Damn...this really made me think

Damn...this really made me think...


what point are they making? they only supply foreign shit?

>we don't want foreigners flooding in and taking over

And lefties wonder why everyone finds them condescending asshats.

Wow a few less globacorp brands to indulge myself in, really makes me want my race to be destroyed instead

It's not even ''muh foreigners''. Just keep Muslims and niggers out.
If these idiots pulled the same shit with Muslims and nigger products nothing would disappear from the shelves.
>heh, you don't like niggers and muslims, let me pull Italian pasta from the shelves, have you changed your mind yet haha ? :^)

Doesn't this only create a concern that Germany doesn't produce anything then? Why are people going there if they cannot even produce their own food, and expect to obtain food from other countries?

Do they really think this stunt will do anything but further degrade Germany as a nation of lazy people who only eat others food?

Also that they don't know how to run a business.

What it truly shows is that the German leftists don't see any difference between European countries and Nigeria. They're literally calling Europeans niggers and sand niggers.

People from the whole political spectrum have ridiculed them for this "stunt". It's so idiotic, even most of the braindead left realize that.

Someone should set up a stall outside selling locally produced goods.

>If you remove the foreign element, we won't be able to make money


>groceries will rape our daughters

This is a fairly common lefty trend, of equating free trade with free immigration. If you don't want your culture being destroyed by masses of foreign Muslims, then you can't enjoy products made abroad. False equivalence.

why the fuck is a goddamn grocer of all institutions making a political statement?
why is everything in Germany retarded?

>people trade things

Hmm good job Germany. You're finally beginning to grasp the new concept of "society", ypire only about 15,000 years behind the rest of us but hey... good job.
You need to get with the whole national preservation thing. You had a go at it between 1939 and 1945 but you need to reexamine that concept.

It's a grocery store in Hamburg, which is a leftist stronghold. They were trying to appeal to all the braindead lefties there.

6 million years of brainwashing

if u import there food u must import there rape bigot

You don't want turks and afrikangz? I assume you don't want french cheese as well lol ^^^^

Trading products=/= trading people

...Or a country. Its so tiresome really.


Well i guess if Foreigners produce so much and we in the West have nothing, then they dont need to come here

How did people support themselves before globalisation?

Of course it does, look at the british empire before WW1when they had tea from India, silk from China, coffee from south america and of course a lot of diversi... wait a minute...
Pre WW1 was even more globalized that today and yet all european countries were all 100% white, now that is making me think really hard

>be against immigration
>"heh well good luck enjoying their delicious food without them"

It's called trade

It made you think???

>Implying that the most productive country in the world can not produce all of those shitty products by themselfs...

>can't feed yourselves without imports
Hahahahahahahaha surely that will only turn out well.

wtf i hate foreign food now

Stop buying food imported from Africa.

>when you want to show people how important races are so you remove all products that are produced by other races but then u realize that you dont sell cotton so you decide to remove products from other nations instead that are all produced by the same race as you but all you are doing is proving how completely dependent your country is on exporting money in exchange for someone else's goods cause your infrastructure is completely useless but at least we have 6 million cubicles

Trading stuff is cool. It their shitty fucking culture they can keep.

Why don't Germans eat German food anymore?

I already eat without foreign food mostly.

Because German food is disgusting.

sauerkraut is quite good

Yes, i really hate those French, Swiss and Italian subhumans. They are causing all the problems with their culinary culture.

It really isn't.

I like German food and I have a hard time getting good stuff here. Granted I like pickled stuff so to each their own.

Now people can shop and buy american without these goddamn foreign goods taking american food slots.

So they took stuff from Europe out also. Wow they missed the fucking point.

Sorry that its not spicy enough for you Mehmet

what's wrong with potatoes?

t. an irish man

>you have food from other countries so you must also take in 3rd worlders that will rape your women and children and then ask for you to pay for them

Most of the stuff you will find in stores is made in EU or Europe. Arabs and niggers don't produce much that is worth mentioning.
It's always the same, like it doesn't matter where you are from, they are essentially arguing a strawman. Nobody goes onto the streets to keep Spaniards or Austrians out.

That if we don't have mass immigration, we'll have communism, apparently.

indian american nigger food. It also has starch, not good for the digestion system of white men. Would rather avoid.

Potatoes were introduced to the Irish diet after the 1500s.
Potatoes became popular because of the work to calorie content. An Irish farmer could produce 1000's of calories of food with a small plot of land and very little maintenance. This enabled them to feed themselves while spending all of their time working the fields of their owners.
If you have space to garden try growing potatoes. No work and huge output.

Because all that wurst is racist against muslims.

Oh fuug :DDD

Wheres my monkey soup aayyy

>The salad bar in the supermarket had a sign saying “our selection knows borders today”, leaving customers unable to buy tomatoes from Spain or olives from Greece.

Am I missing something? How is banning food from predominantly white countries into a predominantly white country, showing the effects of racism??



Pretty sure Africa does not export food. At least now that they killed all the farmers.

