Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Schande Editon

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"


>AfD's Fundraiser
MEME JIHAD mindset: (mandatory watching)

>Anne Will complete show from sunday with Alice Weidel


>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

Defend Europe press conference

>Meme Merkel == Schulz
MSM is shilling for Schulz to distract voters; main goal is to dissuade people from voting either
>create memes and gather lurkers
>Offline meme warfare
>Subvert and demoralise leftie "activists"
Collect ideas for stickers, posters, wearable, etc...
>Alternative media
Create youtube and facebook videos
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz faggots / demoralisers

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal

Other urls found in this thread:

Germany is cucked beyond saving.
Mergel will be reelected with a vast majority and the only opposition she has is a complete leftist.


Everyone who doesn't vote AFD in the upcoming election doesn't deserve to breathe

15% let's get it Krautis



This is quite interesting and counters the hurr durr AfD voter are poor and stupid meme.

More like 51%.

Maybe in 10-15 years

Mind giving us a quick rundown of your parties, hans?

Or maybe fucking NOW.

Even Fora gives the AfD 9% that means 12-15% are realistic.

Merkels party. Till the late 90s a center-center-right party, nowdays center-left

A mix between socialists and center-left

>Die Linke
Literally commies fromer DDR party

Environment lefties

Liberal cucks

Our last hope, similar to Trump

Zieh leine

FDP- The Rich
SPD- Merkels Dog
CDU/CSU- Pro-Europa Anti-Germany
B90- Green Party
Die Linke- SJW
AFD- Pro-Germany
Piraten- AntiFa
NPD- Nazi Party

Can somebody enlighten me about Frauke Petrys actual role right now.

She is still head of the party with Meuthen together

Won't be enough Germans then for the AfD to win, if things keep going like this.
What will it take for your people to wake up in time?

Well, I'm Iranian and I'm most definitely going to elect AfD.

>What will it take for your people to wake up in time?
Time. Germans aren't known for quick changes




German women want Merkel to win.


He is kinda right

>Grundsätzlich neigen Frauen eher zu SPD, Union und besonders Grün

Why having you launched Operation Sea Lion 2.0 yet? What are you waiting for? Liberate me from the Anglos already.

First we will reclaim Danzig

Ok, hurry up

Why is no Party talking about destroying the Auto Corporations and banks in Germany?

>Auto Corporations
not yet. Don't want to get "liberated" again.

>destroy two of the most important industries in Germany

you fucking joking right?
Spend 5 minutes and go down the rabbit hole.
The second most powerful group in Europe and no one cares about them ruling and manipulating everything.

she is indeed a shame, such an ugly layout and use of typo from a "graphic designer". i bet she does "webdesign" too. fuck you melanie, you incompetent hartz4-slut

>painted on eyebrows
>graphics designer and driving down wages for men instead of making children
>can't even into German ("heisst")

Yes, you are a disgrace.

Gotta agree. Too bad even many Germans here on Sup Forums are too retarded and won't do it.

Also reminds me of Austriacucks.

>ridiculous eyebrows
>disgusting low class fingernails
>fake blonde hair
She is a disgrace

t. Virgins

be my first, hans

Nah I think I will pass

Orwellzeit, the Youtuber who made a video on race that could have become the most viewed race realism video on the entire internet, is back
in the second video he meets some shitskins at night and tells them that this is his country not theirs

(((merkel))) abschaffen

>You must worship every woman who glances in your direction or you're a virgin neckbeard loser
t. beta cuck

how accurate is this, Sup Forums?

Pretty accurate

Stay mad

>First we will reclaim Memel
ftfy, Hans. We have to take back what was robbed from us after WWI.


I know, Fritz, I know. There is always a small tear running down my cheek when I see it.

better map.

That party is lead by a lesbian former Goldman Sachs Banker which doesnt even pay taxes in Germany
Fuck the AFD

> implying you are capable of carrying out any foreign expeditions when your cities have been taken over by sandnogs

Schleswig-Holstein is rightful Danish clay

German women (66 percent) want Merkel and want open borders. They are the majority of the electorate and there is nothing you can do.


Let the retarded nord-cucks sort their mess out themselves.

Delete this

What would you vote then?
ADD is the best Option.

Die Linke um ehrlich zu sein.
Ja, Ja ich weiß Kommunisten und shit aber die heutige Linke steht eher für eine altmodische Sozialdemokratische Partei und die SPD unter Lafontaine war eher gegen Immigration um die deutschen Arbeiter zu schützen.
Also wenn es eine Partei gibt der ich es zutraue die Flüchtlingskrise zu bewältigen, dann ist es die Linkspartei.


Better dead than red!

german is funny looking and sounding

12 years isn't enough?

Things aren't bad enough yet

the complete leftist is the redpilled "choice "
might as well speed up the german revolt , instead of dragging it out with m*rkel

>this bait post

Who the hell cares? After 70 years of communism I wouldn't even touch east prussia with a ten foot pole


Ich werde meinen Wahlzettel wie jedes Jahr leer in die Urne werfen.

I worked at the Kinder-und Jugendrat and there are practicly all voting die Linke or B90. I had a dialog with all Partys (except not AFD and NPD).Both of them would Close down Sup Forums on any given opertunity. Ther only good point there have, is the legalisation of cannabis. But i already grow on my own.
I had my First dialog with the AFD, was when i got kiked out from the KJR. It was a nice dialog, what i did Not expected.

Dont do it.

Du musst nach Hause, Achmed

Add this to the OP

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

The party that is filled with T*rks and whiny kids who never worked a day in their life and who scream "Deutschland verrecke"? Good choice

The AfD does

Dieses Land ist sowieso schon viel zu tief in der Scheiße. Den kann ich genauso gut benutzen, um meinen Hintern mit abzuwischen. Wir haben keine Hoffnung mehr, aber Europa selbst ist noch nicht untergegangen.

> "Iran literally means Land of Aryans in Persian language."
>not wanting to be völkisch too


Die wahre Lösung liegt südlich von euch

Lol take a closer look to eastern germany. No sane taxpayer ever would support a second Solidarpakt

Reality is tough

Schandmal für Merkel, wann?

I mean, you could just not vote, instead of giving an empty vote.

gib Staatsbürgerschaft

RIP Lelmany. Mama Merkel will win.

Technically, even making an invalid vote would have more impact than not voting at all and thus supporting the winning party.

t. Melanie, 21, Unterschicht

how so
I just googled it and it says it makes no difference whatsoever

Makes no Difference.

>no one post the thread theme yet

>Das Erste
this shit is payed with my taxes

Payed with GEZ not Taxes.

sad but true, in the end nothing changes

Please no Lügenpresse content

Same thing different name

Und wie immer 0% Substanz in den Kommentaren von den Jungvolkmassen.

Das Land geht so oder so den Bach runter.

Die Kommentare sind wirklich erschreckend.