
Other urls found in this thread:


spread this


i will, help me

Low effort, looks shitty

>that when

fucking proofread your shit, dumbass

cool if true

wasn't me

Try harder newb

Antifa is a peice of shit

genius idea user. welcome to Antifa+

kill yourself shameless kike, how dare you call other people kike, when you are clearly the kike

+the low quality only gives it more credibility because lefties cant meme, is this where a right wing false flag, the graphics quality of the meme would be perfect


This has potential


my thoughts exactly, simple facebook style shit


Why did I read #Antifarapes as "Anti-Fart Rapes"?


yer special and thats p e r f e c t l y f i n e

GAB would be the PERFECT place for this to proliferate

Truth those betas will rape any woman that they can smell because they are all dysgenic drug addicts

Why don't you spread the solid fact that Antifa is run by NAMBLA-types?

The mouth-frothing rage comes from the fact they want to legalize child abuse. I still don't get why the fuck you guys haven't capitalized on this when it's proven.

people don't take dailycaller seriously enough, and almost all social media throttle zerohedge links but it's worth a shot

this explains their fascination with radical islam...they both love rape.

my mama says i'm handsome too!

You guys are literally using nazi tactics, then you want people to not think you're nazis? Ha. Pathetic. All this is going to do is turn people against the alt right once again because this thread will just be pointed to to show who originally started this. Good job morons. Keep hurting your cause. You people are too stupid to be in a movement.

It's the same fags as Occupy and that was basically a huge all-you-can-rape buffet.

I'd tell you to get better at shilling but you're clearly hopeless.

The difference is we do this for shits and giggles, (((you))) to undermine everyone who does not agree with commies.

Stop raping women


This kind of shit has been happening for DECADES in the ultra left commie scene.

I know more than a few so called "liberals" who are only in this movement for the easy angry tail.

But once the revolution is complete they won't be needed