Something is wrong with the system if you import 99% of your food

>leftist stronghold
Please do tell me which part of your country isn't a leftist stronghold?


That's the joke, most of it isn't imported, just not originally german.

>remove all food from market shelves

Communism simulator 2017

>supermarkets buy cheap from other countries and price hike for german consumers

So their profit margin is somehow moral? Its a shame a german producer organisation wasnt able to capitalise on this stunt by informing people that they could buy just about all that food from german sources.

"They have previously released a John Lewis-style tearjerking Christmas commercial that featured a grandfather eating Christmas dinner all alone as none of his busy children could come over.

The advert shows him faking his own death, prompting his shocked children to visit and finding a dining room table full of food waiting for them, with their elderly father alive and well."

Is this considered good advertising in germany?

>food analogy
>comparing people to food
We cannibalism now

holy fuck it's beyond cringe, it calls for a genocide of the pathetic German race.

Actually this looks like a socialist country.
Just like Venezuela for example.

Ho much of it as from France and Poland

Everybody though that genocide on jews would earn us a better rep.

Eastern Germany, Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, some parts of NRW, everywhere outside the big cities

Wow germany, you guys are so tolerant. I'm glad that you are rulling europe. But we don't forget the 6 billion so watch out.


>the state of germany right now

This is completely and utterly unrelated to wanting exploitative migrants in your country, or forming generalizations against groups (racism).

Trade has occurred between countries for thousands of years.

>Being anti-mass-rapist immigration means being anti-trade

Really gets my walnuts crackin

Don't worry. The moment we remove all Germans this country will improve.

How the fuck is export/import of PRODUCTS an argument that you can apply on human beings? Jesus Christ, leftists really are mentally challenged

>foreign food is just like foreign people

The difference is that when you eat foreign people they import them less.

Also, I really love the part where all food experts and health advisers will tell you to eat the same food your grandparents ate, and buy locally-produced food.

Thank you, grocery store, for taking actions for the health benefit of Germany!

I can' t remember when I last bought syrian apples. Thank you for reminding me, Edefuck.

>Debnt land

>If these idiots pulled the same shit with Muslims and nigger products nothing would disappear from the shelves.


ive heard a similar discussion a few years ago.

As i understand it... the "racists" dont want to end doing business with other nations. Both buying and selling because no nation can be completely self sufficient.

They just want to secure a future for white people. Not giving a shit what happens in other nations that arent white, but continuing business. We wont stop buying overseas, neither will we stop selling our products.

We just want our white peoples future secure in OUR nation.

A racist country in america... a racist country in korea, a racist country in zimbabwe, everywhere nations that focus on their own people. Theres no need to stop business, but a love and respect for your people is essential.

This is white genocide.

They should deport all foreigners for a month to REALLY show germans what life is like without diversity!

The muh feels generation has entered media, so unfortunately: yes.

Why is it that these fucking people are so stupid and purposely misrepresent arguments.

Free, open, and mutual trade amongst countries does NOT necessitate mass immigration amongst those countries. How is this difficult to grasp?

>As i understand it... the "racists" dont want to end doing business with other nations.

This. You think I want to stop trading Egyptian Cotton because I don't like their culture? That doesn't make any sense. They have their own places, they have their own people, and I can respect their own ways of doing things. Just do them over there and I'll be me over here.

That doesn't mean I hate you, but do I want you living in my house?

pretty stupid of them, we don't hate foreign products or foreigners per se, we hate their downtrodden third world people coming to our countries by the thousands to live here for gibs, taking their inferior culture and in some cases in bred genetics with them

importing spices from the middle east is not the same as importing 500,000 18-35 year old arab men

Good job kraut, so tolerant!

yeah exactly this is beyond levels of retarded

>shop local they said
>it's good for your local economy they said
>they don't sell local goods because they want to source as cheaply as possible to maximize personal profit and avoid taxes, paying a living wage, and benefits

I love that food is one of the two things they can think of to show how great multiculturalism is. Like we can't fucking import food or music and have to stop listening to/eating it because we're "racist".

Excuse me but sorry you're a Nazi and you want every person in every other country dead, okay?

>nationalism = absolute economic isolationism
Whew. This doesn't even hit the level of sophistry.

They wish it was 'only' 500,000

>So empty is a shelf without foreigners?


I know you're being facetious but I really cannot believe people actually think this. People really think Hitler wanted an 'all blue eyed blond haired super race and to take over the world' when he himself wasn't blond haired blue eyed, nor were most germans, and the fact that he allied with Italians and Japanese. At most he wanted to take over Europe, and if he really did want a 'super race' of people to take over the world, why wasn't he running into Africa or Asia and genociding people there for not being white?

They didn't. Its all a lie. The farmers were importing Pokki on the DL.

What point are they trying to make here?

that's why you need the foreigners back at their foreign countries, making the produce, duh

they're not doing anything here

>Japan built its wealth nearly solely on trading
>Japan is 98% ethnic Japanese

Checkmate, krauttard

Doesn't this prove that germany sucks balls and they just made themselves look even worse?