear any more

Macaquinho para de odiar seu país porque você conseguiu fugir dele pra lavar prato nos eua ok?

Abraços gelados do seu vizinho ao norte.

>a literal non country

At least favela houses are made from Bricks and croncrete.
American houses are fire hazards by fucking defenition. HUEE

At least they are a country with a culture that is more than being Spain and Austria's bitch, plus shitskin footballers and comic books, Pierre Van Der Guey

t. Moortuguese nigger

Brazil is shit because you brought your nigger brothers from Africa here

Your language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish, it sounds pathetically disgusting and dumb, as soon as you teach portuguese to a child you make it impossible for his IQ to rise above 90, it is disgusting and you all sound like the fucking monkeys that you are, but even worst than portuguese from Portugal, is your retarded faggot accent, you Brazilian sub-human, people who haven't heard you chimpanzees won't understand, but your accent makes it sound like you're in complete shock and awe at everything you see, it makes any human being who is not a mulatto favela dwelling monkey like you want to rip their ears off, and let's not even talk about historical significance
Actually let's do it, there is no language more despicable than portuguese not only because it is an ugly and deformed version of Spanish, but also because it is completely fucking dull and nothing is respectable about it, NOBODY has ever written anything important or interesting in your insignificant language, if anyone wants to learn portuguese i only have 3 possible reasons i can come up with that would justify their decision:
1)They are mentally retarded
2)They want to be able to understand the half-breed Brazilians who will rape them and kill them when they go to any Brazilian shithole of a city
3)Or they want to read fucking 15th century maps,nothing else of significance was created in this ugly collection of guttural sounds
That's all that there is to your ugly stupid language, and just know, that you will live your entire life, speaking in that disgusting mistake of a tongue, and you should kill yourself because of it.

Vai-te foder, nelly Furtado! Ninguém gosta de Folhas Tugas!

O negrinho do pastoreio acredita que alvenaria é melhor que drywall, vai lá gado volta pro seu pasto.

Monkey leaf this country deserves it and you know it, cleaning dishes in America is way better than living here btw

This is why this country needs to be nuked

>Your language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish
The opposite is also true

>mexican flag
>calling brazilians monkeys

whatever faggot

I prefer living in a non country, rather then living in a country that is ruled by a court jester.

Quite true my friend,Have you ever had the horrible experience of listening to a nigger from the islands speak Spanish, is truly amazing how those niggers destroyed the language of Cervantes.




Eu a acho interessante ver brasileiros se denegrindo aqui, para receberem atenção de povos que eles consideram superiores. A síndrome de vira-latas é impressionante, e quem se denigre aqui é a mesma pessoa que dá fama de macaco ao restante dos brasileiros.
Vão se foder, seus vermes. Os outros países se zoam, mas percebe-se que eles têm amor às suas pátrias, ao contrário dos vira-latas daqui

At least we don't have transexual footballers Ronaldo...

I dare you come here, let's see how long you can take it before go running to the court jester, living in the first world makes you delusional about the third world

I wasn't talking about Brazil Thiago.

Volta pro seu DCE idiota útil.

Nacionalismo alemão feio, malvado e opressor
Nacionalismo brasileiro belo, moral e edificador.

1.5 million jobs made so far.
80% crackdown at the border.
Wall being built.
Companies coming back to country.
No trannies in the military.
No Muslim rapists due to travel ban.
Millions of shitskins being deported.
Finally about to wipe out the Taliban and Isis for good.

Are you mad that your country is getting worse while ours is getting better?

Cara para pvf, vc realmente tem orgulho de morar aqui? Ser brasileiro n significa merda nenhuma esse país é uma porra, para de tentar ficar imitando patriotismo americano

Edu bkrs, é vc?

Tem q matar essas praga d nacionalista br

>Eu a acho interessante ver brasileiros se denegrindo aqui, para receberem atenção de povos que eles consideram superiores

Prove que anons brasileiros se denigrem e prove que eles fazem isso pra receber atenção.

Patriotismo americano de cu é rola. Eles são retardados, e o que eu prego é perceber que temos um belo país. Ele tem salvação, mas não é um bando de macacos se denegrindo que vai ajudar a mudar isso

Keep telling those fairytales to yourself, while the rest of the world keeps laughing at you. All great empires get destroyed from within, but who would have ever taught that the "once so great USA" would be destroyed by literally a clown? kek

>Amor às suas pátrias


>Hating on the best country in the world
lmao, are you retarded?

Brazil is the greatest even with the turmoil. I'm never leaving this place and I'm willing to lose my life to defend my nation and our honor.

Ou ficar a pátria livre ou morrer pelo Brasil.

Cuck detectado. Ninguém liga se você é uma criancinha que bota a culpa no país pra todos os problemas na sua vida e pra todas as vezes que seu pai chorou no banho.

Bom, se não consegue ler as mensagens auto-depreciadoras aqui, então eu sugiro que estude interpretação de texto

tu contas com o ovo no cu da galinha

As usual, butthurt Mexiscum, and I'm pretty sure all the American flags ITT are also spics, think they can shit on Hueland as if their shithole is any better.

Go get beheaded by cartels, we don't give a shit about you. The only thing we know about Mexico is that you are all Burgerland cocksuckers.


Não, é o Leon aqui.

A Nilce tá do meu lado e mandou um beijo, disse que se você quiser vir passar uns dias aqui ela vai te mostrar como nossa cama de casal funciona bem.

Did you not even read my comment?

I think you have the downs Mr. Non-country.
We are the lion, and you're the hyena scavenger laughing away in the bushes. Laugh away retard, its time to MAGA

>mensagens auto-depreciadoras aqui

Isso é do teu ponto de vista, retardado.
E ainda mais tua impressão, é a afirmação de que é feito pra receber atenção dos povos superiores.

Existe uma grande diferença entre colocar a culpa da sua vida ser merda no país, e apontar as merdas do seu país

Who lives on that favela? Niggers
Who brought niggers here? You did.

Soon, Bolsomito will be elected president, and he'll send all of them back to Africa where they belong, and make Portugal pay for the repatriations.

Anyone remember these little Brazilean niggers?

Mas é, macaco.
>>por favor, olhem, eu estou me cortando aqui. Hahahah.
>>olha como meus país é ruim, venham rir de mim!

the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves will be superpower 2050 screencap